Credits: Jhwang, Maverick, Matthew Fontaine, Arthur Bobbio, Andrew Laposki, Mark Q, hihina, Jaime Garcia, Elite Lord Sigma, Caleb
Micaiah vs Yuma
Yuma: You are the dark god made flesh! The source of all evil!
Micaiah: Don’t speak that way about Yune! She’s not a dark god!
Sanaki vs Yuma
Yuma: Death to the false apostle! Show her the punishment for her wicked, deceitful acts!
Sanaki: I…I have not deceived you! I am the true… I am the true apostle…
Skrimir vs Yuma
Yuma: Death to the filthy sub-humans! Despicable, rabid beasts!
Skrimir: Yes! Feed my rage! Make me hate you. Give me reason to crush your bones in my jaws…
Naesala vs Yuma
Yuma: Black-winged demon, eater of carrion! Prepare to receive the goddess’s judgment!
Naesala: Hmm…how colorful.
Sigrun vs Yuma
Yuma: The dark god breeds foul corruption through the words of its false apostle! Her soul is a blackened, withered husk, and we shall banish it from this world!
Sigrun: As long as I draw breath, you will not lay hands on Apostle Sanaki.
Tanith vs Yuma
Yuma: Traitorous knight of the false apostle! Prepare to be cleansed!
Tanith: Oathbreakers! You are servants of the empire and the apostle! The Holy Knights will teach you the meaning of loyalty.
Others vs Yuma
Yuma: Die! Die!
Yuma defeated
Yuma: How…could this have happened? How could betrayers of the goddess’s word defeat her appointed champions?
Chapter 1
Ike vs Catalena
Catalena: Pawns of your execrable goddess, die! You are a festering wound in the flesh of the world! Die, and let it heal!
Ike: I suppose talking it over is out of the question?
Others vs Catalena
Catalena: Unclean souls, your executioner awaits! Repent, before your vile sins pour out of your black hearts and consume you!
Catalena defeated
Catalena: Death? But my work is not yet…complete…
Chapter 2
Tibarn vs Valtome
Valtome: Zelgius… Where is Zelgius?! Do you think you can hide him? That man…must be…uwee hee hee…punished!
Tibarn: Sorry to disappoint you, but Zelgius is my prey. There’s no chance I’m passing him on to the likes of you.
Elincia vs Valtome
Valtome: Ah, there you are, Queen of Hayseeds! I look forward to scraping you off my immaculate nails! Uwee hee hee hee!
Elincia: Lord Valtome, I desire no battle with you. Withdraw your troops immediately. If you do so, no more lives will be lost.
Valtome: Uwee hee…uwee hee hee… Are you touched as well as homely? I offer YOU the chance to surrender! But you, Elincia, I will only forgive if you beg. And crawl. And lick the sole of my left boot.
Elincia: I’m sorry that you feel that way. If that’s how it has to be, may the goddess have mercy on you, Valtome.
Reyson vs Valtome
Valtome: Oh, how quaint…a bird. Do you seek to defeat me? Haven’t you herons learned it’s not safe to play with senators? Uwee hee hee! Beg for my mercy!
Reyson: Mercy will be done when you and your fellows are gone from this world.
Ranulf vs Valtome
Valtome: The so-called queen… Where is that brazen little hussy? Bring her before me! Now! Right away! Immediately!
Ranulf: Are you the best Ashera could do? This really is the end of the world.
Pelleas vs Valtome
Valtome: You are no soldier! Who are you, boy?
Pelleas: I… I am Pelleas, king of Daein.
Valtome: Oh, how precious! I was hoping that I’d meet the simpering moron who signed the blood pact with Lekain… How funny! Uwee hee hee!
Pelleas: Y-you will regret this!
Kieran vs Valtome
Valtome: Ah, a Crimean soldier, yes? Ugh! That queen of yours has no style! What ridiculous armor! You go out in that?
Kieran: I will brook no insult to my queen or my armor! You face Kieran, second commander of the Royal Knights…and your doom!
Others vs Valtome
Valtome: Uwee hee hee! Uwee hee hee! I have always known that only I, Valtome, possessed the grace and beauty to be chosen by the goddess! How wonderful to finally be recognized for my excellence! If only that insufferable Zelgius could see me now! I am divinity! Uwee hee hee!
Valtome defeated
Valtome: Ze…Zelgiussss…
Chapter 3
Micaiah vs Numida
Micaiah: You!
Numida: Who are you, girl?
Micaiah: Duke Numida! I will never forget your oppression of the Daein people, or your cowardly flight from justice!
Numida: Ah, you’re from Daein. you should know that I had nothing to do with that unpleasantness. That was all General Jarod’s doing.
Micaiah: General Jarod was a scoundrel and a fiend, but at least he had a soldier’s honesty in his villainy. You black-hearted senators nauseate me, weaving a dense tapestry of lies that you yourselves believe!
Sanaki vs Numida
Numida: So, child, what the vice-minister said was true! Wicked infant! How dare you pretend to be divinely inspired while you heard absolutely nothing from the Goddess!
Sanaki: I…
Sothe vs Numida
Numida: Fool! Do you honestly believe that your dark god can triumph in the face of Ashera’s divine majesty?
Sothe: She’s not my dark god. To be honest, I don’t care about the gods. They have nothing to do with me.
Numida: What?! Then who do you fight for?!
Sothe: I fight for my family, and I fight against tyranny. That is enough.
Skrimir vs Numida
Numida: Ahhh! What a fearsome beast! Only the dark god could create such a monstrosity!
Skrimir: What’s wrong, little beorc? frightened? if you cannot look upon me, you cannot hope to defeat me!
Naesala vs Numida
Naesala: Duke Numida…I wonder why a coward like you was turned back from stone? Especially considering some of your more…impious transgressions.
Numida: W-what are you talking about? I am a Senator in high standing!
Naesala: My country provides me with excellent spies, your grace. I know every atrocity you committed while in Daein. I hold information that would ruin you if it were made public. It’s rather a shame all that work will be wasted, since this is the last day of your life.
Sigrun vs Numida
Numida: It’s tragic, really, that the Holy Knights have wasted so much time and energy protecting a sham apostle! it’s not too late, you know, to align yourself with the true chosen of the Goddess.
Sigrun: The loyalty of the holy Knights can only be commanded by one person, and that will never change. It is my duty and my privilege to execute her orders and destroy the enemies of the apostle!
Tanith vs Numida
Tanith: I am second commander Tanith of the Holy Knights! Enemies of the apostle, beware!
Numida: How sad that you still put stock in your laughable infant of a holy figure. Fool!
Nolan vs Numida
Nolan: No one escapes from their past, Numida. We all have to answer for our crimes one day. Today is that day for you.
Numida: Silence, cur!
Edward vs Numida
Edward: This is for the free people of Daein! Haaaa!
Numida: Don’t you idealistic twits ever give up?
Leonardo vs Numida
Leonardo: You crushed freedom in Daein for years! Do you even have a conscience?!
Numida: Daein gutter trash! I should have had you all killed when I had the chance!
Fiona vs Numida
Numida: Disciples of Order! Hurry up! Destroy them!
Fiona: Why would you want to step on the people of Daein? You are long overdue for justice. I truly feel blessed that I’ll be the one to give it to you.
Laura vs Numida
Laura: You have caused more suffering than any being I’ve ever met. Did you not learn that the goddess will someday punish those who harm others?
