Tag Archive for 25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary Concert: New Merchandise Added

There’s less than a week to go before the Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Concert is underway.


Earlier, the official site added an extensive list of merchandise that will be sold primarily at the concert venue. As it happens, they conveniently left out two items until now.

The first item is the “Event Official Booklet“, a 36-page A4 booklet that costs 2,500 Yen (with tax).

Inside is a discussion between Yuka Tsujiyoko and IIkuro Fujiwara, celebratory messages from those related to the event and various important plannings.


The second item is an Azura illustration sheet signed by Renka, which cannot be purchased normally.

Instead, if you purchase the Event Official Booklet and Renka’s single “if~ Hitori Omou” (the first-print or standard edition), you will be entered into a raffle for it.

By the way, if anyone is going to the concert (or knows somebody who is), please let me know!

Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Concert Musical Program

With just two weeks left to go, the Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary event site has added a list of tracks that will be performed.


For those who can’t read Japanese, an English version of the track list is generously provided on the same page. (Which I’ve also included after the break.)

Some minor amendments:

  • “Bonds, Eternal” is the Japanese name of “Eternal Bond” from Radiant Dawn.
  • “My name is MARTH” is obviously “You may call me Marth.” from Awakening.
  • “[I] Medley” should be “[Id] Medley”.

Besides this, the voice actors of Hinata, Lazward, Saizou and Odin from Fire Emblem Fates will be present at the event’s mini drama.

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25th Anniversary Concert Merchandise

It’s time to start drooling again…

June is almost over–that means we’re getting closer to the Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary concert, which takes place in Tokyo, during 24th and 25th July.


Besides enjoying live orchestrated music from the highly popular Jugdral and Archanea games (amongst others), lucky concert-goers will be able to purchase exclusive merchandise at the site.

Pictured above is the “Fire Emblem Hundred Song of Heroes”, which contains 100 yomifuda (reading) cards, 100 torifuda (grabbing) cards, a recitation CD (voiced by Anna) and an instruction booklet, all presented in a lovely box.

This extravagant–and limited–item costs 8,424 Yen (with tax), which equates to around 69 USD or 44 GBP.

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Fire Emblem if: Theme Song Singer + Blurry Promo Display

It’s been a month since the last important Fire Emblem update and ironically both the 25th Anniversary concert and Fire Emblem Cipher sites have updated, yet there’s been nothing major on the Fire Emblem if front.


Renka, a singer wrapped in a veil of mystery

Still, the concert site does share a new piece of vital information, which is the identity of the singer of Aqua’s song in the trailers: a debut singer by the name of Renka (literally “lotus”).

If you’re confused, the person supplying Aqua’s in-game voice–Lynn-san who was introduced during the Fire Emblem Cipher livestream–and the person singing her song are two different people. Which isn’t too bizarre as not all singers are actors and vice versa.

Here’s what Intelligent Systems said: Aqua’s singing voice is unique, possessing a pure and divine quality, with the ability to represent both strength and fragility. After looking at many candidates “as soon as we heard her [Renka] sing, we knew she was the one”.

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