(Image of the Tower of Guidance)
“That must be…”
(If Titania and Soren are both present)
“…the Tower of Guidance. It’s so bright I can hardly bear to look at it! What’s happening in there?”
“Let’s hurry, Ike. I can’t imagine that the glowing is a good omen. We’re running out of time.”
(If Titania is not present)
“…the Tower of Guidance! It’s actually kind of beautiful. It feels…calming, somehow.”
“Let’s hurry, Ike. I can’t imagine that the glowing is a good omen. We’re running out of time.”
(If Soren is not present)
“…the Tower of Guidance. It’s so bright I can hardly bear to look at it! What’s happening in there? Let’s hurry, Ike. Judging by the look of that tower, I would say we’re running out of time.”
(If Titania and Soren are both not present)
“…the Tower of Guidance! It’s actually kind of beautiful. It feels…calming, somehow.”
“Let’s go, Mist. Pretty or not, I don’t think we have much time.”
Before Battle (Begnion capital Sienne)
“The city gate is shut. I guess we’ll have to force it to get to the tower–“
“Ahh! You guys made it!”
“Skrimir! I didn’t realize your group had already arrived.”
“Yes, we’ve been here for quite some time. I’ve been itching to go inside and see what the bad guys have waiting for us.”
“Skrimir listened to reason, however, and agreed to wait here with us. We know nothing about the numbers or strength of the enemy.”
“It seemed safest to wait here for the rest of you to show up. We pitched tents outside the gate.”
“Hello, Micaiah. Any word from Yune?”
“She came back to me a number of times during our trip. But nothing for the past few days…”
“I see… Do we know where Tibarn and Elincia’s group is?”
“No word yet, no. Ike, it’s a waste for us to just sit around waiting. Why don’t you and I have a look inside?”
(The gate opens)
“Wait! What’s happening?”
“Get ready for an attack, people!”
(Caineghis and Tibarn arrive)
“Caineghis? What are you doing here?”
“In an occurrence I’m told is increasingly common, we heard a voice in our dreams and followed it here.”
“And Lord Tibarn! I should have guessed your group would beat everyone here.”
“We joined up with King Caineghis and mopped up the Disciples of Order around the capital.”
“The only people left within the city are the ones who have been petrified.”
“Good! I like air-breathers with initiative!”
“Yune! Here to give us our next instructions?”
“Yes, good guess! Everyone, gather around. You’ll all need to hear this.”
Before Battle (Tent)
“Good job, everyone! All three teams got here, and a little faster than I thought you would. While you were traveling, I went around recruiting more help, including King Caineghis here. Unfortunately, it looks like Ashera had the same idea. By the time I made my way to Goldoa, there was no one there.”
“Wh-what do you mean? Where were they?”
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying, then we could have a very big problem. Lots of very big problems.”
“I don’t know for sure, Tibarn. There aren’t a whole lot of dragons altogether, but… It looks like every one of them joined Ashera.”
“How…how could this be?”
“I haven’t seen them anywhere else on Tellius, so they must already be inside the tower. Let’s camp for the night before walking into Ashera’s own home.”
(Battle preparations)
(Image of the Tower of Guidance)
“Oh, no!”
“Yune, what is it? What’s happening?”
(There is a flash of light and the Disciples of Order return)
“This isn’t good…”
“These soldiers… We’ve killed them already. They’ve been reborn in flesh but not spirit.”
“Brought back from the dead…”
“A miracle of the goddess…”
“A blasphemy, you mean! How could the goddess of order violate the most fundamental natural law?”
“Philosophy later, everyone! They’re about to attack!”
A little later
(Ike moves towards Yune who is crouching in front of the tent)
“Are you all right? Those dead soldiers really got to you, didn’t they?”
“…We can’t win. All we do is kill the flesh, but she brings the flesh back… We need more time… No, there is no more time! Everyone else will be turned to stone… and I will be lonely forever. There’s nothing more that I can do! I’ve failed… I’ve failed.”
“Yune! Get a hold of yourself!”
(Ike grabs Micaiah’s face)
“Ouch! My ears! Wh-what was that for? You big bully! Who do you think I am?!”
“Yune, the goddess of chaos… The warmhearted being whose courage and love gives us the will to go on.”
“Ike… Thank you.”
“As things stand, we can’t bring everyone into the tower. We’ll need support here to hold this position. But at the very least, how many are we going to need inside?”
“They’ll have much stronger forces inside the tower…not to mention Ashera herself. We’ll send in our best 11. Oh, and we’ll want the two dragons! …And one from the heron tribe… And…uh…the empress. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to have Sothe.”
“Understood. If that’s everyone, I’ll gather them together.”