Numida: Peasant! How dare you preach to me!
Aran vs Numida
Numida: Aargh! Where are my guards? Why do I have to be the one to fight?!
Aran: That’s right, I remember who you are. You let others do your dirty work while you run for safety. Looks like you’re running out of places to run, Senator.
Black Knight vs Numida
Black Knight: Your time is done.
Numida: Damn you, ghost! If you had just stayed dead, I could have done whatever I wanted to Daein!
Stefan vs Numida
Numida: Wh-who are you?!
Stefan: I am the desert, and I brook no intrusion. Make peace with your goddess.
Others vs Numida
Numida: I don’t understand. Why would they fight against the vice-minister, chosen of Ashera? Are they somehow…deficient? You will perish for your defiance of the empire, vermin!
Numida defeated
Numida: What… What’s happening? Vice-Minister? I lost the battle…
Chapter 4
Oliver talks to Rafiel
Oliver: Ohhh… you are truly a banquet for the eyes as well as the… spirit. I am quite overcome!
Rafiel: Unhand me!
Oliver: But how is it that anyone could risk a precious treasure like you in battle? What if something marred you?
Rafiel: What are you talking about?
Oliver: Don’t worry, pretty bird; I’ll save you. You need someone who can give you loving protection. Someone… like me.
Rafiel: ???
Oliver: I’ll take you away from these savages! I would never let them lay a single finger on you, my precious! No, no…. The jealous cretins mustn’t ruffle a single feather… I’ll have to kill them! Come now, come to daddy!
Ike talks to Oliver (Oliver is recruited)
Ike: Hold on a second… Aren’t these your men? Why are you fighting them?
Oliver: It’s quite simple, really. A true guardian of beauty stands with those who are beautiful. If your exquisite heron prince will not stay here in my home, I must follow him. I have seen death; it holds no mystery for me. Only my pursuit matters. Rest at ease, friends.
Ike: Look… Would you mind rejoining the enemy?
Ike vs Oliver
Ike: You! You’re still alive?!
Oliver: The world simply could not bear to be without me. Your crude weapons have no force against true magnificence! Blessed with such beauty, I have no foes… only inferiors!
Ike: Glad to see you’re still barely clinging to that last shred of sanity. Just give it up, already.
Nailah vs Oliver
Oliver: S-sub-human! A hideous sub-human is attacking me! Help! Someone help me! I’m much too lovely for this!
Nailah: What a strangely shaped creature… Is this some rare subspecies of beorc?
Volug vs Oliver
Volug: Grrrrr!
Oliver: Ack! A sub-human! What a horrible monster, smacking his lips before dining on my delicate body! Someone, please help me! A man like me doesn’t deserve this!
Tormod vs Oliver
Tormod: Hey, chunky! Apparently we didn’t kill you enough last time! Time to try again!
Oliver: Yawp! Dear me! What a frightening young child.
Tormod: I am NOT a child!
Muarim vs Oliver
Oliver: Sub…sub…sub-human! Tiger! Tiger! Eyes burning bright! In my foyer late at night! Oh, my poetic soul! I’m much too delicate for this!
Muarim: Oh boy…
Vika vs Oliver
Oliver: Ho ho, what have we here? A fine little raven indeed! Please… Let me see the length of those wings. I’ll need to know, if I’m to take… proper care of them.
Vika: You Begnion nobles… Can’t you ever just say what you’re thinking?
Danved vs Oliver
Oliver: Oh, my– Quite the… striking… face you have. I seem to remember you from somewhere… Hmmm… It’s like my brain is in fog. I can never remember the ugly ones.
Danved: Danved is pretty striking. Don’t worry, Danved will show you just how striking he can be.
Others vs Oliver
Oliver: I have seen death’s vistas and returned an even wiser, more exquisite man! Take it in! Bask in the beauty!
Oliver defeated
Oliver: Aagh… Still so many beautiful things…that…I…don’t own.
Chapter 5
Tibarn vs Izuka
Izuka: Ah… You must be the hawk king! Understand that my work was never intended to harm the laguz, specifically!
Tibarn: No power on Tellius will protect you from me. With your death, I can finally lay my brothers’ souls to rest.
Elincia vs Izuka
Izuka: Elincia, the Crimean queen! Are you here to seek revenge?
Elincia: Revenge? On whose account? What are you talking about? I am arresting a dangerous fugitive.
Lucia vs Izuka
Izuka: Don’t you see? If I am harmed, my knowledge will be lost! Can the human race survive such a tragedy? If you fools cannot see the larger picture, you will have to be destroyed!
Lucia: I don’t know what atrocities caused Bastian to hold you prisoner, but I know what you did to the laguz, and that’s reason enough for me to kill you!
Izuka: Don’t be too rash! If you kill me, Crimea will surely suffer!
Lucia: I will silence your lying tongue, degenerate!
Reyson vs Izuka
Izuka: Hm, a heron. I was disappointed with the results of my heron trials. Your frail bodies succumb to the poisons too quickly.
Reyson: Despicable butcher! This forsaken place will be your tomb, and it won’t be soon enough.
Ranulf vs Izuka
Ranulf: I saw the results of your experiments at Gritnea Tower. The mutilated bodies… the rotting flesh… It was the most horrifying experience of my life. I wonder if my nightmares will pass when I kill you?
Izuka: How could you not see the importance of my beloved research? That was my life’s work!
Ranulf: Then it is appropriate that you will pay for those terrible crimes with your life. My long-suffering kinsmen, watch as I destroy your tormentor!
Bastian vs Izuka
Izuka: Have a care, Crimean count! If my knowledge dies, so does your only hope of saving that man!
Bastian: Hmm…it’s true that your knowledge is a valuable asset.
Izuka: Ah, my noble count! You are most merciful!
Bastian: I have some knowledge of anatomy. Once you are dead, perhaps I will dissect your brain and see if I can identify the root of your intelligence.
Izuka: Y-you monster! What you suggest is unconscionable!
Bastian: Exactly, yet you had no hesitation before doing worse to the laguz. I will speed you now to the afterlife, where you may contemplate your life’s egregious mistakes.
Geoffrey vs Izuka
Izuka: They’ve broken through my Feral Ones! I must create more!
Geoffrey: After the war against the Mad King, I always regretted not capturing you. Prepare yourself for justice!
Volke vs Izuka
Izuka: You! You’re…
Volke: …under a new contract. Good-bye, Izuka.
Izuka: Feral Ones! Kill him! Do it now!
Zihark vs Izuka
Zihark: Izuka the Cruel… You are the author of this atrocity against nature? What gives you the right to perform your vile works on the laguz!
Izuka: The sub-humans are perfect subjects! What could be wrong with using them?
Zihark: …She always told me not to let anger and hatred get the best of me, not the let them guide my blade… This will be my only exception.
Pelleas vs Izuka
Pelleas: Izuka!
Izuka: Ah, my dear prince Pelleas! Excuse me, King Pelleas! I’d assumed that you had been turned to stone. How nice to see you again! But I am saddened to see that you would betray me and fight alongside these shortsighted fools! I found you and set you on the path to royalty! I served you well, did I not?
Pelleas: I know that you’ve been working for the senate, Izuka.
Izuka: So you found out. Very well. At least I don’t need to pretend anymore. It isn’t like you will spare my life, anyway.
