Continuing our month long celebration of artistic talent in the Fire Emblem community brings us to today, in which Emelyne Tan finds her place in our showcase.
It’s hard to find ways to be glum when this little fluff-bird is around.
Emelyne has been an artist in the community for a number of years, and has just recently put up her My Neighbor Feh acrylic charm up for grabs. If you’d like to pay her a visit, check out her Tumblr or her Twitter, and if you want to get your hands on Feh and the Askr trio (or her other goodies), pay her Storenvy a visit. Pre-orders are only up until June 10, but for $12, it’s a really cute charm.
She’s also made some other charms worthy of praise, such as her Deliverance set, featuring Lukas, Forsythe, Python, Clair, Mathilda and Clive.
If you’d like to show support for the community, pay them a visit at their respective Etsy, Twitter or otherwise listed pages above (anything bolded can be clicked). Give them a follow or a share, or pick one of their creations up for yourself if you’re able and interested.
If you want to have your work showcased on Serenes Forest, contact me (Elieson) on our forums and I’ll do my best to feature you and your talents. Bear in mind that June will feature more of a crafts lineup, while December will be our Draw-cember event, featuring talent more akin to drawings, paintings and the like.