Tag Archive for Dangen Entertainment

Vestaria Saga Gaiden: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister English Version Slated for 2022

The English release of Vestaria Saga Gaiden: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister has been formally announced. Like the original Vestaria Saga, it’ll be arriving on Steam, some time in 2022.

For those not in the know, the Vestaria Saga series was created by S_Kaga, who may or may not be the creator of the Fire Emblem series. These games are all indie in scope, having been developed with SRPG Studio, the SRPG equivalent of RPG Maker.

By the way, The Sacred Sword of Silvanister is not Vestaria Saga II, which is its own thing. Instead, it’s a side-story (hence “gaiden”) meant to provide closure for Zade, the first game’s protagonist. Even though it’s a side-story, it’s a fully-fleshed out game spanning 25 chapters.

Vestaria Saga: Interview with DANGEN Entertainment

During the middle of August, the official English version of Vestaria Saga was announced, together with a playable demo.

Around this time, we reached out to DANGEN Entertainment–the company responsible for localising the game–to see if they could answer some burning questions we had.

For those who haven’t been keeping up–and possibly quite confused–Vestaria Saga is an indie game that’s believed to be created by one of the founders of the Fire Emblem series. But that’s all we can say on the matter, since he wishes to distance himself away from any potential drama.

Although we–Serenes Forest–are primarily a Fire Emblem fan site, we also like to cover all the spin-off games and related games, which Vestaria falls under.

With that out of the way, onto the interview itself!

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Vestaria Saga English Demo Now Available!

Following yesterday’s announcement trailer, the demo for the English version of Vestaria Saga can now be downloaded from the game’s Steam page.

This demo starts with the prologue map, where Zade and his loyal knights must escape their war-torn kingdom together with their princess. Here, you can learn the basic gameplay mechanics while you hurry for your life.

Afterwards, the demo ends right before Chapter 1 begins proper. By this time, Zade and his allies have alighted in the neighbouring nation of Venecia. However, it’s not all roses and sunshine–Zade must fight and prove his worth if he wishes to remain.

Since a lot of people will probably be playing for the first time, here’s some information that might help.

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Vestaria Saga English Trailer + Demo Coming Soon

It’s been a long time coming, but we finally have new, concrete details about the official English version of the first Vestaria Saga game!

For the uninitiated, Vestaria Saga is an indie Strategy RPG developed by S_Kaga and Vestaria Project, created using SRPG Studio. Despite its humble appearances, it’s an incredibly well-crafted game, with devious puzzle-like gameplay and a rich story.

Originally, the game was released in September 2016 and, surprisingly, an English translation was teased in August 2017, nearly a year ago. Now we know that Dangen Entertainment is behind the English translation and it’ll be 2019 before it releases.

However to ease the wait slightly, a one-stage demo is planned to be released in the coming days. If you’re interested, check out the game’s Steam page, where you can download the demo once it becomes available.

Also, we’re currently looking to ask Dangen Entertainment some questions about the translation and acquisition of Vestaria Saga. If you have any burning questions you’d like to ask them, feel free to post in the comments!

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