It’s something we’ve all been waiting for: The results of the Find & Vote event.
At least one of the results may shock you, and don’t say you expected it, either, because that would make you a liar.
Myrrh: Spooky Monster, Azura: Vallite Songstress, Lyn: Lady of the Wind, and Duma: God of Strength, are your four winners of each colour. You an visit the official website here, but will need to access it through a mobile device to view the results.
Remember that these four Heroes will become available as focus summons on the upcoming 2nd Anniversary Heroes summoning event on the 25th of February, 7:00am UTC. The first free summon will be replaced with a chance to summon one of these four winners at random, so pray that you get what you’re hoping for, or be prepared to start dumping your saved Orbs.
Click on “Read more” for a possible explanation on how Legendary Lyn beat out her green competition.