Pelleas: With most of Daein turned to stone, the blood pact can no longer harm anyone. But that doesn’t change the fact that you tricked me into risking the life of every citizen of my kingdom. Why would you betray me, Izuka? Were you ever loyal to Daein?
Izuka: Betrayal? What of your betrayal of me? I remember well how you valued one worthless laguz life over mine! It was your betrayal that forced me to abandon my work! You were supposed to be my puppet, a weakling boy-king that I could control, giving me free reign!
Pelleas: What? How could that be…
Izuka: Oh, princeling boy, how completely I’ve fooled you… You are not King Ashnard’s son. All I did was look for a boy that could pass for the king’s son.
Pelleas: But… Mother said… She said she was certain that I was her child!
Izuka: Ah yes, Lady Almedha, paragon of sanity! She is certainly fit to identify a boy she hasn’t seen in fifteen years. She was so desperate to have her son again that she would have believed anything I told her.
Pelleas: No… No! Stop it! Stop talking!
Others vs Izuka
Izuka: Don’t you see? If I am harmed, my knowledge will be lost! Can the human race survive such a tragedy? If you fools cannot see the larger picture, you will have to be destroyed!
Izuka defeated
Izuka: Aaaargh! But my work…is still…incomplete…
Final Chapter-1
Ike vs Hetzel
Hetzel: Wait, please… I never wanted to fight… I’m here only because I was ordered.
Ike: Then surrender your weapon.
Hetzel: I-I cannot do that. I would fall into disgrace with Vice-Minister Lekain.
Ike: …
Micaiah vs Hetzel
Hetzel: It is not too late, child, to surrender and accept Ashera’s grace. You can win favor in her eyes by abandoning her enemies.
Micaiah: Surrender? I wouldn’t dare “accept the grace” of a goddess that turns her worshippers to stone!
Hetzel: Some things simply can’t be helped. You and I are alive, and we should be thankful for that.
Micaiah: I have a feeling that we’re not going to be able to come to terms on this.
Sanaki vs Hetzel
Sanaki: Hetzel… I had thought that you alone might be above Lekain’s foul conspiracy! It saddens me to see you at his side.
Hetzel: N-no, Apostle Sanaki! I–
Sanaki: I didn’t ask for excuses! You fight alongside Lekain. That’s more proof than I’ll ever need.
Hetzel: …You are right, I fight with him. I had no choice. But…please, understand that I’ve always done my best to honor and respect Your Majesty.
Sanaki: Then how do you explain my confinement in Mainal Cathedral?
Hetzel: I-I didn’t do anything! It was all Lekain! I didn’t know anything about it, and only heard later…
Sanaki: And when you did hear of it, why didn’t you stop it?
Hetzel: I…couldn’t. Actually, I could have, but I…didn’t say anything. It was the same with Misaha, and the Serenes Massacre… I…
Sanaki: …didn’t say anything. In other words, you stood by as my grandmother and the Serenes people were killed!
Hetzel: P-please forgive me…
Rafiel vs Hetzel
Hetzel: Rafiel… Rafiel, I’m sorry.
Rafiel: …
Hetzel: I did a horrible thing. I have lived in the shadow of my regret for many years now. Please tell me that you can find it in yourself to forgive me! Please…
Rafiel: I…
Hetzel: Rafiel… I was kind to you, was I not? I didn’t treat you like a slave! I always watched over you so kindly. Be kind in return and forgive me, Rafiel.
Rafiel: …I’m sorry, I… I don’t have anything to say to you.
Hetzel: No! Rafiel…
Nailah vs Hetzel
Nailah: So you’re Hetzel, huh? Rafiel told me about you.
Hetzel: That’s right… Yes… I’m… I’m the one who saved his life. He’s still alive because of me!
Nailah: Ancient history doesn’t change the fact that you’re fighting against him now. And if fight him, you fight me.
Tibarn vs Hetzel
Hetzel: L…Lord Lekain! Help! Help me!
Tibarn: As payment for taking care of Rafiel when I couldn’t, I’ll make this quick.
Reyson vs Hetzel
Hetzel: You look so much like Rafiel… Is there anything in the world so beautiful as a Serenes heron?
Reyson: I was born this way, and mere birth is not praiseworthy. Praise me instead for my strength. What I look like is irrelevant, so long as I have the power to protect my friends.
Leanne vs Hetzel
Hetzel: Oh! Oh my! A fair heron maiden. I thought they were all gone…
Leanne: …
Hetzel: W-wait! Don’t run away. Don’t just run away!
Oliver vs Hetzel
Hetzel: D-Duke Tanas! You’ve betrayed us? But why?
Oliver: You could never understand the depth of my commitment to beauty! Sometimes it simply overwhelms me. I can’t stop the love welling up inside! I’d do anything to keep the hideous likes of you from my precious birds!
Sigrun vs Hetzel
Sigrun: Senator Hetzel! Do I understand correctly that you oppose Apostle Sanaki alongside Vice-Minster Lekain?
Hetzel: Th-that’s absurd! Vice-Minster Lekain oppose the apostle! I’m just… I’m just following orders!
Tanith vs Hetzel
Tanith: Senator Hetzel, Duke of Asmin! You are guilty of treason against our empress!
Hetzel: No! That’s a lie! I never did anything wrong…
Haar vs Hetzel
Hetzel: Wait… I remember you… You were one of the dracoknights that fled to Daein, defying the senators… You opposed the almighty Begnion and the word of the goddess… Why? Why would you defy such power?
Haar: You could live another lifetime, and you’d still never understand.
Jill vs Hetzel
Hetzel: I don’t understand any of you. How can you oppose the goddess? It’s only natural that people live to please the gods… the weak follow the strong.
Jill: Strong, weak… It doesn’t matter. I fight on the side of my conscience, and have yet to regret my battles.
Astrid vs Hetzel
Hetzel: Mortals cannot measure up to gods. Any child knows as much. Why do you not kneel before her?
Astrid: That would be throwing away my own beliefs to live a life of blind obedience. I stopped doing that three years ago, and I’ve never looked back.
Others vs Hetzel
Hetzel: There can be no forgiveness for my hand in these evil deeds. Salvation is denied me and my stained soul. My torment will be eternal.
Hetzel defeated
Hetzel: Save me! My goddess… Help…
Hetzel survives (unused)
Hetzel: I…I was only following Lekain’s orders… I never meant any harm. Please, my empress…forgive me… Please!
Sanaki: Your crimes will be punished in due time. Until then, just wait here patiently. I’m sorry it has to come to this, but I must go see the goddess and save the people of Begnion.
Ike vs Lekain
Lekain: Tah ha ha! Laughable mercenaries! Sanaki could certainly have chosen better allies. If only she had sided with me, she wouldn’t be damned now. Oh well…
Ike: Yeah, whoever chose you as an ally has had better days, too. So who is it? Who’s pulling your strings?
Lekain: Pulling my strings? What are you saying? I alone have been chosen to protect her! I masterminded the plan to resurrect the goddess and become Ashera’s chosen one! It is my right! Mine alone!
Ike: Really? I didn’t see you around when the galdr of release was sung to the medallion…
Lekain: What medallion? What nonsense are you talking about?
Ike: Wow… You don’t have any idea what’s going on, do you, “mastermind”? I’m just wasting my time.
Lekain: You… You! Urghh! I am Lekain, Duke of Gaddos! The one and only!
