Credits: FE Planet
Part 1
Chapter 5
Ilyana and Zihark
Ilyana: Ah…
Zihark: Ilyana! It’s been a while.
Ilyana: Too long, Zihark…
Zihark: So you remember my name!
Ilyana: How could I forget you, Zihark? Why, I think of you often! You treated me to food…glorious food… On 23 separate occasions! But who’s counting?
Zihark: Apparently, you are. And now, might I request something in return?
Ilyana: Well, um, yes. What exactly did you have in mind?
Zihark: For you, something sweet! You join our merry band, and together, we fight for Daein’s freedom. I’m counting on you, my dear. You wouldn’t want to disappoint me, would you?
Ilyana: …Ah…er… What?
Sothe and Jill
Sothe: Hey, Jill? Jill Fizzart? It is you, isn’t it?
Jill: Sothe?!
Sothe: Haven’t seen you since the war ended.
Jill: That does bring back memories… What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?
Sothe: We heard that King Ashnard’s orphan was in need of soldiers. We came to find out if it’s true.
Jill: The prince? He’s just inside the fort.
Sothe: Then it’s true?
Jill: It is. Will you help us protect him?
Sothe: Of course.
Sothe and Tauroneo
Sothe: General Tauroneo!
Tauroneo: Well, if it isn’t our little Sothe! I’d never have thought to see you here!
Sothe: General, these ruins you’re defending… Do they hold hope for Daein?
Tauroneo: They do. In fact, these walls hold what may well be Daein’s only hope.
Sothe: I see. Then we must protect this place at all costs.
Tauroneo: Indeed.
Sothe and Zihark
Sothe: Need a hand?
Zihark: Sothe? Where did you come from? What are you doing here?
Sothe: Hello, Zihark. I see you’re fighting Begnion soldiers. I assume you’re siding with Daein here?
Zihark: That’s right. This is my homeland. These are my people.
Sothe: Oh, really? I didn’t know you were from Daein.
Zihark: Yep, I’m a Daein, through and through.
Sothe: All that time we fought together, and I never knew.
Zihark: That’s because I never told you. At any rate, let’s rejoin the fight. We can talk later.
Sothe: Ah, yes…
Chapter 6
Micaiah and Fiona
Micaiah: Are you all right?
Fiona: It’s really you… The Silver-Haired–
Micaiah: We’ll worry about introductions once we’re safe. For now, we have a battle to fight.
Fiona: So the rumors were true…
Micaiah: Please, there’s no time!
Fiona: I understand now. It will be an honor to fight by your side.
Chapter 7
Jill and Muarim
Jill: Muarim, do you remember me?
Muarim: Indeed I do, Jill.
Jill: I’m glad. So why are you in Daein?
Muarim: You’ll have to ask the little one. I merely trail around after him.
Jill: I see. I will ask him. Thank you for helping us today.
Muarim: It is an honor.
Jill and Tormod
Jill: Tormod!
Tormod: If it isn’t Jill!
Jill: Thanks for fighting beside us. It’s a big help.
Tormod: Ah, it’s nothing!
Jill: How did you happen to…
Tormod: An enemy! Excellent! Leave him to me!
Jill: There he goes… At least some things never change.
Sothe and Muarim
Sothe: Ah, hello. It’s been a while.
Muarim: Little Sothe… You’ve grown up.
Sothe: Why does everybody keep saying that?
Muarim: Hmm?
Sothe: You know, little?
Muarim: Oh, sorry. I guess I have to respect your manly pride now.
Sothe: Yes, please. Or something like that.
Muarim: Sir Sothe. Will that do?
Sothe: Sothe will do. Just Sothe.
Muarim: I’m afraid I could never speak so familiarly with my little one’s good friend. So, with your permission… Sir Sothe.
Sothe: No! That doesn’t… Ohhh, never mind!
Sothe and Tormod
Sothe: Hey, Tormod!
Tormod: You! What in blazes did you do?! You scurvy traitor!
Sothe: What are you talking about?
Tormod: You grew! Too tall!
Sothe: And to think, I expected you to make sense. I have more important things to tend to.
Tormod: Hey, it’s important to me!
Sothe: What I’d really like to hear about is that issue I asked you to look into… How did it go?
Tormod: I have news to report. But! There’s no time to chat in the thick of a fight. I’ll tell you later!
Sothe: Hey! Drat!
Zihark and Muarim
Zihark: Muarim!
Muarim: Zihark, has it been three years?
Zihark: First Crimea, now Daein. Never a dull day! Still, it’s good to fight with you again.
Muarim: You can say that again.
Zihark: OK. It’s good to fight with you again.
Muarim: Beorc humor is so…odd. But you know I feel the same.
Zihark and Tormod
Zihark: Hey there, Tormod. You’re looking well.
Tormod: So you’re here too, eh, Zihark?
Zihark: Polished your mage skills over the last few years, I see.
Tormod: But of course! I’ll toast anyone who dares oppose me!
Zihark: Really? Well then, why don’t you take on the rest of the guards while I sit back and take a break?
