C support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I know that we’re busy, but I wanted to make sure you were all right.
Type 2: …Duke Tanas, please go away. The very sight of you sickens me.
Type 3: ___, I know that we’re busy, but I wanted to make sure you were all right.
Type 4: Wait, please, General ___. We’ve only a moment…please stay safe.
Type 5: Tibarn, I know you always accuse me of being a worrier, but I wanted to know if you’re all right.
Type 6: King ___, I know that you are strong, but I wanted to make sure you were all right.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Good to see you. Make sure you stay safe on the field.
Type 2: Good to see you. Make sure you stay safe on the field.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I’ll accompany you. I’m sure that my abilities will be of use to you.
Type 2: Duke Tanas… For the moment, I’ll accompany you. I wish to see if you truly want to help us.
Type 3: ___, I’ll accompany you. I’m sure that my abilities will be of use to you.
Type 4: General ___, I’ll accompany you. I’m sure I will be a help.
Type 5: Tibarn, I’ll accompany you. I know that I can help you in this battle. …Any objections?
Type 6: King ___, allow me to stay at your side. I know that my abilities will be useful to you in this battle.
B support – addressed
Type 1: That shouldn’t be a problem. I prefer teaming up as well.
Type 2: Of course. I was hoping to team up with someone.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, you are my confidant and close friend. No matter what happens, I will not let you die.
Type 2: Duke Tanas, I admit that I am surprised. Perhaps you have turned over a new leaf. Please, survive this war, so that I can be sure of your good intentions.
Type 3: ___, you are my confidant and close friend. No matter what happens, I will not let you die.
Type 4: General ___, I am honored to have served with you again. Together, we shall not falter.
Type 5: Tibarn, I…owe you my life. You took me in, made me a part of your family… I owe you so much. No matter what happens in this war, I will stay by your side, be it in body or in spirit.
Type 6: King ___, I have come to know you not only as a great warrior, but also as a true friend. No matter what happens in this war, I will stay by your side, be it in body or in spirit.
A support – addressed
Type 1: I won’t die. You’ve made me so happy…
Type 2: I won’t die. You’ve made me so happy…