Parts 1 & 2

Part 1

Credits: Iron Squirrel, MageInTraining, Judecca, Elite Lord Sigma, Andrew Laposki, PMIT


Micaiah vs Ruffian

Ruffian: Heh heh heh! A pretty little girl like you’ll fetch a pretty penny for me! Now be a good girl and come to papa.
Micaiah: (O light, gather Open my path…)
Ruffian: What did you say? That better not have been an insult, you… Huh!?

Micaiah vs Pugo

Pugo: You give proper thieves a bad name. Hah! You like charity? Come closer! I’ll show you some charity!
Micaiah: These people work hard to feed their families mere scraps. Then you come along and steal what little they’ve earned.
Pugo: Shut up, kid! I work hard, too! You want honest? Once I’ve sold you, I’ll have earned an honest penny!

Others vs Pugo

Pugo: Who do you brats think you are, the Dawn Brigade?

Pugo defeated

Pugo: Aghhh! What just happened?!

Chapter 1

Micaiah vs Isaiya

Micaiah: Step aside!
Isaiya: The girl we’ve been looking for! The lucky little escapee. Too bad for you, sweetie. Your luck ends today!

Others vs Isaiya

Isaiya: What fast little mice you are! How long do you plan on scurrying around in back alleys?

Isaiya defeated

Isaiya: What?! This can’t be! I’m in my prime… Not…so easily…

Chapter 2

Micaiah vs Zaitan

Zaitan: The Silver-Haired Maiden! I’ve got you! Lucky for you, Jarod wants you alive—but there’s no escaping now!
Micaiah: I’m afraid I have to disappoint you.
Zaitan: Oh, how pompous! Try to “disappoint” me, and I’ll break both your arms!

Laura vs Zaitan

Zaitan: And what do we have here? A decent lady like you mixed up in such scurrilous company?!
Laura: You’re a fine one to talk! You Begnion mock the will of the goddess! Repent your sins!
Zaitan: How dare you preach at me, you ignorant little girl! Soon, you’ll be naught but rust on my lance!

Others vs Zaitan

Zaitan: Don’t move a finger thief or I’ll skewer you with my lance and serve you for lunch!

Zaitan defeated

Zaitan: With this many, we…can’t…hold them back… Call…for…rein…force…ments…

Chapter 3

Micaiah vs Burton

Burton: You! Crawl quietly back into your cell, and I’ll spare you. More than that, however, I cannot promise.
Micaiah: Don’t be so sure. This isn’t our first fight, and it won’t be our last.
Burton: A brave, yet foolish, sentiment. Before the might of the empire, you lowlifes are just cracked dirt beneath my boots!!

Others vs Burton

Burton: You won’t get away! I’ll slice through you like a hot knife through cold butter!

Burton defeated

Burton: Even if you run… There is no place…for you scum…to go…

Chapter 4

Micaiah vs Pain

Pain: Mwah-ha-ha! Beorc are good eats!
Micaiah: Listen up! We did not intentionally intrude on your territory.
Pain: Mwah-ha-ha! I’ll listen…while I’m gnawing on your bones!

Others vs Pain

Pain: Mwah-ha-ha! Come here so I can taste you!

Pain defeated

Pain: Mwah…ha…ha– Gnk! How did this happen?

Micaiah vs Agony

Agony: Oooohhhh…a beorc mage. Shiny, sparkly magic makes me soooo scared.
Micaiah: We do not want your treasures, and we mean no ill will. Step back, and we will not harm you.
Agony: If the fire don’t roar like a furnace, it don’t scare me! Mwah-ha-ha! I’m gonna rip your throat out!

Others vs Agony

Agony: Grrruah! Puny little humans, come and fight!

Agony defeated

Agony: Grrrua…gack! What happened to me…

Chapter 5

Micaiah vs Wystan

Wystan: Come to help the helpless? A dainty little flower like you is hardly worth the effort! Well, do your worst.
Micaiah: What is Begnion doing out here in the desert? Is there something or someone in these ruins that you’re interested in?
Wystan: That’s none of your business, little girl. We’ll slash our way in no matter what anybody else wants!

