Are you ready to dance again? Fire Emblem Heroes is re-running last year’s Performing Arts limited time summoning event between now and the rollover on 19th October.
The featured Heroes are dancer versions of Olivia, Inigo, Azura and Shigure. For more details (such as Skills), please refer to last year’s article.
Although it may have been the perfect time to repeat this event while Festival in Hoshido was ongoing, the original event debuted during late September last year so it seems they wanted to wait until it was nearly a year.
Feh returns with another episode of the Feh Channel, this time 18 minutes in length!
This episode starts with Feh greeting us from the beach, before immediately jumping into a FE Awakening announcement featuring New Heroes!
Libra, Maribelle, Sumia and a new variant of Olivia (a Flier), are all announced to be coming in the upcoming Ylissean Travelers, starting on July 20 at 12a PST. We’ll have another post detailing their skills and availability when it deploys live.
Additionally, a Grand Hero Battle featuring Walhart: The Conquerer, begins on July 29 at 12a PST. He looks fierce!
We’ve been well aware that DLC packs were coming out for Fire Emblem Warriors. One things we weren’t entirely sure of though, was what would be included with the Season Pass.
Twitter users AzurePhoenix and AAAGamer have been healthily feeding information to the world regarding incoming DLC for Fire Emblem Warriors, and GameXplain put together a nice video highlighting the details. Some surprising tidbits for what’s to come were found in the Fire Emblem Warriors DLC page via their access to the Nintendo’s Australian eShop.
Data will come in packs, one for Fire Emblem Fates, one for Awakening and one for Shadow Dragon. Most notable, are the cast joining via DLC. I’m not talking about the ones we’ve known about for some time, via either documentation or gameplay footage of NPCs (Navarre, Niles, Oboro and Owain), but of the new faces, Azura, Minerva, Linde, Olivia and Tharja. Here’s the total of who’s coming in, for each DLC pack.
New Playable Characters
Fates: Azura, Niles, Oboro
Shadow Dragon: Minerva, Navarre, Linde
Awakening: Olivia, Owain, Tharja
There’s plenty of other new data available for DLC as well. Full details on each pack are detailed below: