C Support
Janaff: Ho! You there! Halt!
Shinon: …
Janaff: Hey, did you hear me? I said halt!
Shinon: Who are you?
Janaff: I’ll ask the questions, thanks. Hmmm… I haven’t seen your face around here before. Are you a new recruit? State your name and unit.
Shinon: I don’t have time to answer questions from ignorant half-breeds.
Janaff: W-what? What did you call me!? Hey! I’m talking to you, jerk!
Shinon: Say that again… Go ahead. It’ll be the last thing you ever say.
Janaff: I’m not afraid of you, human! Crossing me is the worst decision you’ll ever make.
Shinon: …
Janaff: …
Shinon: You’re lucky, half-breed. I’ll let you go this time.
Janaff: Pah! It’s me who’s letting you go. And don’t forget it, human!
B Support
Shinon: Oh, look, it’s the half-breed birdbrain. What a pleasant surprise. Peck anyone lately?
Janaff: Don’t start with me, you human jerk.
Shinon: I hear you’re a bodyguard for the king of Phoenicis. Not a bad gig… considering how scrawny you are.
Janaff: I hear you knew Greil for ages. They say he betrayed his men and aided Daein before fleeing to Crimea.
Shinon: Are you calling him a traitor?! Dastard! You’ll die for that! No… I’m not going to do this. I’m a true mercenary. I’m won’t give you the satisfaction of a free fight.
Janaff: …I don’t get you, human. You have no clan and no master… What are you fighting for?
Shinon: I fight to live. That’s all. Doesn’t everyone? It’s not like people kill each other for fun.
Janaff: You don’t?
Shinon: What?
Janaff: You don’t kill for fun? You don’t enjoy it?
Shinon: No. Why, do you?
Janaff: I thought you humans…liked to kill. That’s why you make weapons. Why you hunt animals for sport.
Shinon: Ha! We make weapons to protect ourselves from you half-breeds! Only wealthy bluestockings with too much time on their hands hunt for sport!
Janaff: …
Shinon: Man, what an idiot…
Janaff: Wait! I have more questions! Rrrr! Human jerk!
A Support
Janaff: Oh. There you are.
Shinon: …
Janaff: Shinon, right? Do you have a moment?
Shinon: Huh? Oh, it’s the half-breed birdbrain! Life is full of surprises, and not all of them are the good kind.
Janaff: Don’t lash out at me, you huma… Er… I’m sorry about the other day.
Shinon: Y-you’re what?
Janaff: I misunderstood the beorc. I thought all beorcs liked killing, and that we could never learn to live with one another.
Shinon: Why did you join Ike’s army if you feel that way? Did the king order it?
Janaff: No. The relationship with our king is not one-sided like that. If we do not deem the king’s orders to be right and just, we will not obey them.
Shinon: Then why did you join?
Janaff: Commander Ike saved one of my friends in Serenes. Though my first duty is always as Prince Reyson’s bodyguard, I also hope to return the favor. I trust the commander. I…like him.
Shinon: Ha! At least someone does.
Janaff: Hm?
Shinon: I’ve always hated Ike. He gets everything handed to him and takes it all for granted.
Janaff: But that’s not his fault, is it? One can’t decide their parentage.
Shinon: …Nah, I suppose it’s not his fault. But you know what? It’s my choice to feel this way, so I’ll keep doing it.
Janaff: Heh. You’ve got that right.
Shinon: Wait, wait. Why am I talking about this stuff with you?
Janaff: You know what, Shinon? You kind of… You remind me of me when I was young.
Shinon: Huh?
Janaff: I used to be quite the daredevil before I grew into adulthood. Nothing ever seemed to please me.
Shinon: How old are you, anyway?
Janaff: I’m a bit over 110 years old.
Shinon: Wha–?! You half-br…you guys must have a different way of counting than us humans.
Janaff: Don’t spring, summer, fall, and winter make a year in your calendar, too?
Shinon: So if I’m twenty-seven, you must be at least…eighty-five years older than me!
Janaff: Indeed. So give me some respect, you young pup. If you run into trouble in the future, come see me. I’ll give you the kind of advice that only an elder can give.
Shinon: Oh, hey! Hold on! Um…tell me more about your life. You’ve seen a lot, you know?