[Note: I’m not sure if the next four lines are used]
“Ike, Ike! You do plan to include yourself in that group of 11, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course.”
“You can’t go like that. Come here.”
“Hey, thanks. I feel great! I’m going to get going now.”
(Ike leaves)
“…And once we get inside, you can leave most of the fighting to Micaiah.”
(Micaiah promotes to Light Priestess)
“Something like this should work.”
A little later
“We’re ready.”
“You can take only a limited number of units with you. Choose the units that accompany you carefully.”
(Unit selection screen)
“All right, everyone’s almost ready. Who would you like to bring from the heron tribe?”
Rafiel is picked
“Rafiel… Would you join us?”
“Of course. I am honored.”
Reyson is picked
“Reyson… Would you join us?”
“Gladly. I’ll give you everything I’ve got.”
Leanne is picked
“Leanne… Would you join us?”
(Leave it to me!) I…I do…best fighting!
Rafiel is picked (he died previously?)
“Rafiel… Would you join us?”
“I am not sure how much help I can be… But I will try my hardest.”
“All right, Tower of Guidance, here we come!”
Before Battle (Tower of Guidance)
“It’s…so quiet. Is the goddess here?”
“Uh-huh. She’s at the top. Be careful, everyone. This tower is Ashera’s home territory. She’s certain to have her most powerful troops waiting for us up ahead. We must proceed with the utmost caution.”
Female voice:
“So, you were companion to the very first empress, Altina.”
Male voice:
“I am honored that you have chosen to speak with me. You would trust in the word of a stranger?”
Female voice:
“Yes. I can see inside you. I know you cannot speak lies.”
Male voice:
“Is it possible? Do you share some aspect of my power?”
Female voice:
“I do, as did my mother… Generation after generation, each apostle has been blessed to hear the voice of the goddess. We know of impending disasters, how crops will fare… All revelations originally intended for you.”
Male voice:
“The children of my union with Altina… I had no idea…”
Female voice:
“Please look at this.”
Male voice:
“That mark…”
Female voice:
“All of the apostles have borne this brand. It is our greatest secret. The senators must never know. Because of this brand, I thought that I had been born of some great sin. It plagued me always. Guilt tore at me every day as I hid my mark from my people, deceiving them constantly about my true nature.”
Male voice:
“Oh, child…how can I apologize to you?”
Female voice:
“And yet, now that I’ve met you, I understand. There is no shame in my heritage. None at all. I will not live in hiding. I will reveal to the world that I am one of the Branded. They must see there is no shame in who I am.”
Male voice:
“No! You mustn’t! You don’t understand the danger you will be placing yourself in!”
Female voice:
“Oh, but I do. The senators will do their utmost to rally the people against me, as they did when I freed the laguz from slavery. But I will not be deterred. If I am to lead this nation, I cannot allow it to be corrupted by prejudice and hatred. I can put the life the goddess has given me to no greater good than this.”
Male voice:
“…Such determination. Your eyes… They very much resemble Altina’s.”
Female voice:
“I will stand before my people and proudly proclaim the truth. And then I will guide them to a just and honest future. This is my promise to you.”
Male voice:
“Thank you. Your strength of will, the truth that guides your life… You have shown me the way back to myself. I shall return to Goldoa and tell my friends of you and your actions. I will tell them that laguz and beorc may once again live together in peace. I will tell them that there is hope.”
Female voice:
“Thank you, father of my mothers. I strive to be worthy of the gift of life you have granted me.”
(End of flashback)
“…What was that? Someone’s… Was it someone’s memory?”
“What is it?”
“Sorry? Oh, I… Don’t worry. It was nothing. All right, then… Our path leads through that door there.”
(Beyond the door)
“Well, well… “Apostle” Sanaki. What a surprise seeing you here. Frankly, I’m amazed that you, of all people, would dare to set foot inside the most holy Tower of Guidance.”
“Lekain… We’ve been looking for you for a long time. You bound Daein to your awful pact, hounded noble King Pelleas, and stole countless lives in your appalling war. You are…beyond redemption!”
“Beyond redemption? My, that does sound dreadful. Whatever will you do with me? Oh, and let me remind you, the blood pact is still in effect. You would do well to remember that. I think you know what will happen to the people of Daein if you should dare oppose me.”
“Enough. We fear your threats no longer. No more will we bow to your every whim. Now that we’ve found you, we will exact justice upon you, then destroy the blood pact itself, ending its power over us!”
“So you figured it out, did you? Heh, heh… It matters not. This changes nothing, do you hear me? Here is the scroll for which you’ve been searching so diligently. Right here in my hands.”
“And yet, none of you will ever lay one grimy little finger upon it. I have been blessed by the goddess herself. Her protection will not allow you fleas to even approach me!”
