Another round of Fallen Heroes (perhaps one of the more surreal traditions of Fire Emblem Heroes) will debut in the “Beyond Control” summoning event, which runs from 10th May 2022 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes are Lilith, Ninian, Gustav and Rhea.
Additionally, Muarim: Raw Instinct will be available from the next Grand Hero Battle.
It seems the theme of this banner is dragons, plus Gustav tagging along for the ride. Sorry to anyone expecting Fafnir (who would’ve been a perfect fit since he has a dragon form), but at least he doesn’t seem impossible now!
Anyway, please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!
It’s been an expectation since shortly after the release of Fire Emblem Three Houses, but now it’s finally upon us; the Forces of Will Fallen Heroes banner brings Edelgard and Dimitri into the fray, as well as both male and female Morgans from the Fire Emblem Awakening series (specifically, the DLC).
This banner boasts not only powerful-looking units, but powerful skills on those units. Among these skills includes the return of Armored Stride 3, Dive-Bomb 3 and Odd Tempest 3, as well as the new and presumably inheritable C -Menace skills, which appear to be a hard buff+debuff variant to the -Rein skills ‘in combat’ style of debuff.
Additionally, there is a new Tier 4 A skill in the -Ideal line, which applies combat buffs based on HP being full, [Bonus] being present on unit, or if both conditions are met, the buffs provided by each check. Furthermore, both Dimitri and Edelgard come with mighty PRF B-skills in Murderous Lion and Armored Wall, respectively, with Murderous Lion being effectively a Canto +1 & Firesweep Solo skill for an infantry unit, and an improved Special Fighter skill packaged with a Dark Creator Sword and Sol Lance effect (in a once-per-turn 40% damage reduction and a 7 HP after combat effect). I won’t even get started on any of their weapons, all of which include hefty descriptions that you can see below in full detail.
To keep the news rolling, the upcoming reward unit will be Orson, from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. If you’re unfamiliar, he’s been seen in game as a cavalry unit, wielding either a Silver Lance or a Runesword, so commence speculation. W should also be noted is not only the one time Spark on the 40th summon, but also the Celestial Stone item, which is earned after 40 summons, and can be exchanged for valuable resources including the illustrious Forma Soul (equivalent for one free unit from the Forma Halls events).
Dimitri, Edelgard and the Morgans will be available for summoning starting on May 7 at 12a PT, following the next Version Update.
For more details on the units’ skills, click Read More.
The next Resplendent Hero to be revealed for Feh Pass subscribers will be Sanaki: Begnion’s Apostle. Similar to Sophia, she’s decked in Emblan garb.
The distribution period for her Resplendent version will be 25th May through 10th June 2020 (after Hector). You can check out her full artwork and some voice samples via the Feh Pass website.
Back to the present, the “Dark Burdens” banner is currently live. For more info, please refer to our earlier article. Also, the Nintendo Treehouse team shared a video highlighting the abilities of these frightening allies.
Furthermore, if you’re not afraid to learn what makes them tick, there’s a Forging Bonds event, “Peaceful Ends”, featuring these forbidden four. Since this is the first event following Version 4.5.0, you can obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) as rewards.
In what is now a strange and twisted tradition, Fire Emblem Heroes is bringing back more evil and corrupted versions of existing Heroes in the upcoming “Dark Burdens” summoning event.
From 8th May 2020 (UTC), Summoners can try to befriend fallen Corrin (male), Lyon, Julia and Ike. Because it’s a “New Heroes” banner, the guaranteed summon after 40 summons will be in effect.
If that’s not enough evil for you, Ashnard: Mad King will be appearing in Grand Hero Battles a day later, on 9th May 2020 (UTC).
For those curious, Fallen Ike has previously appeared in the Cipher card game (in Series 12). It seems this version of Ike has succumbed to the chaos within the medallion. Maybe next year we’ll finally get Risen King Chrom?