C Support
Tormod: Excuse me, ma’am?
Calill: …
Tormod: Um… Excuse me, Calill?
Calill: Hmph! I won’t answer unless you call me… A lady. A pretty lady!
Tormod: Nuts to that!
Calill: Well then, you can just forget it. I won’t waste my time teaching magic to a brat like you.
Tormod: Hey, pretty lady! Beautiful lady? Would you please teach me magic?
Calill: What a selfish brat! What about the spells I taught you last week? I won’t teach you anything new until you’ve mastered those.
Tormod: Those? Pshaw! I aced them! Heck, I aced everything in this book! I’m a magic genius!
Calill: Boastfulness does not become you, dear. And your brash tongue won’t make me teach you any faster.
Tormod: Yeah? I’ll show you! Um… I mean… Can you make sure I’m doing them right? Please? Pretty lady?
Calill: Fine, fine. Show me what you can do. Sigh… So much work and so little time…
B Support
Calill: Oh, my heavens! Tormod! Aaaah! Enough! That’s enough! We’re done for today.
Tormod: Oh, come on! Teach me more magic! I won’t catch the drapes on fire again, I promise!
Calill: No way! By the goddess, I’ll be lucky to get out of here with my eyebrows still affixed to my forehead.
Tormod: But I can do better! I know it! I already learned fire, thunder, and wind!
Calill: Yes, yes, I’ll admit that you’re a quick learner. And, truth be told, you have a lot of raw talent.
Tormod: Yeah, I knew it!
Calill: But you lack discipline! You’re impatient. And rash. You can learn new spells all day, but you won’t truly master any of them until you know each one intimately.
Tormod: You’re just mad because I’m more talented than you! You don’t want me to learn anything because you know I’m the best!
Calill: Oh, why did I ever agree to this… Now listen here, child. And listen well. If you keep up this half-baked spell casting, you’re going to have a serious accident someday.
Tormod: An accident?
Calill: Magic doesn’t react well when miscast. I’ve seen fingers get blown off… And you’ll be lucky if it’s just a finger! Sometimes it’s an arm or a leg… And in really unfortunate cases, it can take a life!
Tormod: Heck! I’m not afraid!
Calill: I didn’t say YOUR fingers or YOUR life!
Tormod: What? You?
Calill: Me, Commander Ike, anyone! We can’t afford to have you overshoot our enemies and rain death down on us instead!
Tormod: …
Calill: Tormod, magic is unlike any other weapon. It does not forgive. If you lose concentration… If you hesitate… If you fail to respect it… People will die. Friends…will die.
Tormod: I’m sorry.
Calill: Then study the basics. After all, you don’t want to be a burden to your friends do you?
Tormod: No!
A Support
Tormod: Hey, pretty lady! What do you think of my magic now?
Calill: Hmm, let’s see…
Tormod: Yeah?
Calill: You’ve worked very hard. I have nothing more to teach you.
Tormod: Whooo-hoo! Now I’m a mage, too!
Calill: Yes, I suppose you could say that. You have inspired me, Tormod. Your passion makes me want to study more of the arcane arts. I think I’ll start learning magic again.
Tormod: What? Are there still things that you need to learn?
Calill: Ha ha ha! Oh, Tormod. I have only shown you the tip of the magical iceberg. Anyone can learn that much with hard work and practice. Maybe not as quickly as you, but… Whether you can go further, however, depends on your own essence.
Tormod: My essence?
Calill: The abilities that you were born with… or lack. Having a certain essence is the key to mastering magic.
Tormod: Wh-what do you think? Do I have a magical essence?
Calill: Sorry, Tormod. But you and I, we’re nothing special. Some talent, yes. But not the true essence.
Tormod: Then…this is it? This is as far as I’ll go? I can’t be the world’s mightiest mage, no matter how hard I try?
Calill: Well, there is a way to improve magical abilites beyond one’s essence, but… even that has limits. And a price.
Tormod: What kind of way?
Calill: You let a spirit come into your body. It’s called Spirit Charming.
Tormod: That sounds crazy!
Calill: Some would say so. Magic comes from these spirits–from their interactions with the natural world. If you take that power into your body, your magic will see a dramatic and powerful improvement. In plain language, you turn your body into bait. You get better magic, and the spirit gets…you.
Tormod: W-what? It…it EATS you?
Calill: As I understand it…the spirit will slowly consume your soul in exchange for essence. So I suggest you not make such a bargain unless you’re absolutely prepared.
Tormod: Who would do such a thing?
Calill: Oh, there are many people… I’m sure the intelligence officer of this mercenary group is one of them.
Tormod: You mean that Soren fellow?
Calill: You know the mark on his forehead? That’s what happens when you cut a deal with a spirit.
Tormod: Are you serious? Wait, I’ve seen those marks before! The old man in the desert who taught me magic had one on the palm!
Calill: Many magic users in Begnion and Daein hide such marks. They fear being confused with the Branded.
Tormod: Branded? What’s that?
Calill: Never mind that! Just listen to me. Don’t cut deals with spirits. The price is too steep.
Tormod: But I want to be strong! I want–
Calill: You can still improve your magic without making such a bargain. Look, we’re both nobodies in the big scheme of things. Let’s just try to help each other out.
Tormod: Oh…all right. I’ll work hard to be the most average mage I can be!
Calill: Ha ha ha! Now you’re talking!!