C support – addressing
Type 1: My my, ___. Hope you’re doin’ OK. Don’t go gettin’ any limbs chopped off, y’hear?
Type 2: Commander ___! Hope you been givin’ these folks a good whuppin’!
Type 3: Hello, ___. Hope you’re doin’ OK. Don’t go gettin’ any limbs chopped off, y’hear?
Type 4: My my, ___. You show this bunch who’s the boss! And make sure ya don’t leave any limbs behind!
Type 5: King Caineghis! I see you ain’t been knocked out or run through yet. Well, you keep that up!
Type 6: General ___! No nicks or scratches in yer armor, I trust. Hope ya ain’t lost anything important!
Type 7: King Tibarn! And with all your feathers still on ya! Hope you’re havin’ fun.
Type 8: Ah, it’s King Naesala. How’re you faring? No terrible wounds or lost limbs, I hope.
Type 9: My little Meg! How’re you faring, darlin’? I hope that armor’s keepin’ ya safe.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Well, howdy! I’ll try and keep an eye on ya. Watchin’ out for each other is a grand thing.
Type 2: Well, howdy! I’ll try and keep an eye on ya. Watchin’ out for each other is a grand thing.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, whaddya say? Want to try facing ’em together?
Type 2: Hey, chief ___, are ya up for a little teamwork? What say we try facing ’em together?
Type 3: ___, I’m asking ya loud and clear… Want to gang up on these rats and fight ’em together?
Type 4: ___, whaddya say? Why don’t we show ’em a thing or two and wipe ’em out fightin’ together?
Type 5: King Caineghis, I’ve always fancied fightin’ with you. Whaddya say we attack the no-goods together?
Type 6: General ___, talk to me. How ’bout we go at ’em together?
Type 7: King Tibarn, whaddya say? Shall we team up against the rascals and show how heroes fight?
Type 8: King Naesala, listen to my plan. How’s about we team up and face ’em together?
Type 9: Meg, whaddya say, my little fighter? Want to join your dear old dad and face these scalawags together?
B support – addressed
Type 1: Ohh, that’s a fine thought. I’ll do my best.
Type 2: Ohh, that’s a fine thought. I’ll do my best.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, ’tis as though I’m only still living thanks to you. Just thinkin’ about ya dyin’… My sight goes dark and I can’t stop cryin’. Please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 2: ___, we all owe ya a lot, to be sure. I go weak in the knees and my eyes water up when I think of ya dyin’. Please, hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 3: ___, ’tis as though I’m only living thanks to you. Just by thinkin’ about you dyin’… My sight goes dark and I can’t stop cryin’. Please, hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 4: ___, yer a special someone, to be sure, and I owe you me life many times over! Now, don’t make a grown man cry by lettin’ down yer guard and fixin’ to die. Please, hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 5: King Caineghis, we go back a long way, to be sure. And ya saved my life many a time. That’s a tradition I want to keep alive! So please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 6: General ___, ’twas a fine day when I met ya. When I think of all the times ya saved me life… If I lost ya now, I’d weep like a baby. Please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 7: King Tibarn, who doesn’t know ya that doesn’t love ya? Many a soldier is still livin’ thanks to your heroic work. There’s a lot that depend on ya, includin’ yours truly! Please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 8: King Naesala, you’re a tough ol’ bird and I owe ya me life many times over! Dark would be me days if I lost ya. Please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
Type 9: ___, ’tis as though I’m only still living thanks to you. Just by thinkin’ about you dyin’… My sight goes dark and I can’t stop cryin’. Please… Hear me an’ stay safe…
A support – addressed
Type 1: Well, I can’t argue with that! I’d surely like to drink an’ laugh with you when all this is over.
Type 2: Well, I can’t argue with that! I’d surely like to drink an’ laugh with you when all this is over.