Welcome to the first Fire Emblem Cipher S14 Weekly Recap! We’re now a month away from the release of Series 14, which means @fecipher has begun their card reveals. Let’s take a look at what they have in store for us!
The most exciting reveals so far come from Tellius, with Ike as the first Tellius character appearing in the set. His Cost 1 is based on his appearance in Path of Radiance. However, he wields axes in his R card, which he could only do when promoted in Radiant Dawn. This is actually the special R+ variant, signed by his VA, Hagi Michihiko.

Additionally, Titania snags the first SR for the set! She also appears with Greil as an unpromoted Axe Knight in her Cost 1.
For the Awakening cards, Chrom and both Male and Female Robin appeared in the first main character reveal. Previous art for the set has only shown off Male Robin, so Female Robin’s appearance was definitely a surprise! This probably means we’ll see Male Morgan along with Female Morgan with the second generation’s cards.

The final reveals go to Male Corrin and Ryoma from Fates. Both are here representing White, as S14 is focused on Hoshido, rather than Nohr. The two versions of Corrin are as a human wielding a sword and in his dragon form wielding a Dragonstone, respectively. Ryoma gets both an unpromoted Samurai card as well as a promoted R foil card.

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