Tag Archive for Marcella Lentz-Pope

Marcella Lentz-Pope AMA, Now Taking Voice Requests

Today (into tomorrow) is your last chance to participate in the Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread with Marcella Lentz-Pope, before the event concludes. However, if you’ve already asked your questions, don’t pass this up just yet. She’s decided to end it with a bang, by taking voice recording requests from you, the user!


What’s this mean for you? If you have a request for Marcella to speak & record, feel free to post it!

Click here and stop on by to join us and make this last day into one that we’ll remember forever!


Serenes Forest Interviews Lady Corrin! Join Our AMA Event!

As you probably already know, the English version of Fire Emblem Fates was released a little under seven months ago (February 19th, 2016). Since the game’s release, popularity for the franchise once again jumped, as fans of the series flocked to the streets to pick up copies for themselves. Interest skyrocketed during the game’s initial release in Japan and here in the US when the protagonist, Corrin, was revealed. Heck, I myself found myself drawn to the female version of Corrin, due to my use of the game as a stellar strategy game and a great reading tool to help my daughter learn to read.

I found myself fortunate enough to have a chat with Marcella Lentz-Pope, the voice actress of Corrin, and while things just started off as an interview, I’d say we’ve established a friendship, too! She’s voice Scarlet and Corrin (Female) in both Fire Emblem Fates & Super Smash Bros for Wii U & 3DS, so just on this alone, I’d say she’s already quite accomplished! She’s super friendly, and I’m definitely glad that we had this chance to chat!


If you think you recognized her voice from somewhere but just can’t put your finger on it, you might recognize her from other games such as Halo:Reach (Sara), Moira Burton (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) and League of Legends (Kindred), or from television series like The Fosters (Chloe Hendricks), Criminal Minds (Emma Phelps) and Avatar: The Last Airbender (Jin).

After the interview, Marcella was kind enough to join our forum and participate in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) event, and you can only assume how ecstatic I am about that!

Click Read More to check out our interview, and join her in our AMA thread here.

Artwork by Serenes Forest user Samias. See more of her work at her Tumblr/DeviantArt

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