Tormod: You know what I mean! Get back here and fight like you mean it! Zihark!
Chapter 8
Micaiah and Rafiel
Micaiah: Rafiel…why did you come? I thought herons abhorred fighting…
Rafiel: Wherever the queen goes, I follow. I practice seid magic… Even if I cannot fight, I can lend strength to my friends and companions.
Micaiah: Yes, I heard you singing to Queen Nailah and Volug earlier. We are blessed to have you at our side.
Rafiel: And if I sing to you, I can restore your spirits as well, so that you might attack your foes swiftly.
Micaiah: So you will help us?
Rafiel: Helping you would give me great joy.
Micaiah: You have my thanks.
Micaiah and Nailah
Micaiah: Queen Nailah, are you sure it’s all right involving not only you, but Rafiel as well?
Nailah: Rafiel can’t fly, so sometimes he has trouble keeping up. But even so, the effects of his galdr make him a valuable asset in battle. All I ask is that you keep him near me, so I can keep him safe.
Micaiah: I understand. I will.
Chapter 9
Micaiah and Black Knight
Micaiah: Sir Knight, how did you know I was in danger?
Black Knight: That is not important right now. Are you injured?
Micaiah: No, I’m all right.
Black Knight: Maiden, stay by me. I will not let them harm you.
Micaiah: I know you won’t. Thank you.
Black Knight tries to Rescue Micaiah
Micaiah: Don’t fear for me, Sir Knight. I will fight beside you.
Micaiah and Black Knight
Micaiah: Pardon, Sir Knight. I wanted to thank you. Thank you for fighting beside us.
Black Knight: No thanks are needed. I do nothing more than fulfill my duty.
Micaiah: When our fighting is done…will you remain in Daein?
Black Knight: …
Micaiah: Never mind. It’s none of my business. It’s only… If you were here with us, we could take heart in–
Black Knight: I may…take leave of Daein.
Micaiah: Oh! But why?
Black Knight: More than this, I cannot say. Forgive me.
Sothe and Black Knight
Sothe: …
Black Knight: …
Sothe: …What do you want?
Black Knight: …
Sothe: Why are you trying to get close to Micaiah?
Black Knight: So that I might protect her.
Sothe: I protect her!
Black Knight: As things stand, I simply cannot entrust her safety to you.
Sothe: What is that supposed to mean?
Black Knight: If you hope to protect her, become stronger. Strong enough to surpass me, and stronger still.
Sothe: What? What could he mean…
Part 2
Elincia and Haar
(If Elincia talks to Haar)
Elincia: Sir Haar! You are Sir Haar of Daein, correct? What are you doing here?
(If Haar talks to Elincia)
Haar: It’s been a while, Queen Elincia.
Elincia: Sir Haar? You are Sir Haar of Daein, correct? What are you doing here?
(Dialogue converges)
Haar: That’s a question for Marcia, Your Majesty. I was passing through on a delivery run, when she hailed me and pestered me into helping you.
Elincia: What can I say? I’m terribly sorry. I know this is none of your affair, but…
Haar: You know, I always thought you were too humble for royalty. I’m surprised your underlings don’t run roughshod all over you.
Elincia: I…I’m sorry.
Haar: Hey, it’s no skin off my nose. Besides, anyone who’s got the guts to pick a fight with the empire’s OK in my book.
Elincia: Sir Haar, I…
Haar: Yeah, I got it. You can’t let these scum know you’re actually the queen. International relations and all that other political stuff, right? I tell you what. I’ll keep your secret and treat you like a regular soldier. That means I’m not going to be watching your back, though, so you’re going to have to take care of yourself.
Elincia: I understand. Thank you.
Marcia and Haar
Marcia: Hey… Look who’s here! It’s Haar!
Haar: …Hello, Marcia. I see you’re still flying about on that apple-eating hairbag.
Marcia: And you’re still asleep at the reins of that foul-smelling… Oh, crackers! I don’t have time for your nonsense! Open that one good eye of yours and take a look around, will you? Those Begnion dracoknights have invaded Crimean skies! You’ve got to help us save the laguz they’re trying to kidnap. Well, c’mon, Haar!
Haar: Me? Why? I owe the queen a favor or two, but I’m not one of her soldiers.
Marcia: You… You cad! Does having fought together in the Mad King’s War mean nothing to you?
Haar: Well, no, but… Look, I’ve got a delivery to make, and this cargo’s really heavy. Sorry, Marcia. Maybe next time.
Marcia: NEXT TIME? You lizard-loving jerk! Would you really abandon us? What kind of man are you?
Haar: The kind who lives to sleep another day. Well, good luck to you. See you around.
Marcia: Stop! You have to stay and help! Uhm… OK, Haar, hear me out. You were an imperial dracoknight once, right? It’s your job to fix this! They’re your old comrades–you have to keep them in line!
Haar: Huh? You’re not making a lick of sense, girl.
Marcia: Why do I have to make sense? If Jill were in trouble, I bet you’d help her! Please, please, please! C’mon, Haar! You have to help us. You have to!
