Tag Archive for Fire Emblem Games Sales

Heroes Fall Sneak Peek and eShop Spring Sale

Today, FE_Heroes_JP tweeted out a few spoilers for what’s coming after out in the relatively near future.

“It seems…I was summoned into this world from the hopes of many.”

We were lucky to get a Japanese voice sample of Ike, definitely inspiring Tellius fans among Summoners to keep excited for what’s coming. Additionally, the translated text of the tweet mentioned nothing of the voice clip, but instead shared that the unique Alternate Costume Units for Roy, Lyn, Lucina and Ike will come “after summer.”

Also as a surprise is a sale by Nintendo. For an appropriate amount of My Nintendo Points, American and European eShop players can get a few discounts on eShop purchases:

30% discount on Fire Emblem Fates™: Birthright on 3DS (90 Gold Points)
30% discount on Fire Emblem™: Shadow Dragon on Wii U VC (30 Gold Points)
30% discount on Fire Emblem™:The Sacred Stones on Wii U VC (240 Platinum Points)

With no official word on when any characters from Tellius will arrive, skeptics are hoping that we’ll see our Radiant Hero hoisting his Ragnell into Heroes some time this Summer.