Part 1
Micaiah: Ah… This can’t be… Forgive me… Sothe…
Edward: M-Micaiah?! No… You can’t die! We need you! Hold on! No! Wake up, Micaiah!
Chapter 1
Micaiah: I’m sorry… I can’t… go on… Sothe…
Leonardo: Micaiah?! No! You can’t die, not in a place like this! Please, listen to me… Micaiah!
Chapter 2
Micaiah: Ahh… I…can’t… make it… Sothe…
Nolan: Wait, Micaiah! Don’t let go… We need you… I need you! Why did this have to happen?!
Laura: Goddess… I beg thee… protect…the abbot…
Chapter 3
Micaiah: Everyone… Quick…outside… Sothe… I’m… sor…ry……
Kurth: Micaiah! No! This is my fault! If I had fought, this would never have happened…
Aimee: What carelessness on my part! I’m injured. Go on without me. I don’t want to be a burden. No, no. I insist. I’ll get away somehow. Until we meet again!
Kurth: For…forgive me… I’ll hold you back in this condition… I don’t want to be a hindrance. I’ll rely on my own strengths…from this point on. I hope to see you again someday.
Chapter 4
Micaiah: …Wait… That voice…it’s still…calling… Sothe…
Sothe: Micaiah! No! You can’t… Open your eyes! Micaiah!!
Chapter 5
Micaiah: I can’t… Not when our goal…is still……so…far…… Sothe…
Sothe: Micaiah… Don’t leave me here alone… Micaiah!! Don’t die!
Chapter 6
Micaiah: Forgive me… I knew…I couldn’t… …Sothe…
Tauroneo: Lady Micaiah! If only we hadn’t asked so much…… Forgive us.
Chapter 7
Micaiah: Ah… I… I can’t… Sothe… Save Daein… …Save…everyone…
Tormod: H-hey! Hang on! A little wound like this, you’ll be up again in…in no time! So…just open your eyes…
Tormod: Uh-oh… I botched that one.
Sothe: Tormod!
Tormod: I got…carried away, y’see. And now I’ll never…finish the task you set for me… …Sorry…Sothe…
Muarim: Ghk… I’m sorry… I can go no farther…little…one…
Tormod: Muarim! Hold on! Muarim!
Vika: Khk… I never thought…
Tormod: Vika! That’s enough! Pull out of this fight!
Vika: Boss… Forgive me… I’ll go home to Grann…just a…step ahead of you, then…
Chapter 8
Micaiah: Forgive me… I dragged…everyone into this… Sothe…
Rafiel: Micaiah… Why you? Why? Why?
Chapter 9
Micaiah: Even if…I die… Daein…will surely… For…give me… Sothe…
Black Knight: The maiden is lost, and her miracles have run dry… Shall Daein’s dreams also dissolve into dust?
Final Chapter
Micaiah: …Please…please, Sir Knight… Save…Daein… Ahh… Sothe…
Black Knight: Maiden…
Part 2
Elincia: I…I am so…so powerless. Ah… Father…Mother…Uncle……
Leanne: (Queen Elincia! Your Majesty!)
Marcia: …Queen Elincia… …I’m so…sorry… …I failed…you… …Brother…
Elincia: Marcia! No… Noooo!
Nealuchi: Ugh…I’ve failed… Protect…her… my lady… For…for the princess…
Elincia: No! Nealuchi! There’s nothing… I can do… Why couldn’t I save you…
Leanne: (Ah… Nealuchi…)
Elincia: No! Princess Leanne! There’s nothing… I can do… Why couldn’t I save you…
Chapter 1
Brom: Someone… Anyone… Ya gotta… tell…Her Majesty… Please…
Nephenee: H-hold on! Brom! We can’t go on without you. Brom!
Nephenee: Br-Brom… The…revolt… The queen…has to…be told…
Brom: Nephenee! Don’t go lettin’ your family down! Nephenee, no!
Chapter 2
Lucia: I… How? I can’t…
Nealuchi: L-Lady Lucia! It can’t be!
Lucia: Forget about me… Save yourselves! You have to tell…Queen Elincia…
Chapter 3
Geoffrey: Men, you have to…keep fighting! Just leave me… Fight for Her Majesty!
Kieran: General Geoffrey… Get up, man! Fight! We can’t go on without you!
Kieran: General… Forgive me! I should have… trained harder…
Geoffrey: Kieran… No! I’m coming to help you! Hold tight! Kieran!!
