Happy Holidays everyone! For a change, Fire Emblem Heroes has a Christmas gift for all Summoners! And it’s all thanks to Sothis, who took over the Twitter account yesterday but has now sadly departed.
If you log in to the game before the daily rollover on 1st January 2020, you can pick up 3 sets of 3 First Summon Tickets for the Legendary Celica, Winter’s Envoy and Gifts of Winter banners (for a total of 9 tickets).
As a reminder, Legendary Celica’s banner has just started today and will be around until the rollover on 6th January 2020. As you’d expect, there’s also a set of Legendary Hero Battle maps for her. Plus the following LHBs or MHBs are being re-run: Robin, Hríd, Roy, Naga and Thrasir.
There’s another surprise, although perhaps unintended. In the newest update, data-miners have discovered the upcoming and currently unrevealed New Year’s Special Heroes. If you’re curious to know their identities in advance, please visit the FEH subreddit.