C support – addressing
Type 1: ___, are you, um, if you’re not doin’ all right, I’d like to help ya.
Type 2: Lord ___, if you’re, er, lookin’ for help, I’d like to help ya.
Type 3: Duke Tanas, are you, um, doin’ all right? You’re looking a little pale.
Type 4: Milord King Caineghis, no offense or anything. I just thought I’d offer to, um, maybe step in an’ help.
Type 5: Milord King Tibarn, not to interrupt, but, um, if it’s all too much for ya, I’d be willin’ to help ya.
Type 6: Milord King Naesala, sorry, but just thought I’d offer to, um, to lend a helpin’ hand.
Type 7: ___, I thought maybe ya called m’ name? So just, um, let me know if I can help ya.
Type 8: Brom, how ye gettin’ on? Ya know I’m here for ya.
Type 9: Meggie, how ye gettin’ on, my little friend? I’m always here for ya, ya know that!
C support – addressed
Type 1: Howdy there! Looks like I’m still in this fight. For now, anyways.
Type 2: Howdy. Glad to see you’re still fightin’. As for me, you know how it is. I’m a country girl. We’re used to hard work.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, um, I’ll, uh, pro-protect you. I mean, only if you want. But, I’d like to look after ya.
Type 2: ___, um, I’ll, uh, pro- protect and watch over you. That is, if you don’t mind.
Type 3: Duke Tanas, um, look. I’d like to pro- protect you. It’s the least I can do.
Type 4: Milord King Caineghis, um, I’d like to, uh, pro-protect you. Sturdy girl like me could, you know, save your life.
Type 5: Milord King Tibarn, um, I’ll, uh, pro-protect you. Is that all right?
Type 6: Milord King Naesala, um, need some help? I could, uh, pro-protect you. Is that all right?
Type 7: ___, um, I know I’m not much of a talker, but, I can sure pro-
protect you, if you’d let me. May I?
Type 8: Hey, Brom. Ya can’t be goin’ off alone. Here, let me help ya.
Type 9: Hey, Meggie. Ye can’t be goin’ off alone. It’s not safe! Let me help ya.
B support – addressed
Type 1: Ah, thank ya. You’re too kind.
Type 2: Please. That’d be a fine thing.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___… I, um, I sure do like you, so…please…don’t die.
Type 2: ___… I, um, I sure do like you. You’re a good friend. So please…don’t die now.
Type 3: Duke Tanas… I, um, I…don’t hate ya. I think you’re just misunderstood. So, please…don’t die.
Type 4: Milord King Caineghis… You know I’ve always admired ya. Maybe ya don’t know. Either way, please don’t die.
Type 5: Milord King Tibarn… I’m not one for fancy words, but, ya know ya gotta stay alive. Please, for our sake, live!
Type 6: Milord King Naesala, I feel funny sayin’ it, but, I do like ya so. Please…don’t be dyin’ on me.
Type 7: ___… I, um, I…sure do like ya. You’re a swell soldier. So please… don’t up and die on me.
Type 8: Brom… I, um, I…like ya a lot. Ya know this, I think. So…please…don’t ye be dyin’.
Type 9: Meggie… I knew ye when ye were wee big. I, um, I like ye well, so please…don’t be dyin’.
A support – addressed
Type 1: All right. I… I won’t die.
Type 2: All right. Same t’you.