Micaiah vs Lekain (Pelleas died)
Lekain: Ah, the so-called Silver-Haired Maiden. Both dark goddess and Daein general… Your very existence is vile beyond belief.
Micaiah: Lekain, Duke of Gaddos… You crushed the people of Daein beneath your unjust rule and dragged us into a futile war. You trapped King Pelleas in a corner, where death was his only option. How do you live with the guilt of your sins?
Lekain: Sins? Do not presume to speak to me of sin, child of Daein. If only Pelleas had understood that I am on the side of the angels, he might be standing with me here today.
Micaiah: Your delusions can’t change what I see in your twisted soul, demon! Now give me that scroll!
Lekain: Impudent brat!
Micaiah vs Lekain (Pelleas survived)
Lekain: Ah, the so-called Silver-Haired Maiden. Both dark goddess and Daein general… Your very existence is vile beyond belief.
Micaiah: Lekain, Duke of Gaddos… You crushed the people of Daein beneath your unjust rule and dragged us into a futile war. How do you live with the guilt of your sins?
Lekain: Sins? Do not presume to speak to me of sin, child of Daein. If only you had understood that I am on the side of the angels, you might be standing here with me today.
Micaiah: Your delusions can’t change what I see in your twisted soul, demon! Now give me that scroll!
Lekain: Impudent brat!
Sothe vs Lekain
Sothe: …
Lekain: Hm? Who are you? How did a shabby little burglar get in here?
Sothe: If that’s how you want to see me, then so be it. But know that that’s also how I see you. I don’t think we even need to exchange names. I’ll just kill you and leave it at that.
Pelleas vs Lekain
Pelleas: Vi-Vice-Minister Lekain…
Lekain: Hm? Ahhh, still alive, are we? I suppose that I can still find a use for you… I know! Go and attack the enemy general.
Pelleas: Um…
Lekain: Why are you not obeying, fool? That look on your face… You think you’re going to save your people! That is precious! You can’t possibly believe that one so flawed as you has a prayer against me?
Pelleas: I do, actually.
Lekain: Whaaat?! Did I hear you correctly?!
Pelleas: I said I believe. I believe in myself, and I believe in my companions. Even if I falter and fail… My friends will defeat you. This belief sustains me. I can fight you because I am no longer alone.
Lekain: Let us test your theory, then! Die, upstart!
Naesala vs Lekain
Lekain: Tah ha ha… So nice to see you, King Naesala. When you can’t oppose me, that is. Your blood pact means that you’ll have to betray your companions… yet again.
Naesala: Not today, actually.
Lekain: What did you say?
Naesala: Sorry to break it to you, Lekain, but I have recently… been promoted, shall we say. I now take orders from over your head, Vice-Minister. From Empress Sanaki, to be exact.
Lekain: Wh-what…Whaaaat… ?!
Naesala: The curse of the blood pact applies if the master’s orders aren’t obeyed, but by the law of Begnion, you’re overruled. So, Lekain, right here, right now… I’m going to tear you apart, as I’ve been wanting to do for years.
Lekain: Urk!
Sanaki vs Lekain
Sanaki: Burn, traitor!
Lekain: Watch your tongue, girl!
Rafiel vs Lekain
Rafiel: No!
Lekain: Tah ha ha… How delightfully pathetic. Poor heron prince, teeming with rage, but incapable of hurting me! Tah ha ha ha! How absolutely marvellous!
Rafiel: Your soul… is deeply scarred…
Nailah vs Lekain
Lekain: Ah, interesting! You’re one of those sub-humans from the east that I’ve been hearing about.
Nailah: And you’re one of the fat, corrupted pieces of filth that we’re fighting.
Lekain: How dare you! I am Duke of Gaddos!
Nailah: Gaddos? Where’s that? That name means nothing to me. How do beorc always get the idea that the place they’re from is the center of everything?
Lekain: Silence, you loathsome cur! I’ll ensure that your country is left in ruins!
Tibarn vs Lekain
Tibarn: I’m glad I got to you first. See, I heard that the Serenes Massacre was all your doing… That puts you at the very top of the list of the enemies of the bird tribes.
Lekain: That may very well be, but I am under the divine protection of the goddess herself! A shabby sub-human pirate like yourself will find me quite invincible!
Tibarn: As much as I’d love to draw this little chat out, I don’t think I can keep my talons out of your neck another instant.
Lekain: Why… Why are you laughing? Are you… enjoying yourself?
Tibarn: Some of us here are just overflowing with the chaos you’re causing with this fight. That might be part of it… But, to be honest, there’s a part of me that can hardly believe how much fun tearing your head off will be.
Reyson vs Lekain
Lekain: You’re quite tenacious for a heron. I thought your entire fragile race had been exterminated…
Reyson: Evil… You are pure evil. I hear it in your heart. How do you even survive?
Lekain: How pathetic. Hated by a heron, the only sub-human so weak as to actually be incapable of violence. This must feel just like the massacre to you: completely helpless before your inevitable doom!
Leanne vs Lekain
Leanne: (Eep, it’s you! Where’s Tibarn when you need him…)
Lekain: The lovely heron maiden… If not for the battle raging around us, I’d keep you as a… trophy.
Oliver vs Lekain
Lekain: Duke of Tanas… What’s gotten into you? Why are you fighting with these mercenary scum?
Oliver: I am Oliver, champion of beauty! You would harm my precious feathered angels! That makes you my enemy! Unsightly man… Prepare yourself!
Lekain: Have you finally gone stark mad? Who, exactly, do you think you’re blathering at?
Sigrun vs Lekain
(Sigrun’s conversation occurs only if Tanith’s has not)
Sigrun: Lekain, Duke of Gaddos… Don’t bother with any of your practiced lies. Speak with your weapon.
Lekain: Dame Sigrun… I suppose I’m not surprised. I should have known you would still be on Sanaki’s leash! Have you asked yourself why? She is a mere pretender to the throne. You’re just a dog to a false apostle!
Sigrun: Correct me if I’m wrong, Lord Lekain, but Sanaki was formally recognized by the senators as the empress. Where in Begnion law is an empress required to also be an apostle? This sounds like yet another case of you senators trying to twist the law for your own benefit.
Lekain: Bah! Your legalistic manipulations don’t make you right!
Sigrun: For too long, we have tolerated you bending laws for your own benefit, with no foundation whatsoever in justice. Now it’s time for you to pay for your sins!
Lekain: Impudence! You can’t beat me… I am the chosen one!
Tanith vs Lekain
(Tanith’s conversation occurs only if Sigrun’s has not)
Lekain: Hmph… Hello, Tanith. How odd to find you alongside these imbeciles, not to mention their imposter of a leader.
Tanith: Silence your filthy mouth! I will not brook such insults.
Lekain: F… Fi… Filthy?! How dare you slander the duke of Gaddos! I will rule the world in place of our goddess Ashera! Sanaki is not a true apostle or an empress. She’s a mere slip of a girl!
Tanith: There is no Begnion law that requires an empress to also be an apostle.
Lekain: Whaaat?
Tanith: Each apostle has thus far been seated as emperor only because that has been what served the senators best. Sanaki has ruled successfully without the benefit of divine inspiration for more than half her life. She is well loved by her subjects. Saying that she is not a true apostle will do nothing to alter that fact.
Lekain: Dogmatic rhetoric will achieve nothing!
Tanith: Very true. Empress Sanaki is my liege, and as her knight, it is my duty to destroy her enemies.