“Lekain! Cease this travesty of virtue at once!”
What have we here? Oh yes, the apostle. Excuse me, child, but I had completely forgotten you were here.
“Since you’ve deigned to grace us with your exalted presence, dear apostle, let me share a bedtime story with you.”
“The year was 640, Begnion era… The empire had been without an apostle for 15 long years. The senators were being constantly harassed with complaints from the people. There had been nothing like it in history. The voices calling for young Sanaki to be crowned grew louder every day… You had just turned five years old when the senate welcomed you to the throne as the new apostle. Ah, but my young mistress Sanaki, what a difficult child you were. You threw tantrums, you screamed and cried constantly. Your conduct was hardly befitting an empress of Begnion! Everyone was at a loss… You wouldn’t even stop mewling and crying during official proceedings. But then along came our youngest senator ever, Sephiran, Duke of Persis. When he took you in his arms, you immediately stopped crying. You even smiled. We had to take advantage of this obvious miracle. In an unprecedented move by the senators, we elevated Sephiran to prime minister, keeping him serving as close to you as possible. This plan, radical as it was, proved far more effective than we dared dream. A young, handsome prime minister and an adorable moppet of an apostle brought the people’s support to incredible new heights. Apparently the common citizenry is gullible enough to blindly follow any leader who is sufficiently attractive. Enamored as they were, no one ever seemed to care whether or not you could hear the voice of the goddess. With the new apostle and prime minister, the political landscape became unrecognizable. Even in the face of overtly unreasonable legislation, the two of you would stand on the balcony… A smile and a wave later, the people would cheer and go on with their happy lives.”
“It was too good to be true, however. Both of you were only meant to be puppets! Each year you interfered with our government more and more, imposing your soft-hearted ideals over our sovereign rights. Were such trivialities as laguz slavery and the Daein occupation worth making issues of? The pair of you were becoming an increasingly bothersome thorn in our side. And then this war against the laguz forces… You went so far as to expose our previous indiscretions and demand reparations for the sub-humans. This was unforgivable. Clearly you both had to be removed. Sephiran would be falsely accused and jailed, necessitating his removal from office. The apostle would suffer a sudden illness, and be excused from official proceedings. Or so we intended…”
“And somehow, despite the extraordinary plans of great men, here you are standing before my very eyes.”
“If Sephiran and I hadn’t been freed… You were just waiting for your chance to kill us? Just as you killed my grandmother.”
“Out of respect for the imminently deceased, I’ll be completely honest. Yes, you assume correctly. Your assassination, and the plot to once again frame the Serenes herons for it, was entirely my idea.”
“Yes… I thought as much.”
“Impressive, Sanaki. When you were first crowned, you would have cried your little eyes out. You’ve grown, slightly.”
“Lekain, Duke of Gaddos! Before the 37th empress of Begnion… Prepare to be judged!”
“An amusing game, child, truly. But you must know that there is nothing you can do against me! I am the greatest servant of the all-knowing, almighty Ashera. I am her chosen champion! And you, Sanaki, are a pathetic wretch, mewling behind her pack of Daein curs. Ashera’s judgment is upon you! You will not live to be turned to stone… You will die here as flesh and blood!”
After battle
(If Hetzel survived? Unused)
“I…I was only following Lekain’s orders… I never meant any harm. Please, my empress…forgive me… Please!”
“Your crimes will be punished in due time. Until then, just wait here patiently. I’m sorry it has to come to this, but I must go see the goddess and save the people of Begnion.”
[Note: Due to variations of the script, I may have listed the wrong character saying some of the lines.]
(If Pelleas is not present and Naesala is present)
“Micaiah, this is it! I pried this from Lekain’s dead fingers! It’s… It’s the actual blood pact!”
“At long last… We finally found it. All that misery Daein has suffered over this wretched parchment…”
“I know… But with this we can finally free Daein from the curse. C’mon, Micaiah… You know what to do.”
“Of course…”
(Image of Micaiah starting to rip the blood pact)
(Image of Micaiah and the ripped up blood pact)
“That’s it.”
“What a relief. No one else has to die now.”
“Thank goodness… Oh, Pelleas…”
“Hey! :Micaiah, there’s another pact here. Lekain was carrying two of them. What’s going on?”
“Oh! That one is mine!”
“…Kilvas as well?”
“It makes sense that he would carry them all with him. All the betrayal, all the lies… Death’s too good for you, Lekain. But it’s over now. Kilvas and Daein are finally free.”
“Free… Such a sweet word.”
“Yes it is, but if we can’t save our petrified countrymen, then it’s a pretty hollow freedom.”
“You’re right. The job is only halfway done. The goddess is still ahead.”
