Tag Archive for Maria

Heroes: More Magical Bunnies Arrive in “Hop-and-Go-Seek”

It’s almost the Easter season, which means more bunny-costumed Heroes are on the way. They will appear in the “Hop-and-Go-Seek” summoning event, which begins from 8th March 2022 (UTC).

Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.

During this event, you can hope to summon: Delthea, Maria, Henry and Harmonized Sonya with Tharja.

These Special Heroes have two things in common: they’re all from the world of Archanea and Valentia (and its future version, which includes Ylisse) and they’re (mostly) from sibling groups (I’m unsure about Henry and Tharja).

Additionally, Luthier: Spring Hopes will be a Tempest Trials reward. He’s a Blue Lance Cavalry unit with the following skills:

Other rewards include the Atk/Res Push 1 and Atk/Res Oath 1 Sacred Seals.

Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!

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