Tag Archive for Choose Your Legends Poll Results

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends Winners, Coming 2/9

Following the end of the Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends Event, where users could vote for their favorite characters in any Fire Emblem franchise in the hopes that they’ll be deemed the most popular, we were given knowledge that roughly 1.2 million people voted in the event.

Well, the results are finally upon us. FE_Heroes_JP tweeted that tomorrow, February 9, will feature the winners [in each of the two categories, split by gender] of the poll.

As well as looking forward to seeing who the winners are, they tweeted that with the 10,000 Tweets for 10,000 Hero Feathers meeting its goal, that we can expect to see that hitting our accounts as well. We should also keep our eyes peeled for other events, but with the next 10 months booked with event rewards already, I’m sure we won’t be missing out.

Lastly, users can look forward to seeing this in their email, straight from Nintendo, letting them know that if they participated in the event and linked their account, that they should have received their 200 Platinum Points.