The “Wyvern Ninja” summoning event, which runs from 8th November 2022 (UTC), features Wyvern Riders from across the series in special ninja-themed garb: Camilla, Cherche, Heath and Laegjarn (with Fjorm).
Congratulations to Cherche for being a Year 1 Hero to get her first alt after all these years.
In addition, Haar will be available from the Tempest Trials event, Life & Death 5. Furthermore, the finale of Life & Death will occur during the version 7.0.0 update, which should align with Book VII.
Anyway, please continue for a text breakdown of the featured heroes!
As promised during the recent Summer Feh Channel, the trailer for this year’s pirate-themed Special Heroes has landed! “Perilous Seas” will be active between 5th August and 5th September 2021 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes include Surtr, Naesala, Vika and Duo Hinoka and Camilla. Following Freyja’s seasonal debut, I was curious who the next seasonal villain would be (would Halloween Hel be too obvious?). Also, it’s nice to have Naesala to pair with last year’s pirate Tibarn.
Speaking of Naesala, the Raven King comes with the new Stall Ploy skill, which restricts the movement of foes with an extra movement buff. This should make it easier to handle threats such as Legendary Sigurd.
Besides those four, Lifis: Terror of Iz can be obtained from the upcoming “Ice & Flame 2” Tempest Trials event, alongside the Spur Atk/Def 1 and Steady Breath Sacred Seals.
Lifis himself also comes with the Helmsman Axe+ (Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 to foe during combat), Swap, Wind Boost 3 and Windsweep 3.
Please continue for a breakdown of the Special Heroes from the trailer!
If you’ve been keeping up with the Choose Your Legends 3 winners, you’ll remember that the top four include Camilla, Eliwood, Micaiah and Alm. Their official trailer was dropped today, and it brings light to a few unsolved mysteries from the Feh Channel update that revealed the first place winners with their new skills.
Details covered in my announcement post still remain true on the crew, but there’s no harm in referencing anyway. More importantly, coming with the heroes includes the next paralogue series, Brave Echoes, which will certainly bring about some much desired Orbs for summoning a hero from this mighty batch. It kicks off on August 16 at Midnight, and runs with a free Hero of your choice, as well as with a summonable batch.
That’s not all, though. The next Tempest Trials+ event, A Hero’s Mettle, is announced, and starting today, it’s dedicated banner is underway. This one comes with a Summoning Focus banner featuring the Ike, Micaiah and Sanaki (all 3 being the original releases). Additionally, the reward unit in this event is the blue lance flier, Sigrun: Loyal Protector. Summoners can also score the Sturdy Blow 1, Atk Tactic 1 and Earth Boost 1 Sacred Seals during this event. Sigrun herself is a available in the typical 4 and 5 star forme, and brings with her a Reprisal Lance+ weapon, Swap, Def/Res Link 3 and Hone Fliers. The TT+ event starts on August 17.
Finally, Heroes with Fury is the next daily banner, and it’s up right now. It features Myrrh, Chrom (Exalt) and Eldigan. This will run for well…24 hours, as per the other dailies, so if you’re looking to +10 a strong cavalry or a Myrrh, now’s your chance.