Our next Mythic Hero to descend upon Fire Emblem Heroes will be Seiros: Saint of Legend! Please note that there’s a big spoiler for Three Houses if you view the trailer.
Seiros’s Mythic banner will be available from 28th January until the daily rollover on 5th February 2021 (UTC).
Joining Seiros are the following Heroes:
- Red: Legendary Roy, Lif and Catherine
- Blue: Legendary Julia and Legendary Dimitri
- Green: Yune, Thrasir and Dieck
- Colorless: Eir, Legendary Alm and Flayn
In Fodlan, Seiros was the legendary saint who clashed with Nemesis in ages past. She’s another legendary figure who’s considered a mythical presence in the world of Heroes.
Please continue for a text breakdown of her abilities (again, the spoiler warning applies).