Volug vs Wystan

Wystan: How charming. You must be one of the foul sub-humans of the deep sands. That explains the stench.

Others vs Wystan

Wystan: You’re a tenacious bunch, I’ll grant you. Daein isn’t known for winning its wars… So why do you keep trying?

Wystan defeated

Wystan: Absurd… One must not…meet failure…against the tattered remnants…of a conquered…coun…try…

Chapter 6

Micaiah vs Laverton

Micaiah: Making hostages of the helpless… Is that how knights of the great Begnion Empire operate?
Laverton: Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Fiona vs Laverton

Laverton: General Jarod will never, ever overlook this betrayal! Marado will be put to the torch, and your people will be put to the sword. You will rue this day!
Fiona: Empty threats! My fate lies in defending my country and my people. You don’t stand a chance against that kind of loyalty!

Volug vs Laverton

Laverton: Wh-what kind of monster are you?! A su-sub-human? B-but, there are no wolf sub-humans!
Volug: …
Laverton: Don’t just stand there! Say something, you vile beast!

Others vs Laverton

Laverton: Y-you pretentious little fools I’ll show you how insignificant you are! Witness Begnion’s might!

Laverton defeated

Laverton: Gu…uarrgh… You…disgust…me…

Chapter 7

Micaiah vs Djur

Micaiah: We are the Daein Liberation Army! We demand you free these hostages…or face the consequences!
Djur: Of all the ridiculous… All of you pigs from Daein will be our slaves ’til you die! It’s your destiny. What need have swine for freedom? Swine are happier being kept…and consumed.
Micaiah: If that’s how you really feel, then…

Others vs Djur

Djur: Errrrrrgh…! Blundering through like a bull in a china shop… Come closer, so I can shatter your ambition like glass! I will beat into your very bones just who rules this land!

Djur defeated

Djur: They were…worthless, trivial… Only…scum of Daein… How? How…could that filth have…

Chapter 8

Micaiah vs Radmin

Radmin: Silver-Haired Maiden, or whoever you really are! I knew you’d come! I knew how your reputation would suffer if you abandoned these prisoners here. You had no choice but to come.
Micaiah: How many innocent, defenseless people have you ordered killed…just to lure me here?Radmin: Look who’s passing judgment! Maiden of Miracles, Savior of Daein… You’ve spun quite a pack of lies to inspire your conquered people. But that ends here, wench! Let’s show them how insignificant you really are!

Volug or Nailah vs Radmin

Radmin: What is this?! Sub-humans from Gallia? No, they’re different somehow…

Rafiel vs Radmin

Radmin: A Serenes heron? But how? How did the silver-haired wench find you?

Other Laguz vs Radmin

Radmin: I see the “Maiden” has sub-humans eating out off her hand! Well, your skins will look nice on my trophy wall!

Others vs Radmin

Radmin: My forces…overpowered. The enemy fights with such passion… Is this another of the “Maiden’s” powers?

Radmin defeated

Radmin: That wench…her powers…much…too dangerous… She mustn’t be allowed…to…

Chapter 9

Micaiah vs Jarod

Micaiah: General Jarod! Your occupation army has caused untold suffering to the people of Daein… The time has come! You must atone for your deeds!
Jarod: As if I should care one whit about the wretched worms I trample!

Black Knight vs Jarod

Jarod: I see you’re pretty impressed with yourself!
Black Knight: Did you think the likes of you could be a worthy opponent for me? Know your place.


Micaiah vs Jarod

Jarod: So it’s you…little girl.
Micaiah: General Jarod, the battle is over. Surely you can see it. You never believed Daein could do it did you? But here you stand, broken, defeated by my countrymen and friends.
Jarod: Have I really, I wonder? Didn’t I tell you? With you dead, there is no “Liberation Army.” This is my golden opportunity… One blow is all it takes to turn defeat to victory. Such a lovely thought.
Micaiah: I will not lose to you. More importantly, the people of Daein will not lose to you!