Lekain: Blasphemy! Striking me is no different than raising your sword to our goddess!
Tanith: Speaking of dogmatic rhetoric… Duke of Gaddos, farewell.
Haar vs Lekain
Haar: Why is it that authority figures are always so unwilling to let go of their power? The world could flip upside down and you’d be trying to boss around gravity.
Lekain: You clearly know nothing of me, lout! To oppose me is to oppose the goddess Ashera herself!
Haar: That’s strange… I always thought that role was filled by the apostle. But who can keep up these days? So you’re defending the goddess… but will she do the same for you?
Jill vs Lekain
Lekain: Knight of Daein, I am Lekain of Gaddos. Your ruler, King Pelleas will–
Jill: You can stop right there! Daein will never bow down to you again!
Astrid vs Lekain
Astrid: Lord Lekain…
Lekain: Hm? You… You are from House Damiell…
Astrid: Yes, I am. It’s been a while, but I didn’t think you’d forget me quite so easily. I wasn’t sure at the time, but marrying you would have been the biggest mistake of my life.
Lekain: Ha! Bold talk from a penniless mercenary! You were never worthy of Lekain of Gaddos, head of the senators and chosen by the goddess herself!
Others vs Lekain
Lekain: Ta ha haaa! Bathe in my radiance!
Lekain: I cast you out, defier of Ashera’s will!
Lekain: Be silent in the presence of your betters! Silence for Ashera!
Lekain defeated
Lekain: This… This can’t be… I was… I was…chosen…
Final Chapter-2
Sanaki talks to Levail
(Levail will not attack or counter-attack Sanaki, but she can attack him.)
Sanaki: I know you… You were a general in the Gaddos army. Did Zelgius betray Sephiran and side with the senate?
Levail: No, no! I swear upon the general’s good name that he would do no such thing! I was the one who abandoned the duke of Gaddos to follow General Zelgius.
Sanaki: What is going on here? I don’t understand the relationship between the Black Knight and the senate, or who is friend or foe…
Levail: Of one thing I am certain, Empress Sanaki. We are not your enemy!
Sanaki: Then order your men to stand down! I must speak with Zelgius. Take down that barrier!
Levail: I cannot do that. General Zelgius was very clear: he wishes to fight that man. Alone. My orders are to eliminate any intruders inside the tower in the meantime. My deepest apologies, Empress.
Sanaki: Wait! I won’t allow it! Halt, Levail! Halt!
Micaiah talks to Levail
(Levail will not attack or counter-attack Micaiah, but Micaiah can attack him.)
Levail: You must be the Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah, correct?
Micaiah: Who are you?
Levail: Don’t worry, I’ve no intention of harming you. Far from it, in fact. I’m under orders from General Zelgius to keep my men away from you. Please retreat. I don’t want to disobey the general.
Rafiel talks to Levail
Rafiel: …It seems as though you have been avoiding me since this battle began. What is the meaning of this?
Levail: Attacking a defenseless man goes against the code of chivalry. Please stay back, man of Serenes.
Rafiel: …
Reyson talks to Levail
Reyson: Why do you avoid eye contact? Am I not a worthy enemy?
Levail: Attacking a defenseless man goes against the code of chivalry. Please stay back, man of Serenes.
Reyson: Do not insult me!
Leanne talks to Levail
Leanne: Um… You… Keep… run away… from me. Why?
Levail: Attacking a defenseless woman goes against the code of chivalry. Please stay back, woman of Serenes.
Leanne: What? But…
Haar vs Levail
Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive!
Haar: What happened that you didn’t expect me to survive?
Levail: Um… Nothing, I suppose. It’s just that it’s been a while since you left Begnion.
Haar: Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn’t it?
Levail: I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories… The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein.
Haar: I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam.
Levail: I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis’s army.
Haar: I see. Is that why you’re under his command?
Levail: Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him.
Haar: Yes, Levail. You will.
Levail: How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!
Sigrun vs Levail
Sigrun: Sir Levail, you stand against Empress Sanaki. Lay down your weapons.
Levail: I cannot, Lady Sigrun. As strong as your loyalty is for the apostle, so is mine for General Zelgius.
Tanith vs Levail
Tanith: Sir Levail! How dare you raise your sword against Empress Sanaki! Has Goddess Ashera taken over your mind, too?
Levail: No, Lady Tanith. I fight for General Zelgius. I care not for the goddess’s cause.
Astrid vs Levail
Levail: Lady Astrid, please stand down. A lady like you shouldn’t have taken up a weapon in the first place.
Astrid: No, I am a knight of Crimea, here to fight you. Please forget about the past. The Lady Astrid you knew no longer exists.
Levail: You have indeed become strong. Very well! Prepare yourself!
Oliver vs Levail
Levail: Duke Tanas! I thought you were executed as a slave trader three years ago.
Oliver: True beauty is immortal. Look at me. Right now, I am flawless. You are not without potential. With education, you could aspire to be me.
Levail: …No, thank you.
Others vs Levail
Levail: Face me in an honorable duel, and know that I shall be the one to take your life.
Levail defeated
Levail: General…Zelgius… I’d hoped…to fight for you… …a while longer…
Ike vs Zelgius
Zelgius: Let’s see how you handle this!
Zelgius defeated
Zelgius: Impressive! Most impressive!
Final Chapter-3
Rafiel talks to Dheginsea
Rafiel: King Dheginsea, I don’t understand… Why? Why must we fight? I just can’t… I… I… I can’t take it. Fighting only causes more pain and suffering. Why do this?
Dheginsea: …You remind me of a friend from long ago. He was the kindest soul I’ve known, but he was so terribly weak. You’ve moved me more than you’ll ever know… But I will not budge. I await my judgment.
Reyson talks to Dheginsea
Reyson: King Dheginsea, you are more powerful than any being alive… Use that power to help us save the people.
Dheginsea: You are not the first to make such a request. But my answer is the same now as it was before. I will not change my mind. I have no choice but to follow the will of the goddess.
Leanne talks to Dheginsea
Dheginsea: Hello, Princess Leanne. You can’t fight me… I advise you to stand down.
Leanne: (Sadness… Your heart is filled with such sadness. What’s wrong? Can’t we talk about it?)
Dheginsea: I have nothing more to say to you. This is the way it has to be. My feelings do not matter.
Ike vs Dheginsea
Ike: Dheginsea, Dragon King. I can see you have no intention of letting us pass.
Dheginsea: I follow my goddess’ decrees. My will is unwavering.
Ike: I have no choice, then. Be on your guard.
Dheginsea: Very well, beorc general. Our blessings may be equal and opposite, but your strength is a mere fraction of mine. Show me your best!
Micaiah vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: You… you’re one of the parentless…
Micaiah: You know me?
Dheginsea: Yes. I knew the first of your kind. I have been alive for a very long time… Perhaps too long. But soon it will all be over.
Kurthnaga vs Dheginsea
Kurthnaga: Father! Please think about what you’re doing.
Dheginsea: The time for words has passed. The only option remaining is to stop you with brute force.
Kurthnaga: Why? Father, why?
Dheginsea: That is enough! No more snivelling! You, Kurthnaga, were to rule the dragon tribe in years to come. Show me that you would have been capable!
Kurthnaga: But— Yes, sir… I’ll show you.
(Kurthnaga will attack, but Dheginsea will not)
Ena vs Dheginsea
Ena: Your Majesty…
Dheginsea: Come now, Ena. Fight.
