Tag Archive for Ninja Training

Heroes: Ninja November begins on Nov 4

Much like last year, this year brings a batch of Ninjas to the fray, and also like last year, the theme of their combat includes weapons with the Brave effect. Heck, we are even receiving another Colorless Dagger Flier! This Ninja Training Banner is quickly shaping up to be one that features some mighty combatants!

Welcome alts of Igrene, male Corrin, Shinon, as well as Duo Hero unit female Corrin with partner Elise, in this banner, as well as Tempest Trials+ reward unit Shamir: Lone-Moon Ninja (a Green Axe Infantry). We also get to see the arrival of the next Duel skill in C Duel Flying 4, as well as a few other inheritable skills that are sure to appeal to some. What’s most interesting to me, is that male Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act, comes with Special Spiral 3, and is also the 4* demote unit for the banner, meaning that Blue is a pretty good color to pull on if you’re looking for some budget-but-valuable skill inheritance fodder.

The Ninja Training Banner runs from November 5 through December 4, so you have plenty of time to decide if you want to take the plunge and secure yourself a new ninja or two.

For details on each unit’s skills (and even some stats), click Read More.
For the Japanese trailer, click here.

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