Nintendo and Cygames have shared a new trailer for the second Dragalia Lost x Fire Emblem Heroes crossover event, dubbed “Kindred Ties”. This event will begin on 30th April (UTC) or 29th April (PST).
As we learned earlier, Sharena will be joining as a free Adventurer, like Alfonse in the first crossover event. Meanwhile, the Adventurers that you can summon are Chrom (from Awakening), Tiki (from Mystery of the Emblem etc.) and Peony (from FE Heroes).
We don’t have any detailed info about them right now, but from the looks of things, Sharena is a Light-attuned Lance wielder, Peony is a Light Wand user, Chrom is a Fire Sword (like his ancestor), while Tiki seems to be a Water Dagger.
Similar to Loki in the first event, it appears that Thorr will be making an appearance as an important story NPC.