Sothe vs Jarod

Jarod: That face…I remember you. The kid who’s always with that little wench.
Sothe: Sothe, of the Dawn Brigade.
Jarod: The Dawn Brigade, hm? Oh, how I despise your ilk. The thought of draining the life from your body… It makes me tingle all over.
Sothe: Ditto.

Black Knight vs Jarod

Jarod: Well well well. Look what we have here. The loathsome phantom of old Daein… Why in blazes are you here? What inspired you to slooooowly clank your way up out of your grave?
Black Knight: My purpose is not for you to know.
Jarod: Oh. I feel so rejected. Must I crack that helm open and ask your ugly, naked face directly!? I have to take vengeance for Alder’s death, after all!
Black Knight: This is how you meet your death? Sad. Come at me then, and join your friend.

Rafiel vs Jarod

Jarod: A heron? One of you survived? How sad. On the plus side, if I take you back home, the money will set me up for life!

Volug or Nailah vs Jarod

Jarod: You’re one aren’t you?  One of those odd sub-humans that witch brought… You’ll make a nice rug!

Other Laguz vs Jarod

Jarod: So, sub-human, the slave turns on the master? I’ll teach you to know your betters!

Others vs Jarod

Jarod: So, you have the audacity to approach me at last. Don’t expect an easy fight. Before I die, I will see each of you dead before me.

Jarod defeated

Jarod: Gh- ghuahh… I am…sorry for nothing. I regret…nothing. Because I did it my way… You win, Priestess. You must be delighted. Enjoy it while you can … Because…sooner or later…you…

Part 2

Credits: Katey, Iron Squirrel, Jhwang


Elincia vs Zeffren

Zeffren: You… You Crimeans seriously believe you can withstand the might of Begnion?!
Elincia: Crimea takes this sort of encroachment seriously. We will not overlook invaders in our domain. Release your weapons, and apologize for your discourtesy… Only then will we lower our own.
Zeffren: You have quite a mouth on you… I won’t be addressed in that tone by anyone. It’s time to end this farce.

Haar vs Zeffren

Haar: Well … If it isn’t Zeffren. What brings the dracoknights into Crimean skies?
Zeffren: Haar?!
Haar: Why couldn’t you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though.
Zeffren: Who do you think you are?! You’re a traitor, just like Shiharam! The dracoknights spit on your name!
Haar: … Do they now? Well, here’s your chance to try the real thing.

Others vs Zeffren

Zeffren: Now, begone with you! The skies and the heron are ours! I can’t wait to see your corpse smashed across Crimea’s landscape!

Zeffren defeated

Zeffren: Ugh… Aaaaaaaagghh!

Chapter 1

Brom vs Yeardley

Brom: Hey, you! Who put ya up ta this? Politics ain’t my strong suit, so ya can spare me the details, but I know you’re up ta no good, and someone’s behind it.
Yeardley: Hah! Clamor all you like, but it won’t change a thing. Revolution is taking root across Crimea. Our plan is flawless. We’re getting rid of that…girl! We shall have a new ruler in Melior… Soon… Lord Ludveck, duke of Felirae, will wear the crown.
Brom: Ludveck? From Felirae?Yeardley: That is correct. And you shall perish with that name fresh on your lips, you blundering cow!

Nephenee vs Yeardley

Yeardley: Ah, survivors of the war. You would be better off dead and forgotten. You can’t stop the duke!
Nephenee: Duke?Yeardley: Yes. Our master, Lord Ludveck, duke of Felirae, will rule over Crimea. When our plan is complete, the queen will be erased from history. Now then! I believe it’s time for you to die

Nephenee: Right…

Heather vs Yeardley

Yeardley: Be gone with you, thief! We won’t have filth like you stand in the way of our supremacy!
Heather: So! You’re the ones sent by Ludveck of Felirae?! You’ve been stirring up these little revolts all over the place.
Yeardley: What?! How did you know?!
Heather: I see things here and there. But half of it was just a guess! …Judging by your reaction, though, it seems I was right.
Yeardley: You…little…
Heather: Tsk… Don’t get so steamed up, Mr. Fancypants! You just look silly. Nothing personal… I just don’t like men like you!

