The Rite of Shadows Summoning Event is live in Fire Emblem Heroes! Players can now summon 5★ versions of Celica, Boey, Mae, and Genny from Fire Emblem Echoes. Take a look at our previous article for a trailer and analysis that shows off the heroes and the new skills they bring to the game.
Alongside the new banner, “Chapter 11: Rite of Shadows” has been added to Story Maps. It features five new maps that can be played on all three difficulties, earning players up to fifteen Orbs.The new maps include some elements memorable to those who have played Echoes or the original Gaiden, such as gravestones and large boat maps.
A new mission also entitled “Rite of Shadows” awards players up to five additional Orbs for beating the new maps on Lunatic difficulty under certain conditions.
The new summoning banner and quests will be available until 30 May at 7:59am UTC.