Ashera, the Goddess of Order, has awakened. Her righteous fury has turned nearly all of the warring soldiers to stone. Yune, the Goddess of Chaos, has also awakened. Freed from Lehran’s Medallion, she counsels Ike and his companions to split into three groups and make for the Tower of Guidance. Micaiah is joined by her constant companion, Sothe. General Skrimir also accompanies her, along with Naesala and Princess Leanne. Apostle Sanaki rounds out the group, traveling with her chief bodyguard, Sigrun, and others. Micaiah’s company decides on a southern route and sets out for Begnion. Save for the sounds of the local wildlife, their path is eerily silent and empty. It’s as though they have stepped into a vast and desolate monument to the war.
Chapter 1
Ike’s route leads his group to the west. He is accompanied by his old comrades, deputy commander Titania and master tactician Soren.
Also with him are Nailah, Queen of Hatari, the heron prince Rafiel, Prince Kurthnaga of Goldoa, and his loyal subject Ena. Having received a warning from Micaiah about the Disciples of Order, Ike and company stay alert and wary as they cross into Seliora.
Chapter 2
Tibarn’s party takes a long, circuitous route leading them east around Lake Semper. The Hawk King’s company includes Queen Elincia of Crimea, her trusted aide Lucia, the heron prince Reyson, the laguz warrior Ranulf, and the queen mother of Daein, Almedha.*
While they receive reports from the other two groups about the Disciples of Order, they have encountered no resistance, and have thus far traveled in peace.
* If Pelleas survived this line is replaced with: Daein’s King Pelleas, and the queen mother, Almedha.
Chapter 3
The journey to the Tower of Guidance becomes more difficult, as Ashera’s Disciples of Order hound the travelers’ every step.
Micaiah’s ability to sense danger proves invaluable, as it gives her allies advance warning of attacks by the Disciples. Thus prepared for each battle, the group keeps casualties to a minimum. As they travel south through Begnion, Micaiah and her company clash repeatedly with the Disciples of Order. Eventually, they pass through the central mountains and into the lonely wastelands of the vast Grann Desert. They are sustained only by their faith that they will reunite with their companions at the Tower of Guidance.
Chapter 4
Prince Kurthnaga tells of the connection between Daein and the dragon tribes. Ranulf reveals the identity of the Black Knight.
These revelations send Ike’s mind spinning in a whirlpool of confusion and doubt. Ike becomes convinced that the answers to all of his questions lie within the Tower of Guidance, and he is determined to reach the tower at any cost. His group arrives in the duchy of Tanas, near the imperial capital. Caught in a sudden downpour, they take shelter in the duke’s deserted villa.
Chapter 5
Tibarn’s group passes quickly through Salmo, drawing steadily closer to the imperial capital. The hardships of the journey lead the group to overcome their racial differences, and form bonds of friendship and trust. However, Almedha, the queen mother of Daein, remains alone and aloof, lost in thoughts of her own.*
* If Pelleas survived this line added: Her son, Pelleas, also seems to guard some secret thought, tucked deep within his heart.
Ike and company manage to evade their persistent foes, finally arriving in Sienne, the capital of Begnion. The Tower of Guidance. According to the Creed of the Goddess, which has been taught across the continent by Begnion, this is where the goddess Ashera will appear during times of great crisis to lead the people to safety.
As even the smallest child in Begnion knows, the tower is sacred, and mere mortals may not enter. With the world edging toward catastrophe, the tower glows like a pillar of pure light, as though to pierce the very heavens.