Tag Archive for Jun Suemi

Three Houses: Cindered Shadows 12-Page Feature in This Week’s Famitsu & More DLC Class Tidbts

The next issue of Weekly Famitsu, which releases on 13th February, will have a 12-page feature on the Cindered Shadows side story from Three Houses’s Wave 4 DLC.

To celebrate the occasion, Famitsu has brought over Jun Suemi–who has designed artwork for various classic games, most notably Falcom’s Brandish series–to create a new piece of artwork for the issue’s cover.

Included in the feature will be details on the new characters (presumably the Ashen Wolves and Aelfric), how Cindered Shadows interacts with the main story, plus interviews with the two directors–Toshiyuki Kusaikihara and Genki Yokota.

The preview image shows off the profiles for the four Ashen Wolves students. Of note, it has details of their personal abilities (which are too blurry to read), crests (all “Mystery Crest”) and classes.

As expected, Yuri, Constance, Balthus and Hapi have access to Trickster, Dark Flier, War Monk and Valkyrie respectively. They also have access to Commoner (Yuri and Hapi), Noble (Constance and Balthus) and Thief (Yuri).

For those who don’t follow us on social media, the Japanese Twitter account shared more details about two of the DLC classes.

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