Tag Archive for Astram

Heroes: The Chosen Ones Banner, Brings 4 + 1 New Heroes, and Next GHB Announced

If my headliner doesn’t make sense, don’t worry; I didn’t get it at first either. What’s to sum up is that this New Heroes: The Chosen Ones banner is bringing more than a handful of units and obligatory Paralogue chapter. It’s bringing more, in a possible new trend that’s sure to appease Summoners across the globe.

I can’t say much about Sirius and Norne, other than the fact that it appears as though their skillsets promote a charge-ahead style and defensive style of play, respectively. Phina’s Rapier is an incredible offensive and defensive weapon, making her a very appealing Dancer unit. Nagi, however, is the game’s first 1-range “Raven”-weapon user, and her Ethereal Breath weapon has an almost hilarious amount of useful abilities built into it, from a Killer cooldown boost, to its Raven ability, to being effective against dragons, to another first of its kind, reduction of AoE special attack damage.

Arguably, the most interesting thing about this banner is that Bantu: Tiki’s Guardian (a Red Manakete with Dragon Fang) will join the roster as a non-focus 3/4 star Hero, making this the first time a new Hero can be summoned immediately that isn’t a 5 star Hero. Perhaps this trend will continue?

Finally, the next Grand Hero Battle was announced, and that kicks off on September 23. It will feature Astram: Midia’s Hero, who is likely to be a Red Sword Infantry. The Chosen Ones banner will kick off starting September 19 at 12a PT, and all Heroes will continue to be available for future summoning events.

For more details on the summonable units (other than Bantu), click Read More. For the Japanese trailer, click Here.

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