Ike: Argh… I’m sorry…
Ike: … How careless of me…
Ena: Urgh… The wound is deep… But I was so close! But I’m not dead…? Something deep inside… I’ve… got to survive… Strange… I don’t know why, but I can’t die here. Not now. But if I don’t get out of the way… I’ll just trip everyone up. I must retreat from this battle.
Ilyana: No! Ahh… I’m dying… on an empty stomach…
Danved: In this world… There’s no place for joy… or laughter…
Danved: Ouch, ouch, ouch! Ahh, I guess that’s it… That’s all, folks…
Ulki: I’m run through… I’ve no strength left… I’m sorry, my king…
Ulki: Gasp… Janaff… Tibarn… We’ve shared such a long journey… When…I rise again… I hope…we can…
Edward: Dang it… And I was…doing so well, too…
Elincia: Father… Forgive me… I was…a weak ruler…
Elincia: Ugh…aaah… Sorry… I… I’m…
Ike: Elincia! You don’t have to do this! Just get out of here!
Elincia: My noble Ike… All…your plans…
Ike: Don’t speak. Leave it all to me. You use all your strength to make sure that you survive. Do it for the people of Crimea.
Elincia: All right, Sir Ike. …I know you can do it. I’ll be waiting.
Lehran: Oh, Goddess… I…can’t…
Oscar: These enemies… They’re too powerful… Help me… Boyd… R-Rolf…
Oliver: Beauty crumbles to dust… It’s as fleeting…as…life… How…sad…
Volug: (I have nothing left… I must pass…)
Volug: (My duty… I cannot fall until I have seen it through.)
Volug: (I have not…done my part. My queen, forgive me.)
Micaiah: Volug?! You can’t– Not after all that you’ve done! Volug… Aah!!!
Caineghis: …The irony of this… To be defeated…by so tiny a thorn…
Caineghis: …I have grown weak… For so small a wound… to defeat me…
Gatrie: Aah… I feel…so weak and powerless… How could I…be…defeated…?
Calill: Guh! No! I’m so…so sorry… Please…watch over Amy for me…
Calill: Ugh… No! I can’t believe we’ll have to retreat here… How embarrassing!
Kyza: …Commander Ranulf… Curse my fragile bones! My last breath… For Gallia! For…Ga–
Rhys: Oh, Goddess… Take pity…on soldiers such as we…
Kurthnaga: Ugh… Gh… Im-impossible! I wasn’t… This can’t… Guh…
Kurthnaga: Ugh…
Ike: Prince Kurthnaga! Don’t be a fool! Stay back!
Kurthnaga: I… I’m sorry… I thought I could…
Kurthnaga: I am… King Deghinsea’s heir! I cannot die! I have to return home… I must survive… No matter the cost…
Kieran: Long live Crimea! Queen Elincia… May fortune smile on you.
Kieran: Hack… I have dishonored myself before Queen Elincia!
Elincia: Kieran, you must retreat! Please, don’t throw your life away.
Kieran: As… As you wish!
Gareth: Uhf… Prince Kurthanaga… Be…safe…
Sothe: All this blood… Guh…
Micaiah: Sothe?!No, no… Sothe! Please, hang on!
Sothe: Don’t look at me like that… I’ll be fine…
Micaiah: Thank goodness… Sothe…you’ve got to withdraw. With wounds like that, you’re in no shape for fighting… You have to promise me that you’ll be careful!
Sothe: …Fine.
Sothe: Micaiah… …I’ve failed you… I couldn’t protect you to the end…
Micaiah: Sothe… Don’t talk like that! You’re not going to die… I won’t let you!
Sothe: My wounds are…too deep… Save your…strength… It’s not your fault… D’you hear me?
Micaiah: Please, no, you can’t say that! I can’t… I can’t do this… Not without you…
Sothe: It’s over for me… Take care of yourself… I’ll be looking out for you…
Micaiah: Sothe! Sothe!!! No, this can’t be happening… Don’t leave me alone like this! Sothe! Sothe!!
Sothe: Ha… What a stupid mistake… Ugh…
Micaiah: Sothe?! No, you can’t… Sothe!! Hang on!!
Sothe: Don’t you look at me like that… I’ll be fine…
Micaiah: Oh, good… Sothe, you have to rest. You’re in no condition to fight. You’d better not do anything stupid. Promise me!
Sothe: …You have my word.
Sanaki: I’m sorry that… I let everyone down…
Sigrun: Don’t talk such nonsense… I’ve failed you when you needed me. My life is…meaningless…
Sanaki: Gh…
Ike: Apostle! You mustn’t overtax yourself!
Sanaki: …I’m sorry. My only option is to flee… How frustrating!
