If you were supporting the second Heroic Feats event (in which if all Summoners deployed magic users 30 million times cumulatively over a period of time), then you’ll be happy to know that the condition was met, and as such, will result in all Summoners receiving a free 4★ Berkut: Prideful Prince. With roughly 38 million deployments, the challenge was met with relative ease.
38,621,338/30,000,000 回 で、見事ミッションクリアしましたので、後日みなさんに★4「高慢な王子 ベルクト」をプレゼントいたします。#FEヒーローズ pic.twitter.com/vbUM3YCSh7— ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ (@FE_Heroes_JP) October 18, 2018
These appear to be quick to run mini-events, in which we’ll be seeing more of over the near future. In particular, the next Heroic Feats will feature the cumulative deployment of Infantry-type Heroes 60 million times during the duration of the event, in order to secure a free 4★ Marisa: Crimson Flash.
Both Berkut’s distribution and Marisa’s Heroic Feats 3 will kick off in just a few hours, so prepare thy teams, Summoners!