(If Pelleas and Naesala are both present)
“King Pelleas! This is it. Lekain was carrying it. It’s… It’s…the blood pact!”
“At long last… We finally found it. All that misery Daein has suffered over this wretched parchment… But this is the last thing we need. Now we can free Daein of the senate’s tyranny. Micaiah, savior of Daein… Would you do the honors and destroy that damned thing?”
“Of course…”
(Image of Micaiah starting to rip the blood pact)
(Image of Micaiah and the ripped up blood pact)
“That’s it.”
“Yes, and now no one has to die.”
“Thank goodness…”
“Micaiah…Sothe… You have my deepest gratitude.”
“Hey! Look, there’s another pact here. Lekain was carrying two of them. What’s going on?”
“Oh! That one is mine!”
“…Kilvas as well?”
“It makes sense that he would carry them all with him. All the betrayal, all the lies… Death’s too good for you, Lekain. But it’s over now. Kilvas and Daein are finally free. But if we can’t save our petrified countrymen, it’s a hollow freedom.”
“You’re right. We must continue if we wish a true and lasting freedom. We must reach the goddess.”
(If Pelleas and Naesala are both not present)
“Micaiah, this is it! I pried this from Lekain’s dead fingers! It’s… It’s the actual blood pact!”
“At long last… We finally found it. All that misery Daein has suffered over this wretched parchment…”
“I know… But with this we can finally free Daein from the curse. C’mon, Micaiah… You know what to do.”
“Of course…”
(Image of Micaiah starting to rip the blood pact)
(Image of Micaiah and the ripped up blood pact)
“That’s it.”
“What a relief. No one has to die now.”
“Thank goodness… Oh, Pelleas…”
“Hey! Micaiah, there’s another pact here. Lekain was carrying two of them. What’s going on?”
“Oh… I’ll hang on to this.”
Empress Sanaki?
“I promised to return this to its proper owner, Raven King Naesala. Because of this, he was forced to serve under Lekain, and he had to turn against his allies…”
“So, Kilvas, too?”
“Yes. Lekain’s treachery ran deep. At least it’s finally over. I’m happy for everyone.”
“As am I.”
“I’m sorry to have to remind you, but if we don’t save everyone who’s been petrified, then this is all pretty pointless.”
“Well spoken. We can’t stop until everyone is free. Come! The goddess awaits.”
(If Pelleas is present and Naesala is not present)
“King Pelleas! This is it. Lekain was carrying it. It’s… It’s…the blood pact!”
“At long last… We finally found it. All that misery Daein has suffered over this wretched parchment… But this is the last thing we need. Now we can free Daein of the senate’s tyranny. Micaiah, savior of Daein… Would you do the honors and destroy that damned thing?”
“Of course…”
(Image of Micaiah starting to rip the blood pact)
(Image of Micaiah and the ripped up blood pact)
“That’s it.”
“Yes, and now no one has to die.”
“Thank goodness…”
“Micaiah…Sothe… You have my deepest gratitude.”
“Hey! Look, there’s another pact here. Lekain was carrying two of them. What’s going on?”
“Oh… I’ll hang on to this.”
“Empress Sanaki?”
“I promised to return this to its proper owner, Raven King Naesala. Because of this, he was forced to serve under Lekain, and he had to turn against his allies…”
“So, Kilvas, too?”
“Yes. Lekain’s treachery ran deep. At least it’s finally over. I’m happy for everyone.”
“As am I.”
“And yet, Daein and Kilvas’s newfound freedom is wasted on the statues that call them home. We still must confront the goddess.”
“Well spoken. We can’t stop until everyone is truly free. Come! The goddess awaits.”
A little later
“Lekain… To think that the warped dreams of one treacherous madman could corrupt an entire nation…”
“Apostle? Are you well?”
“So you still insist on calling me “apostle”? I think we’re past that, Ike.”
“So what should I call you? Miss Sanaki?”
“How rude! You have no right to address me with such familiarity! Please call me “Empress.””
“Got it, Empress.”
“You don’t have to say it like that. Loosen up a bit.”
“Oh, give me a break…”
“You creatures are made of some tough meat. I don’t think that girl even needs to hear the divine word, do you?”
“Yune, you’re a bit of a mystery, yourself. It almost sounds like you’re happy to see that people don’t necessarily need you.”
The one constant truth of people, Ike, is that nobody can stop them from changing. People sometimes do things that even the highest divinities couldn’t imagine. That makes me sad. But that also makes me very happy. That’s why I love people so much.
“There are some changes that goddesses can’t even predict or control. Maybe Ashera resented that.”
“I don’t know… But I do know that Ashera loved people. I’m sure of it…”