Final Chapter
Elincia: Father… Please forgive me! I have failed…as queen…
Geoffrey: Queen Elincia! I… I’m coming to save you! What’s the point of living without you?! Dear Elincia!
Geoffrey: []
Elincia: []
Part 3
Ike: I’m sorry.
Skrimir: What is this?! You! Stop! Don’t fall down! Get up, flimsy beorc! Get up!
Chapter 1
Ike: Ugh…no…
Mist: Ike? Ike, what’s wrong?! No… Open your eyes, Ike! NOOO!
Chapter 2
Ike: I was careless… I couldn’t surpass… my…father…
Titania: Ike?! No! Please don’t die! Not here! Ike!
Chapter 3
Ike: Carry out…the mission. See this through. I’m sorry…
Soren: Ike, no! Please wait! I’ll treat your wounds right now! Please… Don’t die, Ike! Ike…
Chapter 4
Ike: Ranulf… Go! Keep going…
Ranulf: Ike?! You’re faking, right? No, you can’t leave us! Ike!
Ranulf: Sorry, Ike… Please…save Skrimir…
Ike: Ranulf! I’m coming to you! Do you hear me? Answer me, Ranulf!
Chapter 5
Ike: Can’t…hold them off…
Reyson: Ike! No… This is not happening! I do not wish to see you die!
Chapter 6
(Lethe is alive)
Micaiah: Sothe… Why don’t they understand? Sothe…
Lethe: …Little beorc, I admire your courage. You should have been on our side, like Ike…
(Lethe died)
Micaiah: Sothe… Why don’t they understand? Sothe…
Chapter 7
Ike: No! I–
Micaiah: Ike, I’m sorry. Fighting was the only way to protect Daein. May the goddess have mercy on you…
(Ike defeated by Black Knight)
Ike: Ugh! No…I–
Black Knight: No! I misjudged, and now Gawain will never live again. I have failed.
Chapter 8
Ike: Sorry… I know you can get the troops back to Gallia on your own… I’m counting on you all…
Tibarn: No! You can’t die here, Ike! Rest easy, brave beorc. The enemy will pay for this in blood.
Chapter 9
(Kieran is alive)
Geoffrey: They got me… Your Majesty… Please forgive me.
Kieran: General Geoffrey! No! Open your eyes! Your orders, General! General!
(Kieran died)
Geoffrey: They got me… Your Majesty… Please forgive me.
Chapter 10
Ike: Elincia… Retreat…now…
Elincia: Sir Ike! No, please! Don’t leave me!
Elincia: Sir Ike… Please… Look after Crimea.
Ike: Elincia! Open your eyes, Elincia!
Chapter 11
Ike: Go…without me… Keep…advancing…
Sanaki: Ike! No… This cannot be! I’ve never seen you lose! This is a ruse, right, Ike? A clever tactic? Ike?!
Chapter 12
Micaiah: Ahh! No… For Daein’s sake, I can’t lose. Sothe, look after our country…
Sothe: Micaiah?! No! Without you… Without you, I…
Chapter 13
Micaiah: Ugh! No, it can’t end here… I must protect Daein. Sothe… Hold me…
Ike: I’m sorry, Rafiel… I couldn’t keep my promise. Forgive me.
Final Chapter
Ike: I guess…this is it…
Leanne: (No, Ike! You can’t die!)
Part 4
Micaiah: I’m sorry, Yune… I…won’t be able to meet you at the tower. Sothe…
Skrimir: Micaiah, no! Without you, who will speak for Yune? Open your eyes, Micaiah! You must continue on!
Naesala: Ah, this is… what some would call…a just reward…
Skrimir: Raven King! Open your beady eyes! Do you hear me, you winged jackal? You’ll not die here. I have sworn to rip you limb from limb myself! Do you hear me?
Naesala: Quit your bellowing, you lice-ridden hairball. You’re going to burst my delicate…eardrums…
Skrimir: Graarr! That stung! But it’s nothing compared to that time–
Micaiah: General Skrimir! You must fall back! Don’t waste your life here. If you were to die, so many would mourn your passing.
Skrimir: Hmm… I hear the truth in your words, maiden. I will do as you ask.
Chapter 1
Ike: Go on… Must…go on… Father…
Ena: Ike! Don’t leave us! We can’t win this war without you!
Chapter 2
Tibarn: Gaah…can’t die…yet. I can’t… leave things this way…
Elincia: King Tibarn! You can’t die! What about your people?!
