C support – addressing
Type 1: Hail, ___. Fight for Apostle Sanaki!
Type 2: Hail, ___. You’re looking as strong as ever. Let me know if you need anything.
Type 3: ___, I’m not surprised to see you’re going strong.
Type 4: Duke Tanas, you seem as resilient as ever. I’ve always wondered how you do it. I take it all is well?
Type 5: General ___, you continue to amaze me with your ability! Let me know if I can help you.
Type 6: Queen ___, watching you fight makes me glad you’re on our side!
Type 7: Princess ___, you look far too delicate to be out here with these thugs. Call if you need me.
Type 8: ___, I know you’re a great soldier, but make sure you let me know if you need any help.
Type 9: Your Highness, I stand ready for your commands. Speak, and it shall be done.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hail, and good fortune. I trust I will see you back at camp when this battle is through.
Type 2: Hail, and good fortune. I hope that I haven’t embarrassed myself in your eyes.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, so this is where you’ve been. May I keep you company?
Type 2: ___, so this is where you’ve been. May I keep you company? I like fighting with great soldiers.
Type 3: Aha! This is where you’ve been, ___. Listen, may I fight by your side for a while?
Type 4: Duke Tanas, I haven’t heard news of you in this battle. Why don’t I escort you for a while?
Type 5: General ___, I see you’re fighting with your usual zeal! May I keep you company for a while?
Type 6: Queen ___, I’m feeling a little battle weary at the moment. Mind if I stick with you for a bit?
Type 7: Princess ___, you look a little wilted from all this fighting. Why don’t I keep you company?
Type 8: Oh, ___, here you are. I’ve been looking for you. Shall we proceed together?
Type 9: So this is where you’ve been, Empress. By your leave, I shall remain at your side.
B support – addressed
Type 1: I would be honored. By all means, I’ll keep you company. Something tells me we could both use a hand.
Type 2: It would be an honor. Certainly I’ll keep you company. Something tells me we could both use a hand.
A support – addressing
Type 1: These words ill befit the situation, but… I’ve always looked up to you as a role model. I feel like I still have so much to learn. If only we could stay like this forever, ___.
Type 2: I know this is an odd time to bring this up, but… You are amazing. I would be perfectly happy being with you forever, ___.
Type 3: My timing’s terrible, I admit, but I just have to say… You make me so happy. I’m usually not this emotional…being a knight and all. Still, I wish we could be friends forever, ___.
Type 4: You’re puffy and bloated–yes. Some would say you’re hideous–yes. But, I am strangely drawn to you. If only we could be together forever, Duke Tanas.
Type 5: Please don’t hold it against me if I tell you something very personal, but… I am very happy around you. My bliss, if you will, is fighting with you in a bloody battle, General ___. Is that wrong?
Type 6: I risk embarrassing both you and me, Queen Nailah, but I confess… I am very happy being with you. The truth is, I wish we could be together forever.
Type 7: I know this is an odd time to spill my feelings, but… Lady ___, you’re spellbinding. If we could be together forever, I’d never fight again.
Type 8: Pardon my odd timing, ___, but in the face of death I’m compelled to confess… As guarded and inflexible as you are, well, I’m so happy being with you. I’d like to be with you forever.
Type 9: These words ill befit the situation, but… I am very happy being with you. If only we could stay like this forever, Your Highness.
A support – addressed
Type 1: What can I say? I… I feel the same way.
Type 2: What can I say? I… I feel the same way.