As promised during the recent Summer Feh Channel, the trailer for this year’s pirate-themed Special Heroes has landed! “Perilous Seas” will be active between 5th August and 5th September 2021 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes include Surtr, Naesala, Vika and Duo Hinoka and Camilla. Following Freyja’s seasonal debut, I was curious who the next seasonal villain would be (would Halloween Hel be too obvious?). Also, it’s nice to have Naesala to pair with last year’s pirate Tibarn.
Speaking of Naesala, the Raven King comes with the new Stall Ploy skill, which restricts the movement of foes with an extra movement buff. This should make it easier to handle threats such as Legendary Sigurd.
Besides those four, Lifis: Terror of Iz can be obtained from the upcoming “Ice & Flame 2” Tempest Trials event, alongside the Spur Atk/Def 1 and Steady Breath Sacred Seals.
Lifis himself also comes with the Helmsman Axe+ (Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 to foe during combat), Swap, Wind Boost 3 and Windsweep 3.
Please continue for a breakdown of the Special Heroes from the trailer!