Ena: I’m sorry, I can’t. I may have turned my back on my king and left my own country, but I still belong to the dragon tribe. I wouldn’t dare attack my own king. I couldn’t.
Dheginsea: Then as your king, I order you. I order you to fight for Kurthnaga’s life.
Ena: My king!
Dheginsea: You and he need each other. You are different from other dragons.
Ena: … Very well, Your Majesty.
(Ena will attack, but Dheginsea will not)
Sothe vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: Have at you, follower of Yune.
Sothe: I won’t live as long as you have, and I’ll never be as powerful. Things like saving the world and fighting goddesses are just beyond me. They’re out of my reach. That’s why I’ve always chosen to fight for the smaller things in life and the people close to me. If that means I have to fight you to protect them, then so be it.
Tibarn vs Dheginsea
Tibarn: I never would have believed that one day I’d be facing off against you. Life sure is funny, sometimes.
Dheginsea: Even you, Tibarn? Don’t make me kill you. You haven’t got a chance.
Tibarn: Don’t be so sure about that. You just might be surprised. Besides, you’ve got a lot to answer for, Dheginsea. You’ll finally pay the price for all those years of inaction and indifference as your kin were butchered and enslaved.
Dheginsea: You shortsighted fool, you still don’t understand… All right, I’m waiting. Show me what you’ve got.
Caineghis vs Dheginsea
Caineghis: King Dheginsea, I owe you an apology. You warned me often of the danger of open war, but I did not listen. I want you to know how truly sorry I am for the strife that has once again engulfed our world, and my part in it. However… I will not meekly accept judgement by the goddess. Regardless of my duty to her, the petrified people must be saved.
Dheginsea: Caineghis, king of beasts. I regret that we must stand on opposing sides. Now we must determine which one of us is in the right.
Naesala vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: Naesala, you dare challenge me?
Naesala: Heh. It’s funny you should ask that… I’m not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.
Dheginsea: You are a true king, Naesala. I am ready when you are.
Naesala: I’ll be thrilled if I land even a single blow. I’m much better at fleeing than fighting.
Nailah vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: You… are of the wolf people?
Nailah: Yes. After the floods, we built our country to the east of the great desert.
Dheginsea: …So we weren’t the only ones to survive…
Nailah: Until we met Rafiel, we too thought ours were the only people left.
Dheginsea: In your country, are there only people of the wolf tribe?
Nailah: No, beorc live there, as well. There are also a number of what you call the “parentless.”
Children born of both laguz and beorc parents are still relatively few.. but they live normally among us.
Dheginsea: Is that so?
Nailah: That’s probably enough chatting. Do you still intend to block our path?
Dheginsea: …I will not deny my goddess.
Nailah: And I won’t deny my conscience. I will revive those turned to stone, and you cannot stop me.
Elincia vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: You, too, deign to oppose the goddess Ashera?
Elincia: I will do whatever is required to rescue those who were petrified. I beg of you, Dragon King, please reconsider what Prince Kurthnaga has told you.
Dheginsea: It is too late. People, in our weakness, betray the goddess, and are meant to be punished for it.
Elincia: I cannot believe that. People are capable of both terrible and wonderful things. To describe them so simply and cynically does them a disservice.
Dheginsea: If I am defeated today, that may convince me that I am wrong. Come… I’m waiting.
Sanaki vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: In my eyes, the mightiest of you looks no different than an infant. Can you hope to stand a chance?
Sanaki: Of… of course. I am Sanaki, 37th empress of Begnion. It is my duty to save my people. Even the world’s mightiest dragon will not dissuade me from that calling.
Dheginsea: All right, then, child. Fulfil your duty.
Rafiel vs Dheginsea
Rafiel: (Empty dialogue boxes)
Dheginsea: (Empty dialogue boxes)
[Supposed to be the same conversation as if they Talk to him]
Reyson vs Dheginsea
Reyson: (Empty dialogue boxes)
Dheginsea: (Empty dialogue boxes)
[Supposed to be the same conversation as if they Talk to him]
Leanne vs Dheginsea
Leanne: (Empty dialogue boxes)
Dheginsea: (Empty dialogue boxes)
[Supposed to be the same conversation as if they Talk to him]
Others vs Dheginsea
Dheginsea: Fools! By denying your judgment, you merely rush to your death.
Dheginsea defeated
Dheginsea: No… Unh… Has my body grown old? Or is it…my heart…
Kurthnaga talks to Nasir
(Kurthnaga can attack Nasir, but Nasir will not attack Kurthnaga)
Kurthnaga: Nasir! You must talk to my father! Convince him to stand down!
Nasir: … We have committed two crimes. We ignored the will of our king, and in so doing let war rise once more. We must atone for our sins.
Kurthnaga: … I am willing to accept my own punishment. But is it right that the innocent — women and children who have never lifted a weapon — are also turned to stone?
Nasir: You can’t change my mind. I have made a solemn vow that I will never again betray my king.
Ena talks to Nasir
(Ena can attack Nasir, but Nasir will not attack Ena)
Ena: I’m sorry to see that you stand with the king, Grandfather.
Nasir: I turned on him once, and I will never do it again. Will you follow your grandfather’s example?
Ena: You know that I won’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.
Nasir: It’s all right, my dear. You can side with the prince. Stand by your convictions.
Nasir defeated
Nasir: I have lived long enough… Ena, I wish you…the best…
Ena: Nasir… Nasir! Grandfather…
Kurthnaga talks to Gareth
(Kurthnaga can attack Gareth, but Gareth will not attack Kurthnaga)
Gareth: I was afraid it would come to this, squared off with the very prince I’m supposed to protect. What to do?
Kurthnaga: Gareth, let me pass! I need to reach my father!
Gareth: Without the king’s word, I can’t let that happen.
Kurthnaga: Do you mean to fight me?
Gareth: Of course not! You know I couldn’t do that. All I will do is stand here, plant my feet, and wait.
Kurthnaga: Gareth!
Gareth: Prince Kurthnaga, it has been a privilege to serve you. I wish you all the best.
Ena talks to Gareth
(Ena can attack Gareth, but Nasir will not attack Gareth)
Ena: Please let me pass, Gareth.
Gareth: I will not move. Such was the king’s command.
Ena: Is there nothing I can do?
Gareth: No. I’m sorry to be so hardheaded, Ena. But I must serve my king.
Ena: Maybe we’re the hardheaded ones… Opposing our king and our goddess. But we’ve chosen our path…
Gareth: Lady Ena. Promise me you’ll look after him. Keep the prince safe.
Ena: Of course. I promise… I will protect him at any cost!
Gareth defeated
Gareth: My prince… I was supposed to protect you, but… I failed.
Kurthnaga: No, Gareth! It was I that turned my back on Goldoa. Gareth… I’m sorry.
Final Chapter-4
Sanaki talks to Sephiran
(Neither Sanaki nor Sephiran will directly attack each other)
Sanaki: …Sephiran… Everything you’ve ever told me, every time you gave your hand to me, every time you smiled… They were all lies? …You’re the most appalling fraud I’ve ever known!
Sephiran: No, Lady Sanaki… I’ve actually lied to you very little. What I have done is hold things back. I’ve also twisted the truth from time to time… But I have only told you one blatant falsehood. That one lie has weighed heavily on me. It makes me hate myself sometimes.
