Today’s FE Heroes update brings us the already-revealed new Mythic Hero Banner, featuring: Altina: Dawn’s Trueblade!

Her base stats at level 40: HP 42, Atk 38, Spd 20, Def 30, Res 36, with a Super Asset in Atk for a potential 42 base Atk.
If you want to know more about the banner and what other Heroes are available on focus, click here.
Accompanying all 8% banners at the end of each month are Legendary/Mythic Hero Battles.

Battle against Altina (ft. reinforcements) and earn up to 9 Orbs, and a golden accessory for defeating the Abyssal difficulty.
The Mythic banner and the Mythic Hero Battle are available from today, and will run until the 5th of December 6:59am UTC.
Also today: New limited-time Orb packs are available to purchase.

There are three in total:
- Pack 1: 25 Orbs
- Pack 2: 50 Orbs, Tharja: “Normal Girl” (Winter Tharja), 20,000 Universal Crystals, 5,000 Universal Shards
- Pack 3: 143 Orbs, Roy: Blazing Lion (Legendary Roy), 900 Aether Stones.
You could pretty much buy a copy of Radiant Dawn for the cost of the biggest Orb pack, so consider your finances before making a purchase. They will be available to purchase until the 5th of December 6:59am UTC.
Finally for today: A new Tactics Drills: Skill Studies is available! Take control of the Sniper Igrene and the Dancer Larum to wipe the map of enemies and pick up those 300 Feathers.