Fire Emblem’s 30th anniversary is just days away, and thanks to the most recent FEH Channel, we all knew it was coming, and I for one, am glad to see that big things come in small packages. It’s time, folks, for Fire Emblem Heroes’ The Start of It All banner trailer!
This will feature a handful of cutie patootie young’ins, in the forms of Marth, Caeda, Merric, and all three Whitewing sisters as one single Duo hero! Looks like Intelligent Systems had trouble counting there…

We also have the next Tempest Trials+ reward unit in the form of Minerva, who has a PRF weapon of her own. To make people more excited, Marth: Legacied Hero, is going to be part of the 4* pool, making him that much easier to snag! Furthermore, some new inheritable skills hit the fray, in the forms of a new Oath and a dual Chill skill. Some other ridiculously effective non-inheritable skills have appeared, so it will be interesting how this shapes some things coming forward.

This event kicks off on April 20 and runs for 1 month, until May 20. Looks like this will be a fun 30th anniversary! Good luck, Summoners!
For details on unit skills and more, click Read More.
For the Japanese banner trailer, click here.
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