Sanaki: Sephiran…
Sephiran: I’ll always care deeply for you, my little Lady Sanaki… You are my sun and my moon. I never wished to harm you. Please… You must understand…
Sanaki: …No! Sephiran, no!
Rafiel talks to Sephiran
Rafiel: It is you… Now that I’ve seen your face… I know that you once went by another name.
Sephiran: You are mistaken. I am known as Sephiran, and nothing else.
Rafiel: You have closed your heart. Why?
Sephiran: …I have nothing more to say. Nothing.
Reyson talks to Sephiran
Sephiran: Go back to your forest, heron. You are like me, an avatar of order. You understand what I must do. Bask in the light of Ashera’s judgement. It holds no fear for you!
Reyson: I refuse to save only myself. Such an act would be an unforgivable betrayal. I will stand by my companions, and fight to the end.
Sephiran: Are you sure you’re of the heron tribe? I’ve never met a heron like you… Your will is extraordinarily strong.
Leanne talks to Sephiran
Leanne: (You… It… it can’t be…)
Sephiran: (Go back to the forest. This is not where you should be.)
Leanne: (No! I’m staying here with everyone! These people are my friends… my family! I will not leave them!)
Sephiran: Has the heron clan changed so much? They’ve always been so passive and accepting of their natural fate…
Ike vs Sephiran
Ike: You can try to complicate things, Sephiran, but it comes to this… You are my enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sephiran: So be it.
Ike vs Sephiran (viewed Ike’s memory scene)
Ike: I have to ask, Sephiran. What are you after? What’s this all about?
Sephiran: Why do you wish to know? You would achieve nothing by learning my reasons. You would help no one. I lost faith in lesser beings, and desire an end to them. That’s all.
Ike: So why did you save me on that day?
Sephiran: May I ask you a favor, Ike? Tell me how you feel about it now. Can you bear recalling those horrific memories?
Ike: Yes… I’m fine, now. But I suppose at the time I wouldn’t have been able to take it.
Sephiran: All beings endure tragedies for as long as they continue to live. It has always been the case that suffering is unavoidable. And this grim reality plays out over and over, in every country, under every ruler… As long as there are beings who feel, they will feel pain.
Ike: So what? We should all just give in and die? Put it behind you. Deal with it.
Sephiran: Do not make light of this…
Ike: I’m not. Sephiran, I’m extremely grateful that you once helped me through a terrible time. But we have to accept that occasionally we all have to deal with hard times. I’ve had pain, I’ve had suffering, and I have gotten up and moved on. I don’t try to forget what happened that day. I just accept it… And neither that or anything else will ever stop me.
Sephiran: You are a strong man, Ike, son of Gawain. But not everyone is as strong as you…
Micaiah vs Sephiran
Micaiah: You… I’ve heard about you. Have we… met before?
Sephiran: The Silver-Haired Maiden. It’s taken so long to finally meet you. If I had known you still lived, I.. I… No, it’s too late. This changes nothing. I cannot falter.
Micaiah: What is the matter with you?
Sephiran: I’m just overly sensitive. Don’t feign concern over me.
(Micaiah will attack, but Sephiran will not)
Sothe vs Sephiran
Sothe: Here goes…
Sephiran: Hello, child… I’m a little surprised to see an ordinary boy like you, fighting for the world. This day is full of surprises!
Sothe: No one’s more surprised than me. I can’t read people’s feelings like Micaiah… I’m not invincible in battle like Ike… Between all these laguz kings and great beorc heroes, I don’t really belong here.
Sephiran: Then why are you here?
Sothe: Because there’s one thing I can’t afford to lose. Micaiah. I’ve come all this way just to protect her… I won’t lose her now.
Sephiran: The depth of your feelings… Might I ask your name?
Sothe: Sothe. Now if you want to stand in our way, I’m prepared to cut you down.
Pelleas vs Sephiran
Sephiran: King Pelleas, correct? Aren’t you brave, coming all this way!
Pelleas: If you’re the one who’s been pulling the strings behind all this, please tell me… Who… Who am I?
Sephiran: …I don’t know. All I know is that you are a powerful practitioner of magic… I know that you were an orphan born and raised in Daein. But that is all Izuka ever told me.
Pelleas: So… I’m not Ashnard’s true son?
Sephiran: No, you’re not. Ashnard’s son is of dragon tribe blood and is thus Branded.
Pelleas: I think I’m going to be ill…
Sephiran: Be assured that you were essential to Daein’s reconstruction, which was a vital step toward waking the goddess. Fortunately, Izuka was able to use you to execute my plan.
Pelleas: You are going to pay! You are going to…BLAAARRRGH!
Naesala vs Sephiran
Sephiran: King Naesala, it seems as if everything went well with the pact.
Naesala: Yes, for which I am thankful. The blood pact yoked Kilvas to your country’s control… but we no longer suffer the curse for opposing the tyrannical edicts of your corrupt, bloated senators. Present company excluded, of course.
Sephiran: I’m quite glad to hear it.
Naesala: You shouldn’t be. You’re not like the other senators, but your insane agenda has turned my nation to stone! Freedom means nothing to a statue.
Sephiran: My goal was simply to save Sanaki. With your help, she is safe. The mutual benefit of your country was a happy accident, so don’t feel indebted to me.
Naesala: So you won’t object when I tear your lungs out here and now?
Sephiran: By all means. Be my guest.
Nailah vs Sephiran
Nailah: Who would’ve guessed that a madman on the other side of the desert would somehow threaten Hatari?
Sephiran: Hatari. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to see it. The wolf tribe has survived all this time in the far corner of the world. Only the goddess could have known that.
Nailah: Perhaps even she didn’t know it. Your goddess isn’t perfect, you know. Does an imperfect goddess have the right to judge imperfect beings?
Sephiran: I see your point. Does the creator retain the right to destroy her creations when they are no longer what she envisioned? I imagine we could discuss this sometime… if only we had more time. I believe you alone might be able to sway my opinion on this, Lady Nailah, Queen of Wolves.
Nailah: You have too many opinions. I’m done talking.
Tibarn vs Sephiran
Sephiran: Hello, King Tibarn. I thought I might see you. Only the strongest reach the top. It’s only natural that you would be among them.
Tibarn: You know what? I don’t believe you’re the big, bad, evil guy you want us all to think you are.
Sephiran: What could you be talking about?
Tibarn: Ah, I was right! I see it in your eyes. I’ve been around for a while, and learned a bit about spotting fakes. So now that your secret’s out, maybe you’d like to open up and tell me: Who are you really?
Sephiran: …
Oliver vs Sephiran
Sephiran: Duke of Tanas, imagine seeing you here!
Oliver: Lord Sephiran, as lovely as always. But has it come to this? Must we fight to the death, and deprive the world of one of our beautiful countenances? Can other lovers of beauty endure such a loss?
Sephiran: I confess that your presence has me bewildered. Could this be part of Yune’s plan? I simply never would have imagined you here. Your presence proves that Tellius is unravelling at the seams. Judgement cannot come soon enough.
Sigrun vs Sephiran
Sigrun: Lord Sephiran, explain yourself! Your reasons for deceiving our empress may prevent me from striking you down as an enemy to the crown!
Sephiran: I have nothing to say to you. I am merely an obstacle. Do what you must do.
Sigrun: Sanaki trusted you! And so did I. You’ve turned your back on us, and the empire. How is that even possible?
