Tag Archive for Fan E-zine

Fire Emblem E-Zine Volume 5 Is Upon Us!

Welcome to 2020, fans of Fire Emblem! This may be a new year, but there’s no sign of the fanart train slowing down, as we’re back to share with you Together We Ride as it slates its fifth release in less than two months.

If you’re unfamiliar, Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual piece in this zine features multiple characters spanning across nine games among the Fire Emblem series.

Volume 5 consists of 36 full-color illustrated pages by twenty five artists and writers, and Pre-Orders are available now on Etsy, until the end of the month. More details below, and follow them at their Twitter and Tumblr.

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Fire Emblem E-Zine Volume 4 Is Nearly Ready!

As is becoming a wonderful trend in the art community, we’re back to share with you Together We Ride as it slates its fourth release in early September.

If you’re unfamiliar, Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual piece in this zine features multiple characters spanning across nine games among the Fire Emblem series. Volume 4 consists of forty full-color illustrated pages by more than twenty five artists and writers, and Pre-Orders are available now on Etsy, until the end of the month.

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Fire Emblem E-Zine Returns Once Again

As is becoming a wonderful trend in the art community, we’re back to share with you Together We Ride as it slates its third release just a few months from now.

If you’re unfamiliar, Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual piece in this zine features multiple characters spanning across nine games among the Fire Emblem series. Volume three consists of thirty+ full-color illustrated pages by more than twenty artists and writers, and Pre-Orders are available now on Etsy, until the end of the month.

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Fire Emblem E-Zine is Back!

Serenes Forest is home to quite a few talented artists. Several of those artists have been collaborating efforts for many moons now, and have finally finished preparations for the second annual version of Together We Ride.


Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual artwork in this zine features multiple characters spanning across nine games among the Fire Emblem series. Volume two consists of thirty+ full-color illustrated pages by twenty-two artists and writers (listed below), each featuring combinations chosen by them.

The second issue of Together We Ride is now available for pre-order, and will focus on elements from Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem Heroes, with love for many prior versions. Pre-orders will be up until June 30. Of course, there’s a pre-order bonus…several, actually. Fans who pre-order will receive a sticker set and postcards, and for more dedicated fans, an adorable 1.5″ wooden charm featuring everybody’s favorite Fire Emblem Heroes avian mascot.

Full details on the preorder info can be found below:

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