From 15th to 17th July 2016, Nintendo attended Hyper Japan 2016, the UK’s biggest Japanese culture event, to showcase upcoming and recent games. As big fans of both, we at Serenes Forest paid them a friendly visit to check out the hype.
In terms of demos, there was a wide variety of Japanese-style games from Nintendo and third-parties. Of particular interest, there was a huge #3DSAdventures area, with all three versions of Fire Emblem Fates–Birthright, Conquest and Revelation–available to sample.
We spoke with many fans (incognito) and most were enjoying (or looking forward to) the new games. There were some incredibly hardcore FE fans as well, including one who’s favourite was Genealogy and another who’s hobby was replaying Hector Hard Mode.
Other highlights included demos of the recently released Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, the upcoming Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 and Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, plus the first UK demo of Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past.
Of course, we had great fun playing all of them! (And Copen is a major badass as you’d expect.)