C Support
Largo: That’s strange…
Tauroneo: …
Largo: Hey, Tauroneo!
Tauroneo: Hmm?
Largo: Don’t you think this army is a little odd? I mean, heck! It’s not every day that you see soldiers from this many countries all mixed into one army. I’ve traveled and fought in a lot of strange places, but this is the first time I’ve seen anything quite like this.
Tauroneo: You’re right. There are even former Daein soldiers in this army. There is no shortage of nationalities, to be sure.
Largo: My favorite part about it is we get to sample all kinds of exotic dishes. Gwa! I’ve never snacked so well in my life.
Tauroneo: What are you holding?
Largo: This quill? Oh, I use it to jot down ideas so I won’t forget them later. If I don’t, I just completely forget them! But back to food… I’ve noticed that the laguz sure like their food spicy! And now they’ve started drinking with us! Bwaa ha ha! That’s great! By the way, what’s your drink of choice?
Tauroneo: Drinks? I’m not picky. The stronger the better!
Largo: And flavor?
Tauroneo: Doesn’t matter.
Largo: Bwaaaa ha ha haaaa!! I like your answer! I better write that down so I don’t forget.
B Support
Largo: Hmmmm…
Tauroneo: …
Largo: Ahhhh… Er… Naaaaaahhh…
Tauroneo: Is something wrong?
Largo: Hmmm? Oh, it’s you.
Tauroneo: You’ve done nothing but stare at that piece of paper for hours. Are you crazy, man?
Largo: Oh, you have a point… Crazy… Craaaazy… You may be onto something. I’ll have to write that down. But it’ll have to wait until later. I can’t think about two things at the same time.
Tauroneo: You can’t? Well, what are you thinking about now?
Largo: I’m saving up the money I make here to open my own little place. I’m thinkin’ a pub would be nice… Is that a good idea?
Tauroneo: A pub? Yes, pubs are nice. Will you make savory meat pies? With buttery crusts?
Largo: Savory! Oh, yeah. They’ll be the savoriest! They’ll make your head explode! …I don’t want my customers dropping dead, though… I want everyone to be happy. Hmmm… Hey, people like butter, right? There’ll be free sticks of butter on every table!
Tauroneo: That’s a great dream. Where are you going to open your place?
Largo: Well, uh…it may not look like it, but I’m actually from Begnion. So I’ll probably open my pub back home. But from what I hear, Crimea and Daein are nice places, too… This is going to be a hard choice…
Tauroneo: …Do you want me to help you with the pub?
Largo: Oh, yeah! That would be great! Two people can think about two things at once. That will help for sure. All right, so we’ll have savory meat pies… But what about the rest of the menu?
A Support
Largo: Hmmm… That’s not it. That’s no good, either…
Tauroneo: Are you thinking about your pub again?
Largo: Hey, Tauroneo! Can you dish me up some more of your good advice?
Tauroneo: Glad to.
Largo: I’m trying to come up with a name for my pub.
Tauroneo: What do you have so far?
Largo: How about “Savory Pies And Stuff”?
Tauroneo: Hmmm. It’s a bit…odd.
Largo: Maybe you’re right. Let me think… I want this to be a pub where both beorc and laguz can walk on in, get a meat pie and a frosty beverage, and be happy. So how about we name it the “All You Beorc And Laguz Come On Down And Get Yourself A Meat Pie Pub”!
Tauroneo: That’s a little long.
Largo: No good, eh? Nuts. What am I gonna do? I’m no good at thinking up stuff like this.
Tauroneo: Maybe you’re trying too hard. How about naming it after something you think is important?
Largo: Hey, yeah! I’ll call it “Calill.” She’s always been my favorite.
Tauroneo: Naming it after an old flame, eh? I say go with that. I’ll be sure to drop in for a pie and a brew when you open your place.
Largo: You better! I’ll have your favorite drink waiting for you! Your favorite drink is… Wait, I know this… I wrote it down somewhere… Oh, here it is… Strong!
Tauroneo: Yep.
Largo: Bwaaa ha ha haaaa!!! Leave it to me!