C support – addressing
Type 1: Oh, ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 2: Oh, General ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 3: Oh, ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 4: Oh, Duke Tanas… Ya, umm, why don’t you just stay over there, OK?
Type 5: Oh, Apostle ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 6: Oh, King Tibarn. Are you holding up OK over there? Wait, of course you are!
Type 7: Oh, Elder ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 8: Oh, Queen Nailah. Are you holding up OK over there? Wait, of course you are!
Type 9: Oh, King Naesala. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 10: Oh, King ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 11: Oh, Princess ___. Keep on fighting. Make us proud!
Type 12: Oh, Captain Ranulf! Oh, you’re so lucky I ran into you! Now I can watch your…back!
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hey there! I’m quick footed and sharp eyed, but I won’t say no if you want to stick close!
Type 2: Hey there! I’m quick footed and sharp eyed, but I won’t say no if you want to stick close!
B support – addressing
Type 1: Oh, ___! Can I go with you? I’ll feel more comfortable being near you in this battle.
Type 2: Oh, General ___! Can I go with you? I’ll feel more comfortable being near you in this battle.
Type 3: Oh, ___! Can I go with you? I’ll feel more comfortable being near you in this battle.
Type 4: Oh, Duke Tanas! You said that you protect beauty, right? Then, do you mind protecting me?
Type 5: Oh, Apostle Sanaki! Can I go with you? I think you’ll want me being near you in this battle.
Type 6: Oh, King Tibarn, can I go with you? The battle looks better wherever you are.
Type 7: Oh, Elder ___! Can I go with you? Maybe we can show each other some new moves!
Type 8: Oh, Queen Nailah! Can I go with you? I know the two of us could take on anyone!
Type 9: Oh, King Naesala, can I go with you? The battle looks better wherever you are.
Type 10: Oh, King ___! Can I go with you? I think you’ll want me being near you in this battle.
Type 11: Oh, Princess ___! Can I go with you? I think you’ll want me being near you in this battle.
Type 12: Oh, Captain Ranulf! Can I go with you?The battle looks so much better over where YOU are. Besides, you just have to see these new moves I got!
B support – addressed
Type 1: Well, I guess I’ve got no choice! You want to be with me that bad? That’s fine with me!
Type 2: Well, I guess I’ve got no choice! My claws are at your command!
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! Never leave me! Promise me, please!
Type 2: General ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! Never leave me! Promise me, please!
Type 3: ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! Never leave me! Promise me, please!
Type 4: Duke Tanas, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! Some people might say that’s not a safe attitude to have with you, but I think you’re great!
Type 5: Apostle Sanaki, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean you can go anywhere. We all need you to make things right for our people!
Type 6: King Tibarn, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! Well, that’s not true. You actually look really dashing on the battlefield, you know that?
Type 7: Elder ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! I know that I can still learn a lot from you!
Type 8: Queen Nailah, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! Isn’t that great! That means our tribes are really close already!
Type 9: King Naesala, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! Some people might say that’s not a safe attitude to have with you, but I think you’re great!
Type 10: King ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! Daein might be scary for us laguz, but you’re a really nice beorc!
Type 11: Princess ___, I’m so used to you, I don’t even notice you anymore! B-but still, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you near me! Never leave me! Us girls gotta stick together in times like this, right?
Type 12: Captain Ranulf, I have to say this… I don’t think I can live without you. Promise me, please… Promise me that you’ll keep safe, no matter what. If something happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do…
A support – addressed
Type 1: That sounds great to me! F-for some reason this sort of thing always makes me blush…
Type 2: That sounds great to me! F-for some reason this sort of thing always makes me blush…