Tag Archive for Festival of Hoshido

Heroes: “Festival of Hoshido” Banner, Coming Soon

Fire Emblem Heroes caught us by surprise with their latest “Festival in Hoshido” banner, teased just yesterday. I myself was caught by more surprise, when the released video trailer for the banner featuring just one Hoshidan…

That’s right; the upcoming Festival in Hoshido banner revealed to us four new units, including two alternates of units that we’ve seen before, as well as two alternates of fan favorites that had up until now, had no alts even considered. The most interesting part about this might not be the new alternate units, but weapons wielded by two of them; we now have colored Dagger users. Of course, you can also enjoy collecting some orbs from the accompanying Paralogue chapters and associated quests, so there will be plenty to do.

Festival of Hoshido will be active from August 10, until September 7, so there’s plenty of time to get your hands on this batch of dancers.

For more details, click Read More. For the Japanese version of the trailer, click here.

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