Haar: …Is it really all that bad?
Marcia: Yes! They’re a tough bunch! And I’m all alone… I don’t think I can manage to protect Queen Elincia. Please say you’ll help… If only for the safety of the queen…
Haar: …Oh, fine. I really don’t have time for this… But I guess I can lend a hand.
Marcia: Thank you so much! I take back all the mean things I was thinking about you earlier.
Haar: That girl’s nothing but trouble. Well, if we’re going to do this, let’s get it over with. Up and at ’em, partner!
Chapter 1
Brom and Heather
Brom: Hey…
Heather: …
Brom: Hey, pay attention.
Heather: … …
Brom: Aw, heck, I hope I ain’t shoutin’ at a deaf girl… CAN YOU HEAR ME?!
Heather: …Knock it off, already. What do you want, you old hick?
Brom: …Oh, sorry ’bout that. They call me Brom, by the way… How ’bout you?
Heather: …Excuse me? Are you trying to get lucky or something? Give it up, you smelly pig farmer. There’s no way I’m having anything to do with you.
Brom: No, no! It’s nothin’ like that at all! I got myself a darlin’ wife and a whole passel of kids, and I love ’em ta death.
Heather: So… What do you want?!
Brom: See, I believe ya just went and stole something from one of these here youngsters in the village. You did quite a job at it, I might add.
Heather: Were… Were you watching?!
Brom: Now hold on a spell… I ain’t preachin’ at ya, and I’m not gonna turn ya in or nuthin’. I was just thinkin’ that maybe ya could lend me a hand.
Heather: A hand? With what?
Brom: Well, me and uh…you see that girl over there with the long hair? We’re havin’ a bit of a tussle with some’a the young folk in the village… They picked a fight, but we don’t want anyone gettin’ hurt. I just thought maybe you could borrow some’a their weapons, so we won’t have to fight at all?
Heather: Huh… So that girl is a friend of yours? Hmmm…
Brom: Friend ain’t exactly the right word… Nephenee… We met when we fought together during the war. We’re kinda neighbors, so we hit it off. Durin’ the war, neither of us knew much about fightin’, so we helped each other out.
Heather: All right, I’ll help.
Brom: Whew, that’s great! That’s just swell of ya!
Heather: Hey, I couldn’t care less about you, but I can’t just sit back when a girl’s in trouble. OK, let’s go. We can’t leave Nephenee waiting!
Brom: Hey, hold up! Just wait a tick. What’s your name?
Heather: Heather! But as for you, hayseed… don’t forget the Miss. Got it?
Brom: Miss Heather, then. All righty. By the way… Could ya maybe slow down a touch? Huff huff huff…
Heather and Nephenee
(If Nephenee talks to Heather)
Nephenee: …Uh, hello?
Heather: Argh, whaaat?! Do you need something?
Nephenee: Hey, y’all best… Er… You should be careful hanging around here like that. I reckon you should clear out of here while you’re still in one piece.
Heather: Aww, that’s so sweet of you! What’s your name?
Nephenee: Nephenee…
Heather: Nephenee… What a cute name. I’m Heather. Pleased to meet you.
Nephenee: Pleasure’s all mine. So it’s Heather, huh? You gonna get outta here, then?
Heather: Well… It looks to me like you have an uphill battle to fight. I bet I can help you out.
Nephenee: But you…
Heather: Don’t worry about it. I’m the type that likes to help nice country girls like you.
Nephenee: Um…like me?
Heather: That’s right. Don’t worry about it. Tee hee… This is turning out to be a great day.
Nephenee: Uhhh… Yeah…
(If Heather talks to Nephenee)
Heather: Hi there, Nephenee!
Nephenee: …I…um… Do I know you, ma’am?
Heather: I’m Heather. How do you do?
Nephenee: Miss…Heather? You best watch y’self, what with…er…that is to say… I think it would be wise for you to leave while you’re still in one piece.
Heather: That’s very kind of you. But really, I’ll be fine. It looks to me like you have an uphill battle to fight. Let’s see if I can’t help you out.
Nephenee: …What?
Heather: Don’t worry about it. I’m the type that likes to help nice country girls like you.
Nephenee: Um… Like me?
Heather: That’s right. Don’t worry about it. Tee hee… This is turning out to be a great day.
Nephenee: Uhhh… Sure…
Elincia and Geoffrey
Elincia: Geoffrey!
Geoffrey: Elincia! I’m relieved you’re safe. Leave the rest of the battle to us. Find someplace safe.
Elincia: No, this is my fight. This is my problem, and it will be resolved under my power!
Geoffrey: Very well. If that’s your decision, Your Majesty.
Marcia and Makalov
Marcia: Makalov, you lazy piece of shoe leather! What took you so long? The queen is in danger!
Makalov: What can I say? It’s not like I could fly or anything. I got here as fast as I could. Man… I think I overdid it. I’m bushed! Maybe I’ll just rest for a bit…
Marcia: You do, and I’ll box your ears clean off! Let’s go!
Makalov: You gotta be kidding me…