English fans are still waiting for the official translation of Vestaria Saga I, the latest game by the creator of the Fire Emblem series. But lo and behold, S_Kaga has just released both of his brand new gaiden (side story) games on the same day.
Left: Silverbirch’s Sacred Sword, Right: Heroes of Lucca
You can download the games via the official Vestaria Saga webpage. Check the Download page, then scroll to the bottom. You’ll need to click the top option to accept the terms and conditions. Then the download links will appear.
The first download link is for the original Vestaria Saga I, while the next is for Silverbirch’s Sacred Sword and the third is for Heroes of Lucca. Like the original game, the side stories are Japanese-only and available on PC only.
Although knowledge of Vestaria Saga I isn’t necessary, it is highly recommended that you play it first because both side stories are deeply connected. All three games are free, although the English version of Vestaria Saga I will be paid (to offset translation costs).