Sigrun: Apostle… It was an honor to give my life. Your Grace, I die…in your name…
Tanith: Commander Sigrun! Remember your vows… The Holy Guard needs you! Commander! Open your eyes!
Sigrun: Apostle… It was an honor to give my life… Your Grace, I die…in your name…
Ike: Sigrun?! You can’t leave the apostle here!! You have a job to do, soldier! You have to get up, Sigrun!
Sigrun: Ugh… I cannot fall… While Sanaki’s enemies remain…
Sanaki: Sigrun! You’ve given enough of yourself… Pull back and rest… I won’t allow this sacrifice…
Sigrun: …For… Forgive me…
Sigrun: Sanaki… …However long you may live… please…never change…
Shinon: Ugh… This is…such a crock… What a…boring way to die. Co…Commander…Greil… I… I… I’m…
Giffca: I have served…to the end… There is no greater glory than to have fought for King Caineghis…
Geoffrey: Queen Elincia! My queen, where are you?! I can’t see… Blood is in my eyes… Your Majesty… I’ll be right…there…
Elincia: Geoffrey… Geoffrey! …You mustn’t die… I’ll be all alone… Please… Geoffrey…
Geoffrey: Ugh… Defeated…
Elincia: …Geoffrey! Pull back! You can’t!!!
Geoffrey: What do you mean? This wound? Hardly–gnk!–worth noting…
Elincia: Withdraw! Your queen commands it!
Geoffrey: As you wish. In your service, milady.
Geoffrey: Queen Elincia… I lived…as your sworn sword. And even in death, I promise you… I will protect… your honor…forever…
Jill: Father… Even now… I know that…my convictions… were true…to the…end…
Jill: Father… I’ve always…been proud to have… been born as your daughter…
Micaiah: …No! You can’t die… Please, this can’t be happening…
Skrimir: Ugh! I shall concede this battle… Next time, victory shall be mine! Count on it!
Skrimir: Ugh! I will not fall! No matter what happens…I–
Ranulf: Skrimir, stop playacting… You’re a better soldier than that… Skrimir… No! Wake up!!! Please… Please!
Skrimir: Ugh… Wounds are nothing compared to the shame of defeat…!
Micaiah: General Skrimir! Please fall back. You mustn’t throw your life away… Think of those who’d mourn you if you were to die!
Skrimir: Ugghh… I obey only because you speak with the voice of the goddess…
Skrimir: No! I’m not going to die yet… No matter what happens…I… can’t…
Skrimir: Goddess Ashera… …You gave me this life… And so it returns…to you…
Astrid: I have no regrets… I’ve lived…as I desired… I chose…this fate…
Astrid: I won’t…be broken… Not yet…
Elincia: Astrid, get back! Now! Don’t waste your life like this.
Astrid: Forgive me…
Soren: …Ugh… What a terrible place…to die…
Ike: Soren, retreat!
Soren: But, Ike…
Ike: Aren’t you supposed to be my strategist? Use your head! I need your help.
Soren: …I see. As you command…
Soren: Ike… Please live… Even if all the cities burn, and the seas swallow Tellius… You mustn’t die… Not you…
Sephiran: …Finally… It’s about time… I can finally rest.
Stefan: Unbelievable! You shattered my sword…
Tauroneo: How sad… To see Daein’s glory restored…was my only wish… My wife… My son… Live…well…
Micaiah: …No! You can’t die… Daein needs your strength…
Tauroneo: Lady Micaiah… Take care of Prince Pelleas…for Daein.
Micaiah: General Tauroneo! No! You can’t! If you die… What will I do? This… This can’t be happening!
Tauroneo: Lady Micaiah… Forgive my weakness. Please…restore Daein to glory.
Micaiah: General Tauroneo! No! You can’t! If you die… What will I do? This… This can’t be happening!
Tauroneo: As I expected. They’re too strong… We’ll need more drastic methods…
Elincia: General Tauroneo! Please retreat. We’ll hold the line.
Tauroneo: But… How can I…?
Elincia: You must live. For the future of Daein.
Tauroneo: I understand… Forgive me…
Tauroneo: As I expected. They’re too strong… We’ll need more drastic methods… And this injury is too deep… I have to retreat.
Tauroneo: To my wife…and my son… I only wish I…could go back…to the way…things were…
Tanith: Ugh… So idiotic…
Ike: Tanith, retreat! It’s your duty to protect the apostle, isn’t it? You can’t desert your post!
Tanith: Forgive me… General Ike. I will atone for this disgrace… I swear it!
Tanith: Fear no manner of death. Mourn only that you are powerless to change it…
Tanith: I got…a little too cocky… May fortune follow you, Apostle…
Sigrun: …Tanith! No, this is impossible… You cannot die… Tanith!
