Tag Archive for Marianne

FEW Three Hopes: Golden Deer Character & Class Profiles via Twitter

It’s been another week, so we have more character and class profiles for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, via the official Japanese Twitter account.

If you missed the earlier profiles, please check here.

From here on, it’s difficult to guess what they’ll showcase next. Although, as Faerghast points out, we could be getting a demo soon

Update: There was no new trailer or demo at the expected time. Instead, the Twitter account has started tweeting new conversations from previously announced characters.


VA: Hiroshi Watanabe
Heir to Count Gloucester.
As a rival to House Riegan–leader of the Alliance, he regularly showcases the pride and responsibility of a mighty house that props up the Alliance. Also an avid socialiser, perhaps seeking a spouse, but has little to show for his efforts.

Dark Knight

One of Lorenz’s preferred classes.
A class that wields lances and magic.
Lorenz can also consume a unique gauge to negate enemy attacks. When the gauge is at max, you can create a whirlwind of roses to take down foes!

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FE Warriors: Three Hopes – The Deer of the Alliance

It’s that time again! We’re looking at the Golden Deer this week for Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes.

Let’s get to it!

Claude’s showing in the trailer is very brief, just showing him shoot a storm of arrows. They seem to know we want to see the rest of the Deer’s new designs considering Hilda’s sequence is just about as short.

Come on follow me!

Hilda shows her devastating axe arm, and also shows off the ability her profile mentioned many weeks ago. She can drag enemies together with lightning to hit them all at once, which seems really useful if enemies are spread out or if archers are picking at you while you’re fighting others. Just to name two examples.

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FEH: Choose Your Legends 5 Units Revealed, Pelleas GHB Announced, and More

Fans have long anticipated the reveal of the Choose Your Legends 5 quartet, and today, we finally have news on them, in today’s Feh Channel and Keepers of Faith Banner Trailer!

To summarize, we have:

  • Marth, an incredibly powerful sword infantry that despite bringing a Falchion as per normal, comes with a wild assortment of buffing abilities for himself and his party members, a new Distant Counter type of A skill, and a conditional Vantage that has no HP check
  • Eirika, a very strong lance cavalry unit that has a strong defensive build in both her weapon’s %-reduction and her self-healing A skill through, as well as a B skill that acts as an enhanced Luna that also disables Guard effects
  • Marianne, a colorless tome infantry dancer that can reflexively dance a nearby unit simply by engaging in combat on player phase, including other dancers.
  • Gatekeeper, a super defensive green tome infantry that comes with a Close Counter variant, a useful version of Obstruct through his B Prf, and a weapon that bestows a variety of debuffs on enemies based on cardinally-placed allies similar to the Arvis/Saias 3-row/column range condition.

Along with these mighty units, comes a way to free-summon during this Choose Your Legend Summon Event. Summoners will get a free pull of their choice immediately on release (nothing new here as every banner has a free ‘Redeem’ on it), but also, a free Spark’able unit of their choice at 40, 80, 120 and 160 Summons. The caveat to this is that for each one that you pick, they become unavailable for following Sparks, meaning that you cannot spark a single unit more than one time in this. You’ll also get up to four Celestial Stones through these Sparks.

There’s a bit more news to add, as the Choose Your Legends 4 selection that is present for new players, will be expiring by August 31. If you have a friend that may want to give Fire Emblem Heroes a shot, encourage that they attempt to join and summon before then, to score a powerful free Hero.

Additionally, starting on August 17, there is a Dragonflower upgrade, as all units can have an additional 5 Dragonflowers spent on themselves, at a cost of 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 per application of Dragonflower. Each applied Dragonflower will apply +1 to a unit’s stat, as per normal. Conveniently, there will be a Log-In bonus, awarding Summoners with 120 of each Dragonflower, allowing for effectively a free +2 application to a unit [per each of the 4 movement-types] of their choice. This Log-In Bonus only requires a single log in.

Through courtesy of the Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter accounts, we have news that Pelleas: Ashnard’s Orphan will be the next Grand Hero Battle unit, kicking off on August 18. I expect him to be a Red Tome unit, per his Dark Magic weapon proficiency from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and his art, which is visible through the official Meet The Heroes page.

Speaking of that, the Meet The Heroes page has been updated with all four of Eirika, Gatekeeper, Marianne and Marth, as well as Pelleas. Full in-game character artwork for each of the five can be seen on these pages, as well as the chibis, and some story details if you’d like to see them. I highly recommend you check out Gatekeeper’s, at least for the animals in his in-game and chibi artworks.

For details on the Choose Your Legends 5 Heroes stats and skills, as well as artwork, click Read More.
For the Japanese trailer of the FEH Channel and the CYL 5 Banner itself, click on each link here for their respective video.

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Heroes: 2021’s Summer Vibrance Banner brings Three Houses Heroes on June 21

It’s Summer time, and that means seatime specials join the squad. This year is no different, thanks to the Summer Vibrance Special Heroes banner, featuring an entirely Three Houses cast in Ashe, Caspar, Mercedes and Duo-Hero Hilda (& Marianne).

Among the mighty heroes are a couple of new inheritable skills, including the next in the -Recovery line (Even Recovery 3), and the -Trace line (A/R Far Trace 3), as well as a couple of interesting inheritable defensive weapons. A skill sure to shake things up however, is B Duel Cavalry 4, which assigns a 180 BST score to Blue Cavalry units. I don’t think I need to tell you who this includes.

To continue the trend of Three Houses Heroes, Leonie: Relentless Rays, a Colorless Bow Cavalry will be the the Tempest Trials+ reward unit.

The Summer Vibrance banner will run from June 21 until August 4, giving Summoners plenty of time to secure their favorite. If I recall from past trends, this will wrap up just before the CYL Heroes would become available, so try not to burn through too many orbs!

For details on the unit’s Stats and Skills, click Read More.
For the Japanese trailer, click here.

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