As if today’s DLC news wasn’t enough Nintendo will be releasing the Fire Emblem Fates Edition New 3DS XL. Priced at $200 and available at what can be assumed as being most major gaming retailers, this will stay firm on its price tag and not include any versions of either of the three Fates games.
This will be available on February 19, alongside the release of the main games.
And that’s not all! NintendoOfAmerica (on Twitter) Fire Emblem Fates Revelations is set to hit shelves in the US on March 10! By shelves, I of course mean DLC shelves.
Couple this with the Map Pack DLC, and you’ve got quite a bit to empty your wallet with! As VincentASM said before me, players can choose to buy each of these maps individually, or purchase Map Pack 1 for $17.99 to get access to them all at a discount once they are released.
Still no word on any EU release, but North America is getting the special treatment with a fresh and sleek New 3DS XL, hopefully the EU version will get this as well, and soon!
Full info can be found on Nintendo’s Fire Emblem Fates web site.