Tag Archive for Rosado

Fire Emblem Engage: Rosado Tidbits via Twitter

Note: This is a backdated article.

Thursday’s daily Fire Emblem Engage content includes a profile for Rosado, plus a teensy bit of info about the Somniel.

Say “hi” to Rosado:

Rosado (VA: Shouta Aoi) is a royal knight from Elusia, and Hortensia’s retainer and friend. They’re an optimist who lives their life to the fullest by pursuing all things cute and pretty.

A battle scene:

Rosado is back at the ship map, where they were first spotted.

They’re a Level 5 Wyvern Knight with a Silver Axe, Steel Poleax, Silver Lance, Hand Axe and Elixir. The foes are Elusian soldiers. During battle, Rosado’s skill “Pretty Smile” kicks in.

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