Yeardley defeated

Yeardley: No! My duty is incomplete… Lord Ludveck… Please forgive me!

Chapter 2

Lucia vs Maraj

Maraj: Well, look what we have here… Lady Lucia and her pack of curs. How interesting. What cause could you have for roaming the grounds at night, hmm? Lucia: Cause? Why, we’ve merely lost our way.
Maraj: Is that so? In that case, I will gladly escort you back to the castle.
Lucia: That’s quite all right. We should be going home. But please do give Lord Ludveck a message.. Tell him that his revolt will never succeed!
Maraj: …Tsk tsk. I did try to warn Lord Ludveck, but it seems that he is quite fond of you. If he knew of your little discovery… I’m certain he would have no qualms about eliminating you.

Leanne vs Maraj

Maraj: What a… vision of enchantment! Oh, that I must mangle such beauty! Truly, I will regret this day…

Laguz vs Maraj

Maraj: To associate with beasts like you… One has to wonder where the queen acquired such a lack of taste.

Others vs Maraj

Maraj: As I expected. The queen’s house pets are playful little pups indeed. The only thing your sniffing about will get you, however, is an abruptly shortened life span!

Maraj defeated

Maraj: …My death…means nothing… Our plan…is perfect… There is…nothing…nothing the queen…can do…

Chapter 3

Geoffrey vs Tashoria

Geoffrey: Rebel forces! I am Geoffrey, commander of the Royal Knights of Crimea! Lay down your weapons and submit to the rule of the law! Further resistance is futile! Her majesty the queen promises leniency and means you no harm!  Listen to me! You must yield!
Tashoria: Tch… What nonsense is this? Do you take us for idiots!?  Our reinforcements will arrive shortly, and your fate will be sealed! Death to the tyrant and her lapdogs!
Geoffrey: Grr… The queen lives to serve you! Why can’t you see that!

Others vs Tashoria

Tashoria: W-we have to hold out! The duke is on his way! We’ll be heroes! Adored, and showered with riches!

Tashoria defeated

Tashoria: Duke… Duke Ludveck… Where are…our reinforcements…


Elincia vs Ludveck

Ludveck: Queen Elincia…
Elincia: Ludveck.
Ludveck: Looking quite gallant, aren’t we? I thought you would surely be fleeing by now… or pleading for your life. I must commend you on your unexpected bravery.
Elincia: I am the ruler of Crimea. I will not abandon that role.
Ludveck: Oh, I see… Self-sacrifice, is it? How very honorable of you. By the way, Your Majesty, Lady Lucia is often in your company. Wherever could she have gone to?Elincia: Where is she?! Tell me she’s safe! Tell me–now!
Ludveck: Oh my, you look pale. You two grew up like sisters… You must be worried, then? Ha! Yet another facet of your weakness.

Geoffrey vs Ludveck

Geoffrey: That’s enough, Duke Ludveck! You have no chance of victory. The Royal Knights are here, and we have our queen to lead us.
Ludveck: Ho ho… It’s the valiant Geoffrey. I assume, General, that you have yet to hear about Lady Lucia?
Geoffrey: Lucia? What’s happened?
Ludveck: Well… I could tell you, but what would that gain me? Now, if you were to turn on the queen and grovel at my feet, I might reconsider telling you.
Geoffrey: How dare you, you rotten…

Leanne vs Ludveck

Ludveck: A heron on the battlefield? And I though I’d seen it all… Just as weak as the queen, I imagine.

Laguz vs Ludveck

Ludveck: Throwing laguz into the ranks? How very like the queen.

Others vs Ludveck

Ludveck: The day is upon us… A day that will stand proudly in the history of Crimea. Today, a weak queen falls…and a new king prevails!

Ludveck defeated

Ludveck: Elincia! I yield to you! Please… You may imprison me. Your Majesty, be merciful! Spare our lives. We surrender our weapons.