Sephiran: Sigrun, do with me what you will. Promise me that you will look after Lady Sanaki from now on.
Sigrun: I will. I will protect her from the likes of you.
Tanith vs Sephiran
Tanith: So as long as you’re alive, the doors don’t open? I’ve got an easy solution to that problem.
Sephiran: Tanith, you are a kind woman.
Tanith: Don’t flatter yourself. I do this only for Lady Sanaki.
Haar vs Sephiran
Haar: We never spent much time together when I was in Begnion. But, Sephiran… I think I know you pretty well.
Sephiran: I haven’t forgotten you, Haar. Shiharam’s hotshot young protege. You were both exemplary soldiers. Your defection from the Begnion dracoknights was a huge loss.
Haar: Hmmm… Sort of like the huge loss when the senators managed to defeat all those great changes you proposed?
Sephiran: …
Haar: I suppose if any of those changes had happened, we wouldn’t be here now. Am I wrong?
Sephiran: An interesting question… I’m honestly not sure, but that’s all I can say about that.
Haar: Too bad. For you, and for me.
Jill vs Sephiran
Jill: It’s your fault what happened in Daein! Every pointless death in this war is on your head! Sephiran, Duke of Persis… History will remember you as the worst kind of man.
Sephiran: Everything. It’s all been my fault. You should know one more thing, however. I also had a hand in the death of your father.
Jill: … Die, monster!
Astrid vs Sephiran
Astrid: Lord Sephiran, your every action in office earned you the trust of millions of Begnion citizens. I can’t believe that you could stab every one of them in the back like that.
Sephiran: Young lady… Actually, I should address you properly… Astrid of the Crimean Royal Knights. Did you happen to stop by your home on the way here?
Astrid: No, I didn’t.
Sephiran: Aren’t you worried about your family? Perhaps you should check on them…
Astrid: No. Everyone’s fine. Even if they’re frozen solid, I’m going to save them. I have nothing at all to worry about.
Sephiran: You’ve grown stronger. But your heart hasn’t changed. Good.
Others vs Sephiran
Sephiran: Mortals cannot stand against gods! Don’t you see the futility of what you’re doing?
Sephiran: You are all so very flawed… Flaws must be corrected!
Sephiran: Can you feel your judgment, hanging in the air? Can you see that your time has come?
Sephiran: The laguz and beorc have doomed each other with their mutual hatred. You have brought extinction on yourselves!
Sephiran defeated
Sephiran: At last… I’m dying.
Final Chapter-5
Ike talks to Lehran
Ike: Sephiran… I mean, Lehran…
Lehran: I can’t apologize enough. I was so terribly mistaken, and now there’s nothing I can do to help.
Ike: Don’t worry.
Lehran: What?
Ike: Wanting to do something that matters is enough. Sometimes, how you feel is more important than how you act.
Lehran: Ike I… there’s no one that I think more highly of…
Ike: No time for compliments. We still have work to do here.
Lehran: Yes… yes we do.
Lehran: Head up! Eyes forward! I will not back down! Altina… Give me strength!
Micaiah talks to Lehran
Micaiah: Um…
Lehran: Yes?
Micaiah: You’re Lehran, aren’t you?
Lehran: Yes.
Micaiah: You… Forgive me for asking, but… Aren’t you my–
Lehran: Can we talk about this later?
Micaiah: What? Oh, I mean, of course… Sorry to bother you…
Lehran: Child, you couldn’t possibly bother me. It’s just, the talk you and I must have is going to take a long time. I don’t think Ashera would wait for us to finish.
Micaiah: Oh… Very well.
Lehran: What is it?
Micaiah: Oh, nothing… Never mind.
Lehran: Micaiah?
Micaiah: Y-yes?
Lehran: Looks like you could use some backup. I’m good with a staff, too, you know.
Micaiah: Th-thank you.
Sanaki talks to Lehran
Sanaki: You finally made it, Sephiran.
Lehran: Sanaki, I…
Sanaki: I was starting to wonder I would punish you.
Lehran: I’m sorry?
Sanaki: You are my subordinate, after all. I’ve decided that leaving one’s empress to die is punishable by drowning in a pool of rancid butter.
Lehran: Of course it is, my empress.
Sanaki: I hope you’re a strong swimmer.
Kurthnaga talks to Lehran
Kurthnaga: You’re Lehran…
Lehran: Prince Kurthnaga… How you’ve grown.
Kurthnaga: You know who I am?
Lehran: I’ve resided in Goldoa for more than seven hundred years.
Kurthnaga: I… I had no idea.
Lehran: That’s because I was kept in hiding. But I did meet you several times, when you were just an infant.
Kurthnaga: I remember a… a mysterious man with black wings. Was that you? I always thought that was a dream…
Lehran: …
Kurthnaga: I was always so fascinated by that man and his songs… I remember him well, and fondly.
Ike vs Ashera
Ashera: It is tragic that you are too limited to see how hopeless this is. You cannot hope to defeat the divine.
Ike: You’re right. We can’t hope to defeat you.
Ashera: Then why continue?
Ike: You haven’t left us much choice. I’d rather die like this instead of being turned into some mindless statue.
Ashera: Simpleminded fool…
Micaiah vs Ashera
Ashera: Don’t waste your energy, fleshling. You are physically unable to harm me.
Micaiah: Yune… I’m fine. I can hear you. No, I’m not afraid. I know you’re with me.
Kurthnaga vs Ashera
Ashera: Ah, son of the dragon king… You may be the greatest among the enfleshed, but you are no match for me.
Kurth: Goddess Ashera, please listen to me. We know that we are clearly imperfect, but you, unnaturally created of pure order… Might that not be considered an imperfection?
Ashera: No, I am perfect. Free of emotion, I have no doubts. Therefore I commit no errors.
Lehran vs Ashera
Ashera: Lehran, you have joined my enemies?
Lehran: My goddess… Never before have I defied you in even the least thing. But I have seen the error of my ways and wish to save the people whom I once desired to destroy. I am one man, and my life is precious. How much more precious are the lives of the countless multitudes?
Others vs Ashera
Ashera: You would face me in battle? I need no further evidence of your kind’s imperfections. This will hardly be a battle at all. Simply an end. Perish, flawed one.
Ashera defeated by somebody other than Ike
Ashera: …
Ike: It’s over. It’s all over…
Micaiah: We did it. Our fighting is finally done. Now the people…
Ike: Now the people should all turn back to normal.
Micaiah: Yes!
Ike: Let’s get out of here. I’m sure the others are getting tired of waiting outsider.
Yune: Wait!
Ike: Huh?!
(Ashera revives)
Ashera: …
Ike: What… What’s going on? This is insane! We defeated her…
Ashera: You defeated nothing. This is nothing at all out of the ordinary. Mortals cannot defeat the divine. It is not possible.
Micaiah: But… We won… General Ike… We have to fight one more time! The people out there need our help!
Ashera: You can try as many times as you like. The result will always be the same. There is no way for you to win.
Micaiah: I can’t believe that! General Ike, you can do it! Forge a new destiny for us! Ike, please… You’ve got to!
Ike: I don’t need encouragement. I’d fight to the end no matter what. Ashera, you can’t stop me. It doesn’t matter if you’re a goddess. It doesn’t matter if I have no way to win. Fighting defines me, and I will not lose.
Ashera: When will you tiresome gnats surrender?