In today’s news, we not only have the release of Guardians of Peace (Igrene, Larum, Percival and Echidna, plus Chad), but we also have the next Tempest Trials+ banner already here, featuring Chad, Lugh and Raigh. The Tempest Trials+ banner will run from today until December 2, so if you’re hoping to pull some Lughs, now may be a good chance.
Additionally, the datamining crew over at r/FireEmblemHeroes shows no signs of slowing down, with news up ahead of time on
- The ridiculous stats of the new banner units as well as Brunnya
- Brunnya’s Skills
- Chad brings with him, Rogue Dagger+, Draw Back, Escape Route 3 (at 5*) and Spd Smoke 3 (at 4*).
- The next bonus information for Aether Raids
- The map information regarding Tempest Trials+, including the bonus units and rewards
- If you’re not very lucky, then I sure hope you’ve been leveling up your Raigh
- Upcoming generic quests and their rewards
Of course, much of this old news at this point, but if you’re still interested in looking up the info for yourself and can’t pull the squad yourself, give those links a check.