Brom: Hey, kids… Your dad, he worked real hard…for everyone… To the very end… Aah…
Zihark: I guess this…is the end… of the line…for me… … Thank you. I’ll…be waiting…
Zihark: It’s getting dark… I’m…on my way… See you…
Micaiah: No! You can’t die! It wasn’t supposed to happen this way…
Titania: Ugh… They got me…
Ike: Titania! Retreat, and don’t exert yourself. We wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t here. We need you.
Titania: Ah, I understand, Ike.
Titania: …You’ve…grown to become a legend… Greil…are you watching? Be proud of your son.
Titania: Ike… I’m so happy to have watched over you as you grew older… You don’t need my help anymore… You’re going…to do well… I can rest…peacefully…
Tibarn: No! You’re not going to retreat!? Don’t you…know who…I am? You can’t kill…me…
Tibarn: I lived as I wished… I’ve no regrets.
Ike: Unbelievable… To defeat… King Tibarn! Will we be able to win?
Tormod: Th-there’s still a long road ahead!
Muarim: Little one! Fall back! You cannot battle in this condition.
Tormod: What?! This wound’s nothing… I… It…
Muarim: Hey, are you deaf?! Don’t push it. Fall back, now!
Tormod: F-fine… Ugh!
Tormod: No! I can’t…feel my legs… I can’t stand up… Where…is…Muarim…? I… I’m…
Nasir: …Ena… Remember… You must walk your own…path…
Nealuchi: No, this won’t do at all! If we fall, who will take care of the nestling? I hate it, but I have to pull back!
Nealuchi: I’ve…lived a long life… I think about the decades that I watched over the nestling… It makes me feel so fulfilled. Ahh… I had so much fun…
Nealuchi: Slain by beorc warriors… How…disappointing… Lady Leanne… Watch over the nestling…
Leanne: (Stop! You can’t die, Nealuchi!)
Nailah: …Maybe…I should not have been so cocky…
Rafiel: Queen…?!
Nailah: Stop squawking, Rafiel, I’ll be all right. …It makes me happy that you worry for me as you do. But I’ll have to retreat for now.
Nailah: I am…defeated… …Rafiel. Forgive me…
Nailah: Betrayal is the coin of the gods. I was aware of this. All things…are predestined… …Rafiel. Forgive me…
Nailah: I’ve been defeated? Here? Gah, the vagaries of war… Rafiel… Forgive me. Some promises cannot be kept…
Rafiel: …My queen… Please wait… Please permit me… to…accompany you.
Naesala: Waugh…! I guess I won’t see the end of this. Battles without rewards just aren’t my thing. It’s time for me to retreat…
Naesala: Well, I suppose… there is only one thing to do…
Skrimir: King Naesala!? You have to wake up…! I haven’t had a chance to show you my true strength!
Naesala: Hey! Sheesh, what’s with the shouting? You’re gonna bust my eardrums!
Naesala: …Tsh! I guess I won’t get to see how this ends. Ugh…
Naesala: I understand… This is what happens… When you anger…the gods… Right?!
Nephenee: …It’s darker than a prairie night… Why can’t I…see…anything…?
Nolan: We’ve done what’s right. We must continue to believe. Soldier on…
Haar: Ah, my friend… I know I was a burden… But now…you too…are free… Finally… Commander Shiharam…!
Vika: …In the end…my dreams… were left unfulfilled… The people…of the desert… Someday…they will be…free…
Vika: Ugh… It wasn’t supposed to…
Tormod: Vika! Enough! You don’t have to do any more!
Vika: Forgive me…leader… I’m just returning…to Grann…a little before the rest of you…
Volke: …Stupid. I wouldn’t be caught dead on a worthless battlefield like this. Sorry, but this is as far as I go…
Aran: I’m not a hero… I’m just a soldier. There’s no lesson in this… I knew that’s…how it would be… But still… I…
Fiona: Lady Micaiah… Daein’s light… I give you…everything…
Heather: Mother… Forgive me… I…lied… I stole… And this…is my punishment…
Pelleas: Ugh… Guh…
Tibarn: You fought bravely. But enough is enough. No more. You’ll break your mother’s heart.
Pelleas: …Y-yes…
Pelleas: To die in this lonely place… It’s my fate… But… For Micaiah… I must… I…must live…
Pelleas: I should have…died then… I fear…nothing…
Boyd: No! I’m… This isn’t… Big brother… Rolf… I’m…so sorry…
Marcia: I… I’m sorry… I thought…I could handle it… I’ll always be…near… …Big…b…brother… Aah…
Marcia: Ugh! Elincia, I swear… I will protect you!
Elincia: Marcia, please retreat! Don’t throw your life away!
