Tag Archive for Greg Chun

Community Chronicles: Greg Chun (Ike, Ephraim, Lukas, & more) kicks off streaming July 5, 8-10p PT

Hello, friends of Fire Emblem. This is Elieson, and I’ve got an announcement for you. A good friend of mine and beloved voice actor & music director, Greg Chun is finally prepared to debut his livestream, and I figured I’d share it for ya’ll.

Who is Greg Chun?

His talents include being the voices of but not limited to these many-a-character, including the Fire Emblem Ike, Ephraim, Lukas, as well as Judgment’s Yagami Takayuki and much more than that. I personally am quite fond of his ASMR, featuring a recent dedicated ASMR video, and his infamous ASMR-rific cheesecake recipe reading. Additionally, Greg was the music director behind the famous Super Mario Odyssey “Jump Up, Super Star!” song as well as the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate “Lifelight” song, so he’s a trusted and talented director.

What’s he streaming, and when?

His debut stream is going to be on Sunday, July 5th, from 8p-10p PT, and he’ll be streaming Game Music Composition, helping music lovers and music writers learn and refine the techniques behind making a moment more memorable through the power of music. Taking input from viewers, he’ll put out live polls and write music that tells a story of what _you_ want to happen, showing how to “set the mood”, as it were. His continuing series of streams will be showing how to do this in a variety of programs, including Garage Band, so you’re certain to get something out of this.
As said above, he’ll be continuing to stream, so if you’d like to follow along with his endeavors, or if you want to socialize with him and his many Chunderlings (myself included), follow him on Twitch, and join the Chunderworld Discord server to say howdy once in a while!

How can I visit his sites, and be part of this going forward?

General Site, for everything Greg Chun: https://GregChun.Live
Discord: https://discord.gg/qTyjVWM
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/GregChunVA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greg_chun

Lastly, to continue the support of Greg, and the voice acting community as a whole, you may see me showcasing others in the Fire Emblem’s voice acting community, as I have with artists, by sharing some light on upcoming events and new talents, sharing some social media links, and above all, just bringing some positivity to the people that help make our beloved franchise that much more special for us as players. I already have quite a few in mind, but if you know of anyone that you feel deserves some spotlight treatment, let me know and I’ll do my part to make sure that they get some!

Team FE Presents Extra Life: Day 3, Nov. 17 11a – 11p PT

I’m back, with an update on Team FE’s third day of exciting Fire Emblem themed shenanigans! We’re set to go live in about 20 hours, and if you thought Day 2 was a doozy, you’re not ready for Day 3. Before that though, an update on our Day 2 success, and a reminder of what we’re doing this all for.

Team FE was able to raise $3,245 in our first two 12-hour days, which is absolutely amazing! Considering that last year, our single day, 24-hour straight event brought in roughly that same amount ($3,540), things have been going quite smoothly and in my opinion, just as successfully. We’ve still got a lot planned, and with the 24th being our last day, we have to make the second half of this event a memorable one.

With the schedule right there, click here to Watch, here to Catch Up, and here to Donate

Where last year’s focus was on speedgaming, this year has highlighted a metric ton of voice talent in the franchise, bringing in six voice actors on-stream during our event so far, not counting the ones joining us tomorrow, or others that offered up autographs for signing merchandise. Speaking of…our schedule for November 17th foresees special appearances by a high range of talented voice actors in the Fire Emblem franchise, including:

Aside from our voice actors, you can see games played by familiar faces, including Kirbymastah, Mekkah, Gwimpage, Lord Raven (not our Staff’s Raven) and a strange amalgamation of Team FE members that may even include yours truly. for a rousing game of Quiplash. Finally, we’ll be highlighting several artists during some interview sessions, such as reappearances from SF’s ciarre and Reddit’s Tecchen, as well as a new contributor to our event, 24914. If you miss a chance to interact with anyone but want to score a second chance, either visit our forums, hang out at the subreddits, or for the voice actors, check out their Twitter profiles and Unlocked* profiles. With so many big names coming aboard, you won’t want to miss tomorrow!

As far as Unlocked goes, it’s an iOS app (in Beta for Android devices as I type this), which allows fans to engage in conversation with voice actors, artists, cosplayers and other big names within the anime and gaming community, via livestreaming through mobile devices (sort of like Facebook Live). David Vincent is one of the creative minds behind this app’s existence, and it’s pretty fun to use. I’ve had my fair share of conversations with voice actors that joined us this year, and it’s a great way to support talented contributors to the things that make games as enjoyable as they are.

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