C Support
Tormod: Hey, you! You were with us during the attack the other day, right?
Sothe: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Tormod: No, I remember you! I saw you shanking enemy soldiers with that tiny little blade of yours. You were amazing! By the way, did you know we’re almost the same age? Oh, sorry… I’m Tormod. I may not look like it, but I’m pretty much the most dangerous mage around.
Sothe: …
Tormod: And you are?
Sothe: Sothe.
Tormod: It’s nice to meet you, Sothe! By the way, why are you working as a mercenary with this army?
Sothe: You don’t need to know that.
Tormod: Hey! What’s with you?! No need to be rude!
B Support
Tormod: Hello, Sothe!
Sothe: …
Tormod: I was thinking… We’re both lethal mercenaries and we’re both about the same age, so we should be friends!
Sothe: I don’t think so.
Tormod: No? Well, you can say that, but I’m still going to be your friend. You’ll see!
Sothe: You’re insane.
Tormod: Yeah…? Well…maybe I am! But it’s not like being my friend is going to hurt you!
A Support
[Part 1]
Tormod: Hello, friend.
Sothe: Give it up. We’re not friends.
Tormod: You’re going to be my friend whether you like or not.
[Part 2 (Muarim is alive)]
Sothe: Why are you so determined?
Tormod: It’s Muarim.
Sothe: Muarim? You mean that tiger? What about him?
Tormod: Well, he looks sad every time I see him… He thinks it’s his fault that I don’t have any beorc friends. That’s why I wanted you to be my friend–to make him feel better.
Sothe: You should have said as much. Then I wouldn’t have thought you were crazy.
Tormod: That changes things?
Sothe: Sure.
Tormod: Why?
Sothe: He’s like a father to you. I understand why you don’t want to cause him grief. I also have…someone…who is like a parent to me.
[Part 2 (Muarim died)]
Sothe: Why are you so determined to be my friend?
Tormod: It’s Muarim.
Sothe: Muarim? You mean that tiger? What about him?
Tormod: Well, back when he was alive, he used to worry about me not having any beorc friends. That’s why I wanted you to be my friend–to honor his memory.
Sothe: You should have said as much. Then I wouldn’t have thought you were crazy.
Tormod: That changes things?
Sothe: Sure.
Tormod: Why?
Sothe: He was like a father to you. I understand why you wouldn’t want his spirit to worry. I also have…someone…who is like a parent to me.
[Part 3]
Tormod: Oh, I get it! Hey, you grew up a lot like me, then! We’re going to be best friends forever!
Sothe: Er…well… We’ll talk. Sometimes. But don’t get the idea that we’re best friends!
Tormod: Why? We have so much in common!
Sothe: No offense, Tormod, but thieves are loners. I can’t have you tagging along, snapping twigs and making lots of noise!