Credits: VincentASM
Altean Prince – MarthMarth returned to war-torn Altea and devoted all his energy to restoring the kingdom to its former glory. He was later crowned king. |
Talys’s Heart – ShiidaShiida visited her father in Talys before returning to Altea with Marth. Their whispers of love warmed the castle halls. |
Bones of Iron – JagenAfter the war, Jagen laid down his lance and became one of Prince Marth’s closest advisors. |
King’s Voice – CainCain remained in Altea to instruct younger knights in the ways of war. He was a shining example; never did he neglect his training. |
Altea’s Shield – AbelAbel left the army and opened a small shop. He was to be married; but in the end his fellow knights were his most steadfast companions. |
Brave Knight – FreyFrey stayed in Altea to help rebuild his ravaged kingdom. |
The Ungagged – GordinGordin squired himself to an Akaneian knight, to further his mastery of the bow. Later, he returned to Altea with his brother. |
Gentle Giant – DraugDraug was put in charge of an outland garrison. The people there soon came to love their kind but stalwart protector. |
The Volunteer – NorneHer stint as a warrior over, Norne returned to her home in Altea and lived an unremarkable but happy life. |
Altean Healer – WrysWrys built a monastery and spent his remaining years caring for children who had lost their parents in the war. |
Loyal Blade – OgmaOgma returned to Talys to serve its people. Perhaps love was not his strong suit; history contains no record of him marrying. |
The Hatchet – BarstBarst briefly enlisted in the Akaneian army, but later deserted- to become a pirate, by some accounts. |
The Lopper – BordBord returned to his peaceful life as a woodcutter. In time, he became renowned for his craftsmanship. |
The Chopper – CordCord returned to his peaceful life as a woodcutter. In time, he became renowned for his speedy work. |
Loving Son – CastorCastor hurried home to his aging mother, medicine in hand. They lived modest lives. |
Seawalker – DarrosIt was back to the sea for Darros, by all accounts; carefree, he departed Akaneia’s shores for the last time. |
Honest Thief – JulianJulian gave up thievery for good and found an honest job in Medon. |
Angel to All – LenaLena cared for orphans at a convent in Medon and doled out love in equal shares to all she met. |
Silent Sword – NabarlNabarl vanished after the great struggle, but for years, impostors appeared, hoping to profit from his reputation the world round. |
Mirthful Mage – MerricAfter helping Marth stamp out the fires of war, Merric returned to Khadein where he continued his magical studies. |
Dashing Noble – MatthisMatthis left the army in favor of a dull and predictable life in Medon: to him, bliss. |
Coyote – HardinNyna offered Hardin her hand in marriage, and so he was crowned the twenty-fourth king of House Akaneia |
Aurelian Hero – WolfWolf remained a knight of Aurelis. He helped rebuild, and later captained an elite force called the Wolfguard. |
Aurelian Star – SedgarSedgar remained a knight of Aurelis. He helped rebuild, and later became vice- captain and pillar of the Wolfguard. |
Aurelian Hope – RosheaRoshea left the army, but later returned and became an Aurelian paladin. Records show he resided in Altea for a time. |
Aurelian Son – VylandVyland remained a knight of Aurelis and helped rebuild. Always, he put the friends with whom he had grown to manhood first. |
Wise Teacher – WendellWendell became the senior mage in Khadein and embarked on a journey that took him from land to land in pursuit of truth. |
Big-Time Thief – RikardRickard returned home to live in peace- or so he claimed, even as the area experienced a surge in break-ins and purse-snatchings. |
Vun Voman – AthenaVere she vent, nobody knows… One theory is that Athena returned to the border village where she was born. |
Fire Dragon – BantuBantu sealed the dragonstones’ power and disappeared, but his wish was to live out his years in the Dolunian countryside. |
Hired Sword – CaesarHistory lost track of Caesar after the war. Perhaps he found work as a bodyguard; or perhaps some country made him a general. |
Lady-Killer – RaddRadd fell in love during the war, and gave up his sword to win the woman’s heart. Whether he succeeded, we shall never know. |
Still Single – RogerRoger found his way back to Grust in the end, and reached out to the many people whom the war had touched. |
Perfect Shot – JeorgeJeorge worked diligently to rebuild Akaneia. Later, he was chosen from the palace’s knights to become archer-captain. |
Petit Princess – MariaAfter studying in Khadein for a while, Princess Maria returned to Medon to serve her people as a cleric. |
True Leader – MinervaMinerva put all her effort into restoring Medon to glory. All wished for her to be queen: all except Minerva herself. |
Miloah’s Child – LindeLinde entered Princess Nyna’s protection and became a lady at court. |
Anna’s Love – JakeJake helped rebuild a town destroyed during the war. He and his lover Anna always dreamed of traveling to far-off continents. |
His Anchor – MidiaMidia honored her princess’s request to remain with the Akaneian Knights, and later became their captain. |
Spitting Image – DolphDolph had a short career as a general before leaving the army. Some said the move was a tacit rejection of the king-to-be. |
Dead Ringer – MacellanMacellan left the Akaneian army without a word of explanation. He settled near the border and formed a band of watchmen. |
Quiet Bow – TomasNo one knows what became of Tomas after the war, but some suggested he returned home to live in peace. |
Royal Bishop – BoahBoah resumed his duties as Akaneia’s royal bishop, guiding the kingdom while its people got back on their feet. |
Man of Worth – HoraceNyna pardoned Horace after the war, and he resumed his life as a landed noble. In the years to come, he worked hard to heal Akaneia. |
Born Shooter – BeckBeck became famous for subjugating a group of borderland rebels who- having never seen a ballista- panicked and promptly surrendered. |
Midia’s Hero – AstramAstram was made captain of Akaneia’s free company. He was given the sword Mercurius, and with it carved quite a name for himself. |
Elder Sister – PallaThe war left this once self-assured knight’s heart in knots; but Palla still worked diligently at rebuilding Medon. |
Middle Sister – CatriaCatria returned to Medon to rebuild. Love for a certain man flared in her heart… then flickered when it went unrequited. |
Free Paladin – ArranArran became captain of Altea’s knights. His efforts helped many a town rise from the ashes after the war. |
Roaming Hero – SamsonSamson continued to ply his trade as a mercenary, but never sold his sword to any but those who met his standards. |
Shape-Shifter – XaneAfter the war, Xane left without a word. It was not until later that Marth learned his true identity. |
Spell Slinger – EtzelThe spell slinger Etzel vanished after the war as quickly as he came. His wanderings took him around the world for years to come. |
Little Sister – EstEst fell in love with an Altean knight, and found that the path of the heart was a surer route to happiness than that of the spear. |
Dragon Scion – TikiTiki lived a peaceful life with Bantu. She spoke fondly of her adventures with Marth, even long after they had ended. |
No Monster – YmirThe fighting done, Ymir returned to his village in Grust: the one place that had accepted him. He was content the rest of his days. |
People’s Man – LorenzLorenz put Grust’s prince upon the throne and became his regent; but he and Akaneia did not always see eye to eye. |
Life-Giver – EliceElice returned to Altea with Marth. Ever serene, she stood by her brother and watched him grow into a fine leader. |
Holy Avatar – NagiMarth would have thanked Nagi after Medeus fell, but there was no one there to thank. Had she returned home? None ever knew. |
White Sage – GotohAt Nyna’s request, Gotoh became archmage of Akaneia. The world never knew a better teacher. |