Elincia: Crimea… The people of Crimea… must…be…saved…
Ranulf: …Queen Elincia. King Caineghis had such faith in the future of our countries… You won’t get to see it now…
Chapter 3
Micaiah: I can’t stop now… I have to keep… fighting…
Sanaki: Micaiah! You can’t die here! I have so much to learn from you!
Chapter 4
Ike: Hurghh… I’m sorry… Finish… the mission…
Rafiel: No! We can’t lose you, General! Who can lead us now? Ike…
Nailah: I…overestimated my limits…
Rafiel: Your Majesty, fall back. Don’t fight any longer. I will take care of you, as you have done for me. Please… You must stop fighting.
Nailah: Rafiel…I will do as you say. I wouldn’t want you out there dying without me.
Rafiel: …Ohhhgh…
Nailah: Rafiel! That’s enough! You’re too fragile for this battle! I’ll help you get out of here. You’re just not cut out for war… Let the others handle it.
Chapter 5
Tibarn: Ugh! Damn! Just…a scratch… I can still…fight…
Reyson: Tibarn! No… No! You’re too strong for this! Tibarn! Please! Please open your eyes…
Elincia: I’m…sorry… My journey…ends here. Please look after Crimea… Please…save the petrified people…
Tibarn: Queen Elincia! That’s it, Izuka! That’s the very last life you take. Your black heart has beat long enough.
Final Chapter-1
Ike: I… I…wasn’t strong…enough…
Micaiah: Ike! Yune is counting on you! Hold on, Ike!
Micaiah: This…is…the end…for me… …S…Sothe…
Ike: Micaiah! You’re Yune’s chosen! You can’t die now! Open your eyes!
Sanaki: Aghh!
Ike: Apostle! Fall back! It’s not worth it!
Sanaki: …I’m sorry. I know I’ll regret this… But escape is my only option…
Sothe: No! They got me…
Micaiah: Sothe! It can’t be… Sothe! You have to make it!
Sothe: Making that face…does not… help…at all…
Micaiah: You’re OK… Sothe, you need to rest. You can’t go on with wounds like that. Promise me you’re done for the day… Say it!
Sothe: OK… I’m done.
Kurthnaga: Urgh!
Ike: Prince Kurthnaga! You’ve done enough. Fall back!
Kurthnaga: F-forgive me… I am too weak…
Ena: Ughh…
Ike: Ena, stand down!
Ena: Forgive me… I underestimated them. I’ll head…for cover…
Rafiel: Oh…ow…
Ike: Rafiel! You must retreat. We can make do without your galdr, but we need you alive.
Rafiel: I, I understand… I’m sorry…
Reyson: Ah…urgh… Please…forgive me… I can fight no more…
Ike: Reyson! Fall back now! We can make do without your galdr, but we need you alive.
Reyson: Understood. It’s all up to you now.
Leanne: (Ow…)
Ike: Leanne! That’s enough. Fall back. We can make do without your galdr, but we need you alive.
Leanne: (My apologies, Sir Ike…)
Final Chapter-2
Ike: I…admit defeat.
Zelgius: There is no pride in victory, nor shame in defeat. But I thank you, Ike. My dream was realized at last.
Micaiah: Ike… It’s up to you now… Oh… Sothe…
Zelgius: Maiden… I did not wish for things to end this way. However, the fate of the world has already been sealed.
Final Chapter-3
Ike: Guess my luck…finally ran out…
Kurthnaga: Sir Ike! You mustn’t fall… Fight, Ike… Fight!
Micaiah: Yune… Yune, I’m so sorry… I can’t go on… Sothe… Promise me you’ll survive… Stay alive…
Kurthnaga: Micaiah! Please, Micaiah… Don’t die! Please…
Final Chapter-4
Ike: No! I came all this way!
Sephiran: Ike. I… I was hoping that you… No, never mind. It’s too late now.
Micaiah: Why? Why must…we fight?
Sephiran: Just a little longer. The fate of mankind is decided. All that’s left to do is wait.
Final Chapter-5
Ike: This… This is it for me… Everyone… You must…
Yune: Ike! Please! No! If you can’t do it…who can? Ike!
Micaiah: The goddess…was right… We didn’t…stand a…chance… S… Sothe…
Ashera: It is inevitable. The start of death, as it should start. The end of life, as it should end.
Lehran: Forgive me, goddess. I must end my service to you now.