C support – addressing
Type 1: Fancy meeting you here, ___! Hope this war’s been treating you well.
Type 2: Honorable ___, what a coincidence! I didn’t know you were fighting too.
Type 3: Prince ___, I didn’t know you were fighting too! I hope you’re doing well.
Type 4: What a coincidence, ___! I didn’t know you were going to be here.
Type 5: ___, what a coincidence! I didn’t know you were going to be here.
Type 6: General ___, what a coincidence! You’re fighting too. I bet you’re having fun!
Type 7: General ___, good to see you fighting! Welcome to the brawl.
Type 8: Wow, King Naesala! I haven’t seen you in a while. I hope you’re holding up.
Type 9: King ___, what a coincidence! I didn’t know you were here too!
Type 10: Princess ___, fancy meeting you here! Shout my name if you need me.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hello! Say, can you see the enemy trembling? My muscles do tend to scare them.
Type 2: Hello! Say, can you see the enemy trembling? My muscles do tend to scare them.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___! I’ll protect you. I hope that’s OK with you!
Type 2: Honorable ___! I’m going to protect you. Any objections to having me as your hero? Hah! Just…joking.
Type 3: Prince ___! I’m coming. I’ll protect you! Don’t move a finger. That is OK, isn’t it?
Type 4: ___! Don’t worry, Gatrie is here to protect you. You are OK with that, right?
Type 5: ___! I’ll make sure to protect you! Think of me as your own private savior. Is that OK?
Type 6: General ___! Have no fear, I will protect you. You do want that, don’t you?
Type 7: General ___! Everything is A-OK! I am here to protect you. Um, assuming you don’t mind.
Type 8: Raven King! I’m here to save you! Um, assuming you don’t mind.
Type 9: King ___! Follow me, and I shall guard and protect you! Ah, er… Assuming you don’t mind.
Type 10: Princess ___! Have no fear, your hero’s here! Um…that would be me. Er, so can I protect you?
B support – addressed
Type 1: Sounds great! You can always count on me!
Type 2: Great idea! You can count on me anytime!
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I won’t let anything happen to you. So…survive. No matter what. OK?
Type 2: Honorable ___, I won’t let anything happen to you. Which means, could you survive…please?
Type 3: Prince ___, it is my great honor to protect you from any and all attacks. So, er, survive…please. OK!
Type 4: ___, don’t worry. Nothing can happen to you with me here. Guaranteed. So, er…survive. Please?
Type 5: ___, I won’t let anything happen to you. That is, um, if you could make sure to survive. Deal?
Type 6: General ___, I’ll protect you! If you could just help me out and survive that’d be great. OK?
Type 7: General ___, I won’t let anything happen to you. But, could you sort of help out and, well, survive?
Type 8: King Naesala, I’ll protect you from attack. And in the meantime, could you make sure to survive? Please?
Type 9: King ___, I will protect you from all attacks. But, could you…make sure to survive. Please?
Type 10: Princess ___, I will protect you! That’s a hero’s promise. Could you also, sort of, make sure to survive?
A support – addressed
Type 1: I know, I know… I’m the picture of durability. I won’t let you down!
Type 2: No worries. I’m the picture of durability! I won’t let you down, I promise!