Marcia: I… I’m sorry…
Makalov: I knew this would be how…the dice would fall… Forgive me, Marcia… I’m…such a bad…brother…
Makalov: Ugghhh… It’s…useless… I’m fading…
Micaiah: I’m…so sorry…Sothe…
Mist: Ugh… Uh… My body is…like ice…
Ike: Mist?!
Mist: Brother… …Why…am I…so cold?
Ike: Get back and rest. Don’t you worry about it… I’ll take care of everything.
Mist: Ugh… I’m…sorry…
Mist: S-sorry…Brother… We…can’t be…together… again… …Father. M-Mother…
Muarim: …Ugh.
Tormod: Stand back, Muarim! I won’t allow you to push yourself anymore!
Muarim: I… I’m sorry…little one.
Muarim: I thought I had lived…without regret… One now…lies heavy…in my heart… Little one…! Live free… Live well… Guh…
Muarim: Little one… I… I gave myself freely… Good-bye.
Meg: Ugh…I wanted to have…a wonderful wedding… Father… I wanted you to be…proud of me…
Mordecai: Forgive, please… Mordecai can fight no longer… Mordecai must return home…to…Gallia…
Mordecai: Mordecai is sorry… Mordecai can fight no more… Must return to Gallia… Forgive, please…
Janaff: Ugh… I’ve messed this up. This wound is too deep. I’m going to withdraw for now… I’m sorry… Forgive me.
Janaff: Ugh… How stupid… I thought I’d have…seen it coming…
Bastian: …Argh…!
Elincia: Bastian!
Bastian: Trouble yourself not, fair queen. If Bastian must pass into bleak death’s domain, it will be from wounds more dire by far. However, my body desires to lay down and rest, so I beg of you your pardon.
Bastian: …Here shall I cross… from this world…to death’s dry kingdom. I always suspected…that it would come to this.
Rolf: …So this is what fate…had in store for me… I’m so cold… I still had…a lot…to learn. Oscar… B-Boyd… Shinon…
Ranulf: Ugh… What just happened…? …Did anybody… see it?
Skrimir: Ranulf, you– This battle just started! I demand more of my assistants! Be strong! Get up!
Ranulf: Arg! Like being hit…with a mountain…
Tibarn: Ranulf! Enough! Get back! I can’t let you die! What would I tell King Caineghis and Skrimir?
Ranulf: …I’m sorry, King Tibarn…
Ranulf: King Tibarn… It now falls upon you… Please tell Ike I said…th-thank you.
Ranulf: Ike… I’m leaving everything in your hands… With you in command, I know I can be at peace when I…
Rafiel: …Uhh!
Nailah: Rafiel! You can’t push yourself any further. Get away from here, now! I forbid you to die before I do!
Rafiel: …As you wish, Nailah. Everyone… Please, forgive me.
Rafiel: …Aah!
Ike: Rafiel… Withdraw for now! Your life’s worth more than your songs. Live, and see a new dawn.
Rafiel: Y-yes… I’m so sorry…
Leanne: (Ahh! Such a wound… Please, don’t be angry with me.)
Leanne: (Aah……)
Ike: Leanne…! Retreat for now! Your life’s worth more than your songs. Don’t throw it away.
Leanne: (I’m sorry, Ike, sir…)
Leanne: (Aa… Brother… F-Father…)
Nealuchi: P-Princess Leanne!? Princess! Princess!!!
Lyre: No… I… Is this…the end for me? Save me, Ranulf… Lethe…
Lyre: Ugh… I can’t believe it… I’ve gotta fall back… The rest of you guys think you can pull it together?
Reyson: Ugh… I’ve done all I can to help you… Sorry, but…I’ve got to leave the battlefield…
Reyson: Ugh… Forgive me… I’ve… I’ve no strength left…
Ike: Reyson! Fall back, now! Your life’s worth more than your songs. Don’t throw it away.
Reyson: As you command… I leave this in your hands…
Lucia: Ahh… It hurts…
Elincia: …Lucia! Pull back!
Lucia: Elincia… I can still…
Elincia: Retreat! Your queen commands you!
Lucia: As you wish, my queen.
Lucia: I…cannot die… Elincia… I cannot leave her to mourn… Geoffrey… Bas…ti…an…
Leonardo: How is it…that people are born… only to die so swiftly? …If only I had lived a little longer…
Lethe: Ugh…! Defeat! I’ve gotta fall back… Everyone… Stay alive!
Lethe: While I can breathe… I will still…fight… …L-Lyre…
Renning: Flesh that has died once…does not fear dying again…
Laura: To die here… If this is the will of the goddess… So be it… Farewell…everyone… F-Father…
Mia: Why can’t I stop the bleeding…? And I never…even met my… white-clad archrival…
Black Knight: …Perfection. Your skill…is far superior to mine…
Micaiah: You… You must be kidding! For the Black Knight to fall like this… How could